Remnant 2 is packed with tons of bosses. The majority of them are easy to find while some a tucked away in dark twisted dungeons. The Executioner in Remnant 2 belongs to the latter.
The Executioner is one of the harder bosses to take down but with a little help from this guide, you should be good to go. In this guide, we will be discussing everything there is to know about The Executioner in Remnant 2, where to find it, how to defeat it, and the rewards you will get for it.
Executioner Location Remnant 2
The Executioner is not an easy boss to find in Remnant 2. The RNG works its magic once again and there is no single spot where you might find it.
You can find The Executioner roaming the dungeons that appear randomly as part of an event beneath three possible locations in Remnant 2:
- Council Chambers
- The Great Hall
- Shattered Gallery
You will be able to access the dungeon through a special room. This room will also appear randomly at three of the above-given locations. In the grand room, you will come across shiny pillars with lots of tables with candles on them spread across the room. You will also find a strange statue in the middle.

Go around the room and you will come across a picture frame, as shown below. You will find that the frame is covering a secret passage. Shoot the frame to gain access to the underground dungeon.

Drop down and follow the path. You will find a lot of petrified figures, you can roll and break them or you can also do that with a melee weapon as well.
Keep following the path, and there will be a slight drop with waist-high water below. As soon as you jump down, The Executioner will notice you and the battle will begin.
How to defeat The Executioner in Remnant 2
There are a couple of things you need to keep in mind before you run straight toward the boss – The Executioner. When you drop down into the dungeon, there won’t just be one enemy. There is a good chance you will come across another one during your altercation with the first one.
There is a trick where you can clear the catacombs first and then engage in battle with the Executioner. If you drop down normally the enemy is going to notice you before you can make it to the tunnel on your left. The movement speed inside the water is already hindered so what you have to do is jump.
Instead of leaping into the water from the high ground, run and jump as close as you can to the tunnel on the left. That way, you can make a turn before Executioner takes notice of you. Once you are in the safe zone, roam around and clear the rest of the catacombs.

Make sure to clear all the obstructions blocking the path because you will need ample breathing room if you are going to engage in battle. Once you are confident, face the boss to start the battle.
The Executioner, which by any means isn’t an easy one to tackle, only has three attack types; Earthquake, Lightning Strike, and Triple Slash. All of them can be avoided if you keep your eyes open and act quickly.
It jumps into the air and stomps its feet on the ground to cause an earthquake that only travels in a straight line. Though the AoE is unusually large. Roll to either side if you are directly in front of it when it jumps.

For the lightning, he will take a second to summon the spell, and the lightning will fall on the pre-marked spots on the ground that can easily be dodged. Finally, the triple slash is where it will run toward you and do an upward slash, a side swipe, and a downward slash in that order.
Finally, let’s talk about the weakness of The Executioner. Every boss has a weakness, and so does this one. In this instance, there are multiple. Its body is covered with armor, except for arms and legs, which are also the weak spots taking the most amount of damage.

Now that we are completely familiar with the enemy, let’s look at how you can take it down. The trick largely depends on the Archetype and the type of build you are running. If your arsenal has more ranged attacks then just gain a distance, avoid the attacks, and unload tons of bullets into its arms and legs.
If your character is more melee-focused then the trick is to get behind and deal as much damage before it can turn around. Repeat the process and you should have no trouble defeating The Executioner.
Make sure to have a decent supply of healings because every blow is going to hit like a truck and you can taste the dirt with only a couple of direct hits.
Executioner Cheese Method Remnant 2

While you can take out the Executioner through the method we’ve described above, there is a way to cheese this boss as well. When you enter the boss arena, do not jump down. Instead stand at the very end of the ledge and fire your gun a couple of times.
This will force the executioner to leave its lair and come towards you. He’ll try to attack you but given the fact that you’re on the ledge, he won’t be able to hurt you. Eventually, he’ll stand right near the ledge. Now all you have to do is shoot him until his health completely depletes.
Rewards for defeating The Executioner
This battle is not going to be an easy one but the game makes sure that you are compensated handsomely. As always you will receive one mutator along with other items which are as follows:
- Steadfast
- Corrupted Lumenite Crystal x2
- Rune Fragment
- Scrap
Remnant 2 The Executioner alt kill
Since The Executioner is not a world boss, there is going to be a lack of an alternate method to take it down. This also means that no matter how you defeat it, the outcome of the battle is going to be the same.
Remnant 2 Executioner Disappeared bug
In certain instances, you may encounter a bug where The Executioner may disappear after you take away a significant portion of its health. There is no known trigger point for this glitch but it does happen across all platforms.
The easiest way to fix this bug is by rerolling the world you’re currently in. However, due to the RNG nature of this boss and its associated event you may not encounter it in your re-rolled world.