How To Get Hardened Iron In Remnant 2

Hardened Iron is an crafting material found in Remnant 2 that you can use to upgrade weapons. Here are the ways you can find it in the game!

The Hardened Iron is an upgrade material that has some excellent properties in Remnant 2. The material provides you with incredible strength while having exceptional lightweight properties. 

You can use this material to craft and upgrade weapons in the game. You can find Hardened Iron out in the world. Additionally, you can also purchase some from a particular NPC. We’ll be telling you all about how you can get Hardened Iron today.

Hardened Iron locations in Remnant 2 

You can find the iron while exploring the area of Ward 13 in Remnant 2. The site is the central hub for players, and many players can recognize this area as it makes the return from the previous edition. 

Explore the area of Ward 13 and progress in the game so the item can spawn around the area. Moreover, if you cannot find the material as loot, you can visit Cass to buy the Hardened Iron in Remnant 2. 

This NPC resides within the boundaries of Ward 13, just like all other merchants. You need to spend 300 scraps to acquire this item. After obtaining the item, you can visit the Don “Rigs” Rigler to upgrade your weapons in Remnant 2 and use this material.

Faizan Saif is a senior guides writer at He started gaming after playing Call of Duty 2 and became obsessed. He is actively taken part in Call of Duty eSports scene and have won ...