In Pokemon Let’s Go, there is a lot of end game content this time, which you can access after you are done with beating the Elite Four and your Rival.
Finishing the new game will take you around 35 hours. Once you are done with it, you can do several activities. We will be going through all of them one by one so that you have a fair idea of where to head rather than having to wander around aimlessly looking for new stuff.
1. Explore the Cerulean Cave

The game stays true to the traditions of Kanto and allows you to enter the Cerulean Cave once you finish the Pokemon League in Pokemon Let’s Go. When you get to the mouth of the cave, you will need to defeat the Coach Trainer blocking it.
You will be rewarded with TM60 and Megahorn, along with the cave door being open to you. Get into the cave and take on a plethora of extremely powerful and difficult-to-beat Pokémon. The cave is much easier to navigate since you do not have to use the top-down view.
Search through the first floor and then use the latter to get to the second floor. The ladder can be found in the Northwest corner of the cave. Once you are on the second floor, go to the extreme right and then down to get to the body of water, where you can use Sea Skim to travel to the left side.
Once you get close to Mewtwo and the battle begins, beware of him since he is Level 70 and has a buff on all his stats.
2. Catch Mewtwo

You must fight and catch Mewtwo like any other Pokémon to catch him. Once you leave the cave, your rival will wait and tell you Green was also trying to catch Mewtwo. You will head inside to take on her.
Green is tough to beat but it should not be a problem if you have Mewtwo. Just ensure you have healed up your party before the fight begins. When Green is defeated, she will throw 5 PokeBalls at you that you can pick up and add to your inventory.
3. Challenge the trainers to a rematch

Once you reach the end game, you can go ahead and take on the trainers you took on before in Pokemon Let’s Go. The biggest of these challenges will be the Elite Four and your Rival.
You will be taking them on, and their Pokémon will have +10 levels, along with an Alolan version for each trainer. If you want to know more about the Elite Four and you are Rival when you take them on for a second time, then visit our Pokemon Let’s Go Elite Four Guide.
You can also take on Team Rocket all over again. Find Jesse and James on Route 17 and take them out to get your hands on Blast-Off Clothing Set.
Simply answer ‘Well…’ when they ask you to join Team Rocket. You can also take down Executive Archer if you go to the hideout and head to the last floor. The hideout can be found in Celadon City.
You can also fight Mina to obtain additional Bottle Caps. She will be waiting for you in the Port area in Vermillion City.
Once you defeat her, you will be rewarded with a Bottle Cap. This challenge can be repeated as many times as you want, but only 1 challenge per day is limited. Lastly, you can battle the coach trainer Morimoto in Celadon City. You can find him in the Condominiums and you will be rewarded with 10 PP Maxes once you finish the battle.
4. Hyper Train your Pokémon

One last thing you can do in the end game is to head to the Pokemon Day Care center on Route 5 in Let’s Go. Here, you will be able to Hyper train your Pokémon and instantly get them to level 100.
You need to be aware of giving the guy a Bottle Cap or a Gold Bottle Cap as the price for hyper-training your Pokémon.
Since you can get a Bottle Cap per day from Mina in Vermillion City, getting your Pokémon to Level 100 should only be a matter of time in the End Game.