Where To Find The Drzyr Replicator In Remnant 2

Drzyr Replicator is one of the many merchants in Remnant 2 that will allow you to buy items, sell your items, upgrade your items in the game.

Many merchants in Remnant 2 will allow you to buy, sell, craft, and upgrade your items. Some merchants in Remnant 2 are human beings, and some are weird extraterrestrial creatures like Drzyr Replicator.

The appearance of this non-human creature is just a cylinder with a beating heart inside. Finding Drzyr Replicator in Remnant 2 is not complicated, but this guide will take you through every step of the process, along with the list of items it can craft.

Drzyr Replicator location in Remnant 2

In Remnant 2, you can locate Drzyl replicator Merchant in the N’Erud Region. You must travel to the N’Erud region and start your run from the Abyssal Rift to get there. Once there, it would be best to move toward the Ascension Spire.

When you reach the Ascension Spire Tower, Head to its entrance where there is a Custodian NPC, you don’t need to go inside; instead, turn left at the door and find a hole in the ground on the left side.

Drop inside the hole and go inside the next chamber. Once there, you will find the Drzyr Replicator in Remnant 2.

Items you can craft at Drzyl Replicator

Here is a list of items that you can craft at the Drzyl Replicator in Remnant 2:

ItemPrice/Required Items
Xenoplasm (Concocation)650 Scraps
Binding Orb (Concocation)250 Scraps
Ambit Ember (Consumable)200 Scraps
Timeworn Unguent (Consumable)’100 Scraps
Vice Gripps (Melee Weapon) 7x Lumenite Crystal, 15x Galvanized Iron and 500 Scraps
Salvaged Heart (Relic) 7x Lumenite Crystal, 15x Galvanized Iron, and 500 Scraps
Void Idol (Amulet)1x Shining Essence Echo, 15x Hardened Iron, and1000 Scraps
Range Finder (Amulet)15x Galvanized Iron and 1000 Scraps
Energy Diverter (Amulet)15x Forged Iron and 1000 Scraps
Effluvium Enhancer (Amulet)15x Iron and 1000 Scraps
Microcompressor (Ring)10x Forged Iron and 750 Scraps
Meteorite Shard  (Ring)10x Iron and 750 Scraps
Burden of the Mariner (Ring)10x Iron and 500 Scraps
Suppression Ward (Ring)500x Iron and 500 Scraps
Dark Fluid (Concocation)650 Scraps

Items can you buy from Drzyl Replicator

Drzyl Replicator offers various craftable items but only sells three in Remnant 2.

Timeworn Unguent100
Binding Orb250
Ambit Ember200

This is all about the Drzyl replicator in Remnant 2.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...