Near the end of Raft you will come across the Temperance in the seventh story island. This icy island takes you to an observatory, an igloo island, and a research facility filled with puzzles and poisonous rooms.
However, unlocking the research facility requires finding a Blowtorch and Selene Key. These two items are found in nearby areas, and this guide helps you find them, purify the reactor room, and get the Utopia Code and Electric Smelter Blueprint.
How To Get Selene Key In Raft?

Head to the large building shaped like a robotic head on Temperance Island in Raft. You will find broken fences outside the building with a note glued on them.
As soon as you pass the broken fences, the ground will collapse to open a new path for you to follow. Keep moving forward until you come across water. Dive into it and start swimming your way to the entrance of the building. Take the parting left, and you will get to a small land area with a ladder inclined to the top.

The ladder will take you to a room with lots of files. On the right side of the table, you will find four notes after exploring all the building floors.

These notes are cracked using the machine in the top section, and the four-digit access code is 5964. Right near this machine, you will find a safe deposit box. Enter the code to get the Selene Key, a Vending Machine Token, and an Advanced Stationary Anchor blueprint.

Where to Use the Selene Key in Raft?

Head back to the Selene Research Facility. You will find a point to insert the key on the left side of the locked door. Unlock the door, and you will find the reactor inside.
How To Get Blowtorch?

To get the Blowtorch in the game, you must power up the Igloo Village on Temperance Island as part of a storyline quest.
You must go to the island’s five Towers to collect 10x Electric Cables. There is also a Tower near the generator of the Igloo Village in the middle of the island with another 2x Electric Cables.
Once you have 12x Electric Cables on you, it is time to power up the village by connecting the cables on each dome. All you need to do is connect a cable to the village generator and then connect the cable to the first dome. From there, keep dragging the cable to connect the next dome and then the next until you have connected all the domes.

This will open up the village’s main building with an inventory. Head inside and use the stairs to go up to the first floor. There will be a table in the room. The Blowtorch will be on it. You will also find an Advanced Biofuel Refiner blueprint here.

Where to Use Blowtorch?

Head to the Selene Facility Center and use the blowtorch on the keypoint near the locked door.