In NBA 2K23, you must use playmaking badge points to unlock playmaking badges, which increase your player attributes. The badges belong to different tiers and give various boosts to improve your gameplay; however, using the one that best fits your playstyle is important.
For Instance, the Post Playmaker badge boosts shooters when they make rebounds; the Clamp Breaker helps break opponent defense; the Needle Threader helps in passes, etc.
7. Post Playmaker

Post Playmaker is the best on-ball and off-ball playmaking badge in NBA 2K23. It boosts shooters when they get offensive rebounds and helps big men working as shooters improve their assists.
The big players are usually swarmed when they have the ball, and Post Maker will help break the crowd.
6. Clamp Breaker

This badge aids in the ability of a player as a ball handler to fight off contact, protect the ball, and drive by opponents. This badge helps dribblers move swiftly against high-quality offensive players.
The Clamp Breaker badge is best paired with the Handles for Days Badge, Hyperdrive Badge, and Slithery Badge.
5. Unpluckable

This badge will make it hard for the defenders to execute their steal attempts. If you’re playing as the forward or center build, this badge helps with good ball handling during dribbling. The badge goes best for Shot Creators and Post Scorers.
The unpluckable badge is best when paired with Step & Go Badge, Ankle Breaker Badge, and Handles for Days Badge.
4. Handles of Days

When this badge is part of your build, your player uses little energy to hit while dribbling, which allows them to chain combos together quicker and for longer.
Handles for Days badge is a sort of all-rounder badge. It is well suited for Playmakers, Offensive Threat, and Shot Creators. This badge is best paired with Unpluckable Badge, Tight Handlers Badge, and Ankle Breaker Badge.
3. Ankle Breaker

When players choose this badge, the defender stumbles or falls more frequently when biting the wrong way while performing step-backs and other certain moves. This badge is ideal for Playmakers and Shot Creators.
Ankle Breaker is best when paired with Space Creator Badge, Tight Handles Badge, and Unpluckable Badge. This badge basically increases a player’s ball-handling attribute.
2. Dimer

While in the half-court, passes made by the Dimers to open shooters boost shots. This badge serves quite well for Playmakers.
Dimer badge is best when paired with Needle Threader Badge, Floor General Badge, and Breakstarter Badge. This badge is good for increasing your Passing Accuracy.
1. Needle Threader

When the distance when doing the passes is big, Needle Threader will help make sure the ball reaches the player. The big danger is breaking the defense when doing these long pushes, and this badge will help in that.
Needle Threader can be best used for Playmaking. Using this badge will make sure the ball will not get recovered by the defenses or get tipped.