Octapath Traveler 2 adds a rare type of enemy called Octopuff Travelers that drops stats, improving rewards and a lot of money. These tiny orange octopus-like creatures are hard to locate and defeat. Apart from their rare spawn rate, they have a quick evasion speed and tend to flee during the battle.
Your best chance of finding Octopuffs is in water areas near lakes or rivers, like Canalbrine Bridge, Beasting Bay, and Anchorage.
1. Octopuff Pot

Octopuff Travelers are incredibly rare (and unique) enemies that are difficult to find in the game. While they are located in different regions, depending on the Octopuff variant.

For the first location, complete a side story and head to Conning Creek in Octopath Traveler 2. Talk to the Fisherman NPC; he will reward you the Octopuff Pot.

Head to Crossed Paths in Montwise in Ochette’s Chapter 2 for the second location. You will earn an Octopuff Pot for completing the “Will Research for Money” side quest from the Octopus Researcher.

Now, for the final location, go to the Lighthouse Island on The Sundering Sea, leave the docks, and follow the right path to find a red chest near pine trees on the cliff’s edge. Open this chest and get Octopuff Pot x1.
2. Exploring Solistia

Solistia has a random chance of spawning Octopuff Traveler. For this encounter, explore different regions of the area. Use the More Rare Monster skill or Octopuff Pot to increase the spawn rate.
3. Octopuff Farming Skills

To increase your chances of encountering Octopuffs, equip your party members with Octopuff Pot and More Rare Monsters Skill. If you want maximum money from your encounter, equip the Bifalgen’s Bounty Skill.
4. Transform Enemies to Octopuff

There’s a chance that you can transform enemies into Octopuff Traveler with Agnea’s Bewildering Grace. However, remember that this dancer skill works on normal enemies, and the transformation happens when BP is maxed out.
How to Defeat Octopuff Traveler?

Octopuff Travelers are weak against Swords, Daggers, Axes, and Staff attacks. Despite their low HP, their quick Speed and Evasion make it impossible to hit them. They also tend to flee easily from battles.
Considering the above fact, you must have Hikari on your team with Merciless Blade Skill to prevent Octopuffs from escaping the battle. Moreover, you can use Partito or Osvald’s Latent Power to boost your team’s BP and unleash powerful single-target attacks.
For guaranteed hits, either use Elemental Soulstone items or Hired Help Skill. The best party composition against Octopuff Traveler now includes Agnea, Partitio, Temenos, and Ochette. Having Ochette in your party increases the chances of capturing these creatures by 25 percent.
Octopuff Traveler Rewards

The Octopuff Traveler farming grind is one of the best ways to level up quickly in Octopath Traveler 2. You get massive rewards in terms of Leaves, EXP, and JP.
Octopuff Variant | Rewards |
Island Octopuff Traveler | 1500 Leaves, 500 EXP, 300 JP |
Wasteland Octopuff Traveler | 1500 Leaves, 500 EXP, 300 JP |
Snowland Octopuff Traveler | 1500 Leaves, 500 EXP, 300 JP |
King Octopuff Traveler | 50000 Leaves, 2000 EXP, 1000 JP |
Octopuff Traveler Variants

However, before you set out on the hunt, it is important to understand that there are different types of Octopuffs. In addition to the common variant, there are special (rarer) variants like the Wasteland Octopuff, Island Octopuff, Snowland Octopuff, Queen Octopuff, King Octopuff, etc.
To confront the King Octopuff and Queen Octopuff, you must grind your party members to increase their skill level significantly. As both Octopuff Traveler variants are in high-level danger areas, you must be prepared accordingly.
Remember that to face the Queen Octopuff, you must go through these high-level areas where the required level needs to be more than Lvl 20. Similarly, to encounter the King Octopuff you will have to venture through areas where the Danger level is more than Lvl 45.