Saints Row Castle Kraken Missions and Location

This guide is going to entail how to unlock Castle Kraken missions in Saints Row Reboot and the rewards that await you.

There are many storyline quests and side quests in Saints Row. The side quests are relatively easier to pull off but some might prove a headache because of glitches or bugs or complexity level. Castle Kraken is one of the main quests in Saints Row. This guide is going to entail how to unlock Castle Kraken missions in Saints Row Reboot and locations and rewards.

How to Unlock Castle Kraken Missions

You can only unlock Castle Kraken missions after you have progressed enough through the game’s main missions. Keep completing main storyline quests until you receive a quest from Eli that is called ‘Dustmoot’.

When you accept the quest, you discover that Eli is a huge fan of LARPing. Eli will take you to a location called House Tapeworm to take down some bad guys. He actually wants to humiliate the guys so that he can join the House Dust Storm. The whole fight will be a sequence. Which means it won’t be real fighting but just a scene, everything going on by itself.

After being done with the fighting, player and Eli will come to an agreement of starting their own group that would be called Sandy Kraken. For that, you would have to head towards the fortress of House Tapeworm and then wipe out the hostiles from there.

In addition to defeating enemies, you will also have to open up the chests in the vicinity and shoot the hearts of Great Worms by going around the tube. But beware, when you are shooting the Great Worms, make sure you stay in the inner portion of the tube.

If you fall down, there is a bug that will prevent the enemies to spawn hence you will have to restart the mission from the nearest checkpoint.

After completing this mission, you are able to build your own Castle Kraken Venture from Empire Table in Saints Row Reboot.

Saints Row Castle Kraken Missions and Locations

By interacting with Empire Table, you can select Castle Kraken Venture missions. You can choose any location in Santo Illeso but it is going to be costly. It is going to cost you $30,000 and it is only available once you have finished the mission described above; ‘the Dustboot’.

There are just a couple of missions here and an extra bonus mission to give you some extra rewards. The missions are:

  • Light The Beacon of House Storm
  • Light The Beacon Of House Phoenix
  • Bonus: Eliminate five threats in the district

You will be given the location marker on the map. All you have to do is light up the pyre and take down a bunch of enemies. There are going to be waves of enemies coming one after another.

After taking down the first wave of enemies, the second wave and the subsequent waves will take a bit of time to respawn. So you’ll just have to wait till they appear.

Once you pull off the missions, go back to the loremaster and collect your rewards. You will be rewarded with the following items:

  • Coins
  • XP
  • Dustlander Crew Outsits
  • The Dustrider Cars
  • The Dustlander Costumes
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...