Lost Ark Aquilok’s Tail Mokoko Seed Locations Guide

In this guide, we will give you the locations of the Mokoko Seeds that you will find in Lost Ark's Aquilok’s Tail Dungeon.

Mokoko Seeds are scattered all around the map in Lost Ark and can be used to exchange rare items and gears. In this guide, we will give you the locations of the Mokoko Seeds that you will find in Lost Ark’s Aquilok’s Tail Dungeon.

Lost Ark Aquilok’s Tail Dungeon Mokoko Seed Locations

There are a total of SIX Mokoko Seeds that you will find in the Aquilok’s Tail Dungeon. These seeds are located behind hidden passages that are difficult to find.

But, there’s no need to go astray as this guide has got you covered. Below are the locations of each Mokoko Seed from the start of Aquilok’s Tail dungeon.

Aquilok’s Tail Mokoko Seed #1 and #2

The first two seeds are fairly easy to find as they are at the start of the dungeon.

Lost Ark Aquilok’s Tail Dungeon Mokoko Seed Locations

When you enter the dungeon, a switch on the left side opens up a secret path. Follow the path and turn right towards a flame torch. The seed will be on the right of the torch.

Now turn back and keep going straight until you find a ledge. The seed will be right next to the ledge.

Aquilok’s Tail Mokoko Seed #3

From the location marked on the map, keep going straight towards the end of the path to find a Mokoko Seed.

Aquilok’s Tail Mokoko Seed #4

The fourth seed is located right on top of the marked location on the map—Press G to pick up the seed.

Aquilok’s Tail Mokoko Seed #5 and #6

The last two are difficult to find as they are not in the open. Head to the marked location on the map and look for the path blocked by rubble.

Lost Ark Aquilok’s Tail Dungeon Mokoko Seed Locations

Use your weapon to destroy the rubble and clear the path. Once you clear the path, you will be faced against a Giant Thornwaker, standing on the seed. Defeat it and get the seed.

The last seed is just to the right of the previous seed where you killed the enemy.