Soul Calibur 6 Moves List Guide – Command List for All Characters

Our Soul Calibur 6 Moves List Guide will tell you about all the recommended moves that you should consider using to gain advantage over your opponents.

There are around 20 characters available to play with in Soul Calibur 6 upon release and our Soul Calibur 6 Moves List Guide will be taking you through each and every single one of them so that you can understand what you need to do in order to be successful.

Soul Calibur 6 Moves List

Before we dive into the moves of each character, we will go ahead and look at the “Key” which will illustrate what each of the buttons does.

After that, we will look at the recommended moves of each character one by one because each character is different and has different playstyles.

The actual move system of the character is not that complex and does not use as many buttons as there are on a modern controller. The game is simple enough for it to be played without having to use the triggers and the bumpers.

Let us go ahead and see the moves for all of the characters one by one.


PS4/Xbox One In-Game Command Action
Square / X A Horizontal Attack
Triangle / Y B Vertical Attack
Circle / B K Kick
X / A G Block
QCF Quarter-Circle Forward Roll Forward from Down
QCB Quarter-Circle Back Roll Back from Down
Down-Forward Diagonal Down-Forward N/A
Down-Back Diagonal Down-Back N/A


Forward +B, B
Back + K, K
Forward, Forward + B, B
Down-Back + A, A
Forward, Forward + A, B (for Quen Sign, then press B during Quen Sign)

Soul Charge
Down-Forward + A,A,A (keep tapping A rapidly)
Forward + A,B,B
Any Direction + A+B

Lethal Hit Counters
Back + B – When opponent has his soul charge active.
Down-Back + A, B – Opponent needs to have full soul charge gauge.
Up, Up or Down, Down + A – When avoiding a horizontal attack.

Down-Forward + B & Forward + A,B
Down-Forward, Down-Forward + B & Forward + B,B (hold the second B)


Forward, Forward + A, A
Forward, Forward + B, B
Forward + A+B (Press Forward after for Avenger Draw)
Down + A+B
Forward + B, B (Press Forward after for Avenger Draw, then A for another attack)

Soul Charge
Down-Back + A, K
Down-Forward + B, B
B+K, Forward + A

Lethal Hit Counters
Down, Down + B – When opponent misses a vertical attack.
Back, Back + A – When repelling a vertical attack.
Back + B – Hit an opponent in his back.

Down-Forward + B & Forward + B, B
Forward, Forward + K & Up + B+K & Down-Forward + B


Back + B
Forward + A, A
Forward, Forward + Hold A
Down + A+G
Forward + B, Hold A (for Serpent’s Embrace), A, A
Soul Charge
Forward + B, B
Forward, Forward + K, K
Forward + A, A (During Serpent’s Embrace)

Lethal Hit Counters
A, A
Down + B+K – When opponent is crouched.
Back, Back + B – When an opponent misses a high attack.

Down-Forward + B & Hold B
Down, Down + Hold B & Up + B+K


B, B, B
Forward + B, B
QCF + A, B, K
QCF + A (press Back after the attack for a Back Parry)
Down-Back + A
Forward, Forward + B (press Forward after the attack for a Back Parry)

Soul Charge
Forward, Forward + A+B
Back + B, B, B, K
Forward, Forward + B+K
Lethal Hit Counters
Down, Down or Up, Up +Hold B – Punishing a whiffed (missed) attack
Back + B – After a successful Guard Impact
Back + A – Every fourth time this attack hits

Down-Forward + B & Forward + B, A
While Standing Up After Crouching, B & Forward + B, B & Forward + K


B, K
Back + B, B, K
Forward, Forward + A+B (Hold to transition into Behind Lower)

Soul Charge
Forward + A+B
A+B (during Right Cross)
A, A+B (during Night Outer)

Lethal Hit Counters
Back, Back + B – When opponent misses high attack.
Down-Forward + A – Counters Guard Crush attack.
B (during Behind Lower) – After seven stars rebirth.

