The Invader is one of the secret classes in Remnant 2. This Archetype is unique because its fast-paced and mobile playstyle focuses on evasion and deception to confuse enemies. These unique features also make this the most difficult class in the game to play with.
To unlock the Invader Archetype, you first need to get the Dreamcatcher weapon from Losomn and head to the Root Earth World and fast travel to the Corrupted Harbor, where you will get the Walker’s Dream and use it to defeat Bane and earn the Wooden Shiv. Head back to Wallace at Ward 13 and get the Serrated Root Blade engram to unlock the Invader Archetype in Remnant 2.
Best Archetype Combo

This build uses the following Archetype combinations:
- Primary Archetype: Invader – Shadow (Prime Perk)
- Secondary Archetype: Hunter
This build uses Shadow as the prime perk, which increases your offensive capabilities, which means when the Invader uses a skill, it leaves a decoy behind, which draws in enemy fire for 3 seconds, and you deal with 5% additional to enemies not targeting you. When you upgrade the perk to level 5, the additional damage is upgraded to 10% and 15% at level 10.
Other skills that you can use are Void Cloak, which automatically dodges incoming attacks for 60 seconds; Warm Hole, which warps the caster through space time and buffs the next melee or ranged attacks within 5 seconds for an additional 300% damage; and lastly, Reboot, which creates data backup of caster’s current health, stamina, relic charges, ammo, and negative status effect that are restored in 30 seconds, during this time your movement speed is increased by 15% and damage is reduced by 10%.
You will be using Invader’s Shark damage perk for the perks, which increases ranged and melee damage. The Loophole team perk to aid your allies gets 5% lifesteal and Circumvent utility perk, which reduces the cost of evade and combat slides by 10%.
As for the secondary Archetype, Hunter, you will use Hunter’s Shroud, which reduces enemy awareness. Other skills that you get are Hunter’s Mark, which marks all enemies within 35 meters while heightening your senses, and Hunter’s Focus, which lets you aim down sight uninterruptedly. While Deadeye damage perk, Return to Sender team perk, and Urgency utility perk make this Archetype fun to play around with.
Best Weapons for Remnant 2 Invader Build
Choosing the right weapons for your build is a paramount task. Each build works differently and requires a specific weapon for it to work properly. Hence, it is recommended that you use the following weapons in this Invader build, as they work best with it.
Long Gun

Crescent Moon – Moonlight Barrage (mod) and Supercharger (mutator(
When you activate Hunter’s skill, regular shots automatically become charged shots; these charged shots fire two arrows at once, then return the arrows that hit back into your ammo count, making your bow extremely powerful.
The mutator, Supercharger, increases the charge speed of bows by 10%, and the charge primary shots gain 15 critical chances, which is hard to get in Remnant 2.

Enigma – Chaos Driver (mod) and Lithely (mutator)
Enigma is a miniature version of the labyrinth that constantly shifts and rearranges. This is the perfect handgun for medium-range encounters, allowing you to have effective combat even in tight spaces.
The Chaos Driver mod makes the weapon deadly, which electrifies enemies within 10m, while the Lithely mutator accelerates the reload speed of your primary weapon by 4%.
Melee Weapon

Krell Axe – Krell Edge (mod) and Misfortune (mutator)
For the melee weapon, we have chosen the Krell Axe, infused with Krell Shock magic, which magically reappears once thrown at a target. Using the Krell Edge mod, this weapon applies an overloaded effect on hits while dealing with ongoing shock damage. Pairing the weapon with the Misfortune mutator increases melee damage by 5% for each unique Negative Status.

You can focus on maxing out three common traits: Untouchable, Longshot, and Endurance.
Once you have maxed the above traits, you can upgrade Spirit, Expertise, Scholar, Barskin, Handling, Footwork, and Siphoner.

We are using the Dragon Heart relic for the Remnant 2 Invader build. This relic heals 70% of the health in over 0.5 seconds, which is amazing, especially when playing in apocalyptic difficulty.

Energy Diverter Amulet: This amulet grants a 10-critical chance and 15% damage when you have the shield active.
Best Rings For Remnant 2 Invader Build

Choosing what ring you need to equip depends on your gameplay, but we have listed some of the best rings that buff your character in this build.
- Feedback Loop: This ring generates an invisible field that uses the enemy’s wasted force and use it against them. This force triggers a 3 meters AoE blast dealing with shock damage and applies overloaded status on perfect dodge.
- Tightly Wound Coil: When using 75% or more of your magazine, this ring grants you a shield for 15% of max health for over 5 seconds.
- Assassin’s Seal: It increases stealth and deals with devastating blows. Moreover, the enemy awareness range is reduced to 25%.
- Ring of Flawed Beauty: It increases ranged weak spot damage by 25% but reduces ranged damage if you’ve failed to hit a weak spot.

As for the armor, you can go for the Elder Raiment armor set, which gives you a cool archer-type look. The main idea about equipping this armor is to keep your character lightweight and the movement speed fast.