Creation of the Drzyr Warrior Class, the Rupture Cannon is a powerful handgun in Remnant 2. It has a white alienesque appearance with a wide mouth holding the barrel of the gun.
With a slow recoil, this pistol shotgun is capable of dealing heavy damage and applying stagger within a medium range.
Players looking for a secure secondary shotgun for dealing close-range impactful damage, especially in a boss fight or against tanky enemies, will find the gun a right fit in their hands.
It can be found in a secret room within the Vault of the Formless in N’Erud. We will explain how to unlock the Rupture Canon easily so can keep an eye out next time you’re there.
The Rupture Cannon location in Remnant 2
The process to get Rupture Cannon is not difficult but somewhat lengthy and requires fighting a lot of zombies. You will be looking for the Vault of the Formless Dungeon in N’Erud which can be accessed regardless of the storyline you are in during the campaign.

Progress through the dungeon and clear out the zombie hoard but to advance further till you will have to wait for the giant robot hands turning the pillars to make a pathway for further progression.
Fight your way to the second pillar but wait inside instead of passing through which will be turned to reveal the secret pathway on the left containing the House Lythla Glyph.
Take the key to open the Red Door at the end, right of the glass wall to find the Rupture Cannon inside. It can be seen through the glass wall glowing purple to indicate its presence.
If you have completed or exited the Vault of The Formless dungeon, you will still be able to return to collect the Rupture Cannon.
Is the Rupture Cannon good in Remnant 2?
It would be fair to say that there are other handguns far better than the Rupture Cannon but that does not mean the weapon is trash in Remnatn 2. It still does decent damage and you can consider it as an alternative to a shotgun.
It has a slower reload but makes up for it with its brisk fire rate. It is best suited for medium to short-ranged combat ideally within 13m, especially for boss fights to drain their health faster.
It offers 5% Critical Chance with the ability to stagger and deals heavy damage with 3.1 RPS and has a max 60 ammo capacity with 12 capacity magazines. It does not have a custom-built mod due to being a standard handgun, it still has flexible good options available to further improve its damage.
The shotgun pistol falls short of its competition due to two main issues slow recoil and reload. The recoil makes you lose accuracy while the reload makes you susceptible to incoming damage.
Additionally, it does not have a custom mod which can be a good or bad thing depending on the options available to you.
Rupture Cannon is a good secondary weapon option offering solid damage and staggering capabilities and might suit your build more than others in its category.