Down-Forward + B & B, B
Down-Forward, Down-Forward + B & K, K


Forward + A, A
Forward, Forward + B, B
Forward, Forward + A, A
Down-Back + B, B
Forward + B, B & A+B
Soul Charge
Down-Back + K, B, B
Down, Down + B, B
Down-Forward + B, B
Lethal Hit Counters
Down, Down + A – When opponent misses an attack.
Down-Forward + B – When an opponent is blocking and crouching.
While Rising After a Crouch, B, Down + B – Must connect as a counter hit.
Down-Forward + B & QCF + B
Forward, Forward + Hold B & A, A & B


Forward, Forward + A, A
Forward + K
Back +K, B
Down-Back + A (Press Forward for Grim Stride)
Forward, Forward + Hold B, A
Soul Charge
Forward + B, B, B
Forward, Forward + K, K
QCF + A, A

Lethal Hit Counters
Forward + K – When opponent is using Soul Charge.
While getting up, B – In the middle of an attack.
A, B During Night Side Hold (fast timing) – When an opponent misses.

Back + A & Back + K, K
Forward, Forward + Hold B, B & B


Forward + A, A (Hold Forward + A for Side Hold)
Forward + B, B (Hold Forward +B for Chief Hold)
Forward, Forward + B
Down-Back + A, A
A+B, K

Soul Charge
Forward, Forward + K, B
Back + A+B, B
A, A (during Night Side Hold)

Lethal Hit Counters
A, G, A (fast input) – After blocking an attack.
Forward + A+G – When guard gauge is low.

Down-Forward + Hold B & K, K
Down-Back + Hold B & K


Back + A, A, A
Forward, Forward + A
QCF + B (Follow with B using precise timing for extra damage)
Down-Back + A, A
Back, Back + A, Forward, A, A

Soul Charge
B, B, B, B
QCF + A, A, B
Back, Back + A, B

Lethal Hit Counters
Down-Back + Hold K – When opponent misses a Guard Impact.
Back, Back + B – After Guard Impact.
Forward, Forward + A+G – After using Guard Impact 5 times.

Down-Forward + B & Back + A+B
Forward, Forward + B & Down, Down + B, A, K


A, A, A
Forward + B, B
Forward + A+B (Press Back to enter Possession)
Forward, Forward + A+G
Back + B, A (Press Back to enter Possession)
B (during Possession)

Soul Charge
Forward + A, B, B, B, B
Forward, Forward + A, A, A+B

Lethal Hit Counters
Forward, Forward + B – At close range.
Forward +B+K – When an opponent misses a high attack.
B+K (during Possession) – When an opponent misses.

Down-Forward + B, B+K & A+G while doing Stalker
Up, Up or Down, Down + B & A, A, K


Forward + A, A
Forward + B, A
Forward, Forward + A, B, A (hold to activate Silent Xia Sheng)
Forward + B, A
Back + A (hold to activate Silent Xia Sheng)

Soul Charge
Forward + K, B, B
A, A, B, B
Forward, Forward + A+B, B

Lethal Hit Counters
A+B – During Silent Xia Sheng.
Back + A+B – When repelling an attack.
While Crouching, Down-Forward+K – When an opponent in Air.

Down-Forward + B & Forward + K, A (Hold A to perform a Bea Her Hua)
While Crouching, Down-Forward + B & Down-Forward + B+K, K


Forward + A, B
B, B, B
Forward + B, B, A+B
Down-Back + B, A
Back + B
While Standing Up After Crouching, A, A+B (requires 1/4 meter)
Up + B+K (Dragon Fly Stance)

Soul Charge
Down-Forward + A, A
Back + A, A+B
B, B, B, B during Dragon Fly Stance

Lethal Hit Counters
Forward + A – Absorb opponent Soul Gauge at least 10 times.
B, B, B – When Soul Charge gauge is full.
Forward, Forward + B+K – When they miss a low attack

Down-Forward + Hold B & A
Up, Up or Down, Down + B & Forward +K


Forward, Forward + A
Forward + K (casts curse)
Back, Forward + B, B (after curse)
Down-Back + B, B (after curse)
Forward + A, A, Forward + K

Soul Charge
Down-Forward A, K, B

Lethal Hit Counters
Forward + B, B – You have to hit an opponent from afar.
Forward + K – Hit an opponent when they are on the low attack.
Forward, Forward + B – You must hit when opponent Soul Gauge is empty.

Down-Forward + B & Forward + B, B
Forward, Forward + A & Forward + K

Right, Right + B
Right + A, A
A, Right

Soul Charge
A + B
B (tap)
Down-Forward, Down-Forward + B, B

Down-Forward + B, Up + A + B, Down + A + B

Began writing a year and a half ago so that he could fill his library with every Steam game that exists. Loves to play all sorts of FPS, Sim Racers, and FIFA. Spends his time ...