The Elite Four are a group of enemies you face in the later stages of Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee/Pikachu. These enemies are fairly hard to beat but defeating is pivotal to facing the Rival and finishing the game.
Getting to the Elite Four is similar to how it was in the classic Pokémon games. There is a total of 8 Pokémon Gyms that you need to go through and collect 8 Badges from. Once you have the 8 badges, you can take on the Elite Four.
In this guide, we’ll look at all four members of the Elite Four, including the type of Pokémon they use, their weaknesses, levels, and the best teams you can use to defeat them.

You first meet Lorelei during the game’s early stages when she saves you at Route 9. Her lineup consists of Ice-type and Water-type Pokémon, so you won’t be able to use Flying, Grass, or Ground-types against her.
Almost all of her Pokémon are weak against Electricity and Grass, so it is best to level up these Pokémon as much as possible before you head into the battle.
You will also use Ghost-type moves on Jynx since only Pokémon cannot be affected by the 2 types above.
It is good to have a Pokemon in your party specifically made to take on Jynx, as you can easily take it down. Lastly, when you see Alola Sandslash, you will probably be better off if you end up using a Fire or Fighting Pokemon, as this version of the Sandslash takes four times the normal damage from them.
Lorelei’s team has the following Pokémon:
Pokémon | Type | Moves | Weakness | Resistance |
Dewgong (Level 51) | Ice, Water | Aqua Jet, Ice Shard, Waterfall | Grass, Electricity, Fighting, Rock | Water, Ice |
Jynx (Level 51) | Ice, Psychic | Lovely Kiss, Blizzard, Psychic | Rock, Steel, Bug, Ghost, Fire, Dark | Ice, Psychic |
Cloyster (Level 51) | Ice, Water | Ice Beam, Spike Cannon, Hydro Pump | Grass, Electricity, Fighting, Rock | Ice, Water |
Slowbro (Level 51) | Water, Psychic | Psychic, Surf, Flamethrower | Grass, Electric, Bug, Dark, Ghost | Psychic, Fighting, Ice, Water, Steel, Fire |
Lapras (Level 52) | Ice, Water | Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Dragon Pulse | Grass, Electric, Fighting, Rock | Ice, Water |

The next Elite Four member you’ll face is Bruno in Pokemon Let’s Go. A big and muscular opponent, his Pokémon exhibit the same qualities as him; most are either Rock or Fighting-type. Electric and Fire-type Pokémon will be of no use here.
Since Bruno mainly has Fighting-type Pokémon, it is best to level up your Water and Psychic Pokémon. If you manage to level up these Pokémon specifically, you can beat Bruno.
Bruno’s Pokémon team consists of:
Pokémon | Type | Moves | Weakness | Resistance |
Onix (Level52) | Rock, Ground | Iron Tail, Stealth Rock, Earthquake | Fighting, Ground, Steel, Ice, Water, Grass | Normal, Fighting, Fire, Rock, Poison, Electricity |
Hitmonlee (level 52) | Fighting | Brick Break, Feint, Rock Slide | Flying, Psychic, Fairy | Rock, Bug, Dark |
Hitmonchan (Level 52) | Fighting | Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch | Flying, Psychic, Fairy | Rock, Bug, Dark |
Poliwrath (Level 52) | Fighting, Water | Superpower, Waterfall, Body Slam | Grass, Electric, Flying, Psychic, Fury | Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Rock, Bug, Dark |
Machamp (Level 53) | Fighting | Earthquake, Superpower, Rock Slide | Flying, Psychic, Fairy | Rock, Bug, Dark |

Agatha’s Pokémon lineup consists mainly of poison-type Pokémon, with a few Ghost-type Pokémon thrown in as well. These Pokémon are resistant to Fighting, Fairy, Grass, and Normal-type Pokémon. Your best bet here is to use Psychic, Dark, and Ground types, with an Electric type thrown into the mix for good measure.
Agatha has the following Pokémon lineup:
Pokémon | Type | Moves | Weakness | Resistance |
Arbok (Level 53) | Poison | Glare, Crunch, Poison Jab | Ground, Psychic | Fighting, Poison, Bug, Grass, Fairy |
Gengar (Level 53) | Poison, Ghost | Will-O-Wisp, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball | Ghost, Dark, Psychic, Ground | Grass, Fairy, Bug, Poison, Normal, Fighting |
Golbat (Level 53) | Poison, Flying | Air Slash, Crunch, Quick Attack | Psychic, Rock, Electricity, Ice | Poison, Fairy, Fighting, Bug, Grass, Ground |
Weezing (Level 53) | Poison | Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt | Ground, Psychic | Grass, Fairy, Bug, Poison, Normal, Fighting |
Gengar (Level 53) | Poison, Ghost | Dazzling Gleam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball | Ghost, Ground, Psychic, Dark | Grass, Fairy, Bug, Poison, Normal, Fighting |

