Octopath Traveler 2 EX Skills are character-specific skills that they unlock gradually while progressing through the game. Each of the eight characters in the game has two unique EX Skills that are connected to their primary job, meaning these cannot be transferred to other characters through unlocking Octopath 2 Secondary Jobs.
Each character’s first EX Skill is unlocked by interacting with an altar specific to the character in the traveler’s home region. You can find an altar by noticing an icon on the map resembling a candelabra, which only appears when you are very close to the place.
The second EX Skill unlocks automatically once you have finished a particular character’s storyline. So, in this guide, we will primarily focus on unlocking the first skill and help you find the corresponding altar locations in Octopath Traveler 2.
Osvald EX Skills and Altar Location

To unlock Osvald’s Teach Skill in Octopath Traveler 2, you will have to find the Altar of Scholarking. It is located in the western parts of the Winterbloom Snows in the Winterlands region.
In order to locate this altar, you will first have to travel to Winterbloom. From that point, you must head west till you see a small bridge. You can find a secret entry point and the Scholar’s Altar under this bridge.
The Teach Skill grants a single ally attribute-boosting effects for either 2/3/4/5 turns and costs 12 SP to use.
Osvald’s second EX Skill, One True Magic, inflicts excessive magic damage to every element of all enemies. This particular Octopath Traveler 2 EX Skill will be useful when you are short on a boss’s weak targets and want to increase its Shield Points alternately.
Hikari EX Skills and Altar Location

To unlock Hikari’s Ultimate Stance EX Skill, you will have to find the Altar of Thunderblade, which is located in the Eastern Sai Sands of the Hinoeuma region (Danger level 34).
To find this altar, head over to the Western Conning Creek, which you can reach by first traveling to Canalbrine. From there, go west to the Canalbrine Bridge and directly south after that.
There’s a staircase beside some temple ruins here. Head down the staircase, and you will come to a small area containing the altar in question.
You can use Ultimate Stance whenever you want to extend the reach of your attacks. The upside with this is that it will affect all enemies for 3/5/7/9 turns. This particular EX Skill requires 10 SP to use.
The second one of Hikari’s EX Skills is known as Shinjunmonjigiri in Octopath Traveler 2. This skill lands a sword attack first on all enemies and then another heavy sword attack on a single enemy
Agnea EX Skills and Altar Location

To unlock Agnea’s Windy Refrain EX Skill, you will have to find the Altar of The Lady of Grace. It is located in the Northern Wellgrove Trail of the Leaflands region (Danger level 34).
To find this altar, travel to the Northern Wellgrove Trail and travel north. You will eventually come across a central tree with paths leading to it from all four sides. Just next to this tree is a small cave. You will find the Dancer’s Altar inside this cave.
The Windy Refrain Skill, as the name implies, deals wind-based elemental damage. The upside of this skill is that it targets every single enemy while also allowing your party members to act first in the coming turn. This skill costs 18 SP to be used in the game.
Agnea’s second Ex Skill is called the Song of Hope. This skill prolongs your party’s current buffs by 1/2/3/4 turns without affecting the divine skills in Octopath Traveler 2.
Castti EX Skills and Altar Location

To unlock Castti’s Drastic Measures EX Skill, you will have to find the Apothecary Altar, known as the Altar of the Charitable. It is located in the Northern Conning Creek Coast of the Harborlands region (Danger level 34).
To find this altar, simply follow the trail north until you come across a fork. From that point, take a right and travel east along the sand path until you reach the end.
In the end, a hidden area contains the altar in question. Interact with this altar using Castti, and you will unlock the Drastic Measures EX Skill.
The Drastic Measures Skill uses the Axe to deal massive damage to an individual foe. It also helps to revoke any status ailments from that enemy. This skill requires 18 SP to use.
Castti’s other EX Skill is Remedy. This skill picks a random party member and grants them positive status effects for 3/5/7/9 turns – requires 22 SP to use.
Ochette EX Skills and Altar Location

To unlock Ochette’s Indomitable Beast EX Skill, you will have to find the Altar of the Huntress. This altar is located in the Tropu’hopu of the Toto’haha region.
To find this altar, first head over to the Western Tropu’hopu Traverse point (Danger Level 32) and take the path east till you reach a crossroad.
From that point, take the path on your right, which leads south and into the area containing the altar. Interact with this altar using Ochette, and you will unlock the Indomitable Beast EX Skill.
The Indomitable Beast EX Skill boosts physical attack, speed, and evasion for 3/5/7/9 turns– requires 18 SP to use.
The second one of Ochette’s EX Skills, Provoke Beast, has a simple effect in Octopath Traveler 2s. As implied by the name of this skill, it allows you to provoke your enemies in the 3/4/5/6 order.
Temenos EX Skills and Altar Location

To unlock Temenos’s Prayer for Plenty EX Skill, you will have to find the Altar of the Flamebringer. This altar is located in Bolderfall of the Crestlands Region (Danger Level 33).
This altar is a little bit tricky to find. You must first travel to the Bolderfall point and then northwest to reach a bridge. Across this bridge is the Bolderfall Church.
Head inside the church and go behind the bookshelf on the left to find the Flamebringer Altar. Interact with this altar using Temenos, and you will unlock the Prayer for Plenty EX Skill. It restores the HP of a single ally.
Temenos’s second Ex Skill is Heavenly Shrine, which deals light damage to all foes, with its potency depending on the total amount of SP consumed.
Partitio EX Skills and Altar Location

To unlock Partitio’s Negotiate Schedule EX Skill, you will have to find the Altar of the Trader. This altar is located in the Southern Crackridge Wilds of the Wildlands Region (Danger Level 34).
To find this altar, start from the Crackridge Wilds point and head east till you reach a couple of mine entrances. Head into the entrance on the easternmost end and head north up this mine.
It may seem like there is no place to go from here, but you can actually turn right near the barrels at the end of it and then head south. You will come back out and will be able to see another entrance on your right. This area contains the Altar of the Trader.
The Negotiate Schedule EX Skill allows you to act instead of an enemy in its turn.
Partitio’s second Ex Skill, Share SP does exactly what the name implies. It grants an individual party member 25%/40%/75%/100% of your remaining SP.
Throne EX Skills and Altar Location

To unlock Throne’s Veil of Darkness EX Skill, you will have to find the Altar of the Prince of Thieves. This altar is located in Southern Clockbank Highroad of the Brightland Region (Danger Level 32).
To find this altar, go to the Southern Clockbank Highroad point and reach the dock at the river to the east. Grab a boat by heading into the water, and then row in the southeastern direction
You will find a secret entrance to the area where this altar is located not far along the other bank of the river.
The Veil of Darkness EX Skill allows you to successfully dodge a physical attack. Moreover, this skill deals Dark elemental damage to all enemies – requires 25 SP to use.
Throne’s second Ex Skill is known as Disguise. This skill, as the name implies, disguises an ally for 2/4/6/8 turns and costs 18 SP to use.
How to Use Ex Skills in Octopath Traveler 2
Once you have acquired the traveler’s Ex Skills from different locations or story progression in Octopath Traveler 2, you can use them in combat. The only requirement is that you must have enough amount of Spell Power/ Mana (SP). Each character’s EX Skill requires a certain amount of SP to use. Some of these skills, such as Heavenly Shrine, work better when your character has more SP.