Found at the Demon King’s Castle, Chernobog is a prominent deity in the Shin Megami Tensei series. In this guide, we’ve given tips on how to defeat the Shin Megami Tensei V Chernobog Boss.
Shin Megami Tensei V Chernobog Boss
Chernobog is a character who has appeared multiple times throughout the SMT series and has made a name for himself as one of the most mysterious villains in SMT. He makes his awaited return in Shin Megami Tensei 5 and is found later on in the Demon King’s Castle.
Defeating him is quite easy, you just need to have a stacked roster of the right characters and by using the right attacks, Chernobog will be defeated easily.
But before you do face him in a battle, you must know what he has up his sleeves as the Mysterious one has a lot to offer with his arsenal of damage-inflicting attacks. Below, we’ve given the types of attacks he uses in this Chernobog Boss Fight in SMT 5.
Chernobog’s Attacks
Chernobog has a handful of skills that he uses to attack his opponents with in SMT 5. However, the ones he uses repeatedly during this boss fight are Fang Breaker, Pierce Armor, Standard Attack, Mamudoon +3, Blinding Strike, and Toxic Spray +4.
Whereby using Fang Breaker, he deals Weak Physical damage to a single opponent and lowers Attack by one stage. Using Pierce Ammo, he deals Weak Physical damage to a single opponent as well.
How to Defeat Chernobog in SMT 5
The literal abbreviation of Chernobog is the Black god. He’s probably one of the most feared antagonists in Shin Megami Tensei.
Therefore, we recommend picking a demon team that is over the level of 40 in order to defeat Chernobog in SMT V. Chernobog’s attacks deal a good amount of damage, and low-level demons will perish easily.
The team that is capable of receiving such damage consists of members like Dominion, Muu Shuwuu, and Belphegor. Our entire fight pattern will be based on this team.
Once you’ve picked that team, it’s time for some action. Start off with Dominion’s Hamaon +3, now follow it up with Muu’s Rakunda +2, then use the protagonist’s Hamaon +3 to weaken the boss, and finally use Belphegor’s Fierce Roar +1 to increase your defense.
Now follow this pattern once more with exception of Belphegor’s Fierce Roar, instead, use his Guard and wait till you receive another turn.
During your third turn, use Dominion’s Hamaon +3, Muu’s Sukunda +2, your protagonist’s Hamaon +3, and Belphegor’s Tarunda +1. Repeat the same pattern of attack for the next turn but instead of Tarunda, use Belphegor’s Guard.
Next up is Dominion’s Hamaon +3, Muu’s Tarukaja +2, protagonist’s Hamaon +3. For the next attacks, use Dominion’s Diarahan +1, Muu’s Dark Dampener, protagonist’s Hamaon +3, and Belphegor’s Guard.
Wait until Chernobog’s turn is over to execute Dominion’s Hamaon +3, Muu’s Rakunda +2, protagonist’s Hamaon +3, and Belphegor’s Fierce Roar. For the next turn use Dominion’s Hamaon +3, Muu’s Tarukaja +2, protagonist’s Hamaon +3 and Belphegor’s Guard.
Once the boss’s turn is over, use Dominion’s Hamaon +3, Muu’s Media +1, protagonist’s Hamaon +3, and Belphegor’s Fierce Roar. Use the same attacks for the next turn but in place of Fierce Roar, use Guard for Belphegor’s attack.
Again, follow the same pattern of attacks for the next turn but use Dark Dampener for Belphegor’s attack. Next up is Dominion’s Diarahan +1, protagonist’s Hamaon +3, and lastly Belphegor’s Guard.
Use Dominion’s Diarahan +1 and Muu’s Rakunda +2 to end your turn. For your next turns, use the same attacks till you’ve successfully defeated the Chernobog Boss in Shin Megami Tensei 5.