Lance is the last member of the Elite Four in Pokemon Let’s Go. His team mainly focuses on Flying and Dragon-type Pokémon. Thankfully, all of his Pokémon share the same vulnerability: electricity. Deck your team out with Electric-Type Pokémon, and you’ll have no problem taking him out.
Remember that his Charizard will evolve into Mega Charizard X. You will need a Rock Pokémon of sufficient level for him.
Lance’s Pokémon lineup is as follows:
Pokémon | Type | Moves | Weakness | Resistance |
Seadra (Level 54) | Water | Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Beam | Grass, Electricity | Steel, Water, Fire, Ice |
Aerodactyl (Level 54) | Flying, Rock | Rock Slide, Hyper Beam, Earthquake | Steel, Electricity, ice, Rock, Water | Normal, Poison, Fire, Bug, Flying, Ground |
Gyrados (Level 54) | Flying, Water | Waterfall, iron tail, Hyper Beam | Electricity, Rock | Steel, Water, Fire, Fighting, Bug, Ground |
Charizard (Level 54) | Flying, Fire | Air Slash, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Beam | Water, Electricity, Rock | Steel, Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Bug, Grass, Ground |
Dragonite | Flying, Dragon | Outrage, Fire Punch, Hyper Beam | Dragon, Rock, Fairy, Ice | Fire, Water, Fighting, Bug, Grass, Ground |

Your last major opponent in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee is the Rival from The Elite Four. The Rival is a Pokémon trainer who took out the Elite Four before you, meaning he’ll pose an even bigger threat than them. To take him on you must first successfully defeat the Elite Four.
The Rival has the following Pokémon in his team:
Pokémon | Moves | Weaknesses |
Pigeot (Level 56) | Quick Attack, Air Slash, Heat Wave | Ice, Electricity, Rock |
Vileplume (Level 56) | Solarbeam, Reflect, Sludge Bomb | Fire, Ice, Flying, Psychic |
Marowak (Level 56) | Fire Punch, Brick Break, Bonemerang | Water, Grass, Ice |
Rapidash (Level 56) | Flare Blitz, Quick Attack, Poison Jab | Water, Ground, Rock |
Slowbro (Level 56) | Confusion, Surf, Light Screen | Electricity, Grass, Bug, Ghost, Dark |
Jolteon (Level 57) (Let’s Go Pikachu) | Thunder, Quick Attack, Pin Missile | Ground |
Raichu (Level 57) (Let’s Go Eevee) | Thunder, Quick Attack, Iron Tail | Ground |
The line-up of the Pokémon above is quite diverse. For that reason, you need to have certain types of Pokémon that are versatile enough to deal with them. It is best to have Lapras with you since it can take down 4 of the Rival’s Pokémon using its attacks.
You should also have Grass Pokémon with you, such as Venusaur. Venusaur’s attacks deal tons of damage to both Slowbro and Marowak. Combine that with Jolteon, which is great against both Slowbro and Pidgeot, and you will be able to beat your rival without much effort.
The partner Pokemon that your rival has can be defeated with ground-type Pokemon. The best options that you have are Tauros, Snorlax, and Dugrio. Dugrio has good speed, whereas Snorlax has Earthquake, which also damages electric Pokemon. Snorlax also has high HP, which means it can take a beating from the enemy before it dies.
Elite Four Rematches
Once you have defeated everyone, you can take them on a second time to get more rewards and continue on your quest to catch them all. Let us go ahead and look at how the next few battles will be different.
First, all of the Pokémon that the Elite Four had will now have a level that is 10 higher than it was in the original matches. That means that if you faced off against a level 56 Pokémon, Pokémon will now be Level 66.
In addition, the Elite Four will now have Alolan versions of their Pokemon. These Pokemon have different stats than their standard counterparts, so you should check out their stats before you fight them.