In Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Kyber Bricks are a very important form of currency used to level up skills for your characters and unlock new characters for you to play. To help you complete the Kyber Brick Puzzles in Lake Paonga, we’ve prepared this guide to show you the solution to all 22 Lake Paonga Kyber Brick Puzzles in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga.
Kyber Bricks can be obtained through all kinds of different methods. One of these methods is to complete the Kyber Brick Puzzles, which can be found in each game level.
In this guide, we’ll review the solution for all 22 Kyber Brick Puzzles in the Lake Paonga location of Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #1 – Towering in the Treeline
The first Kyber Brick in Lake Paonga is located at the southern border of the pad area. You’ll see the Kyber Brick floating in the sky next to some crates when you arrive at this location.
To get the Kyber Brick, you only need to stack the crates on top of one another until you can reach it. Two of the crates are already stacked, so you need to move the other two.
To move the crates, use a character with the power of the Force, like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #2 – Branching Out

The second Kyber Brick is located at Otoh Gunga. Go to the shore and look up at the hill. You’ll see a Bogwing sitting in its nest. Attack the nest using your lightsaber to destroy it. Then, use the poles to jump to the other side, and you’ll find the Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #3 – Paddling in Paonga

This Kyber Brick is also located at Otoh Gunga. Look out into the lake, and you’ll find it floating on the water.
To retrieve it, use the crate on the rock before it to make a platform for yourself. You can then grab it from the platform towards the Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #4 – Gungan Grapple

Return to the shore from Kyber Brick #3 and go to the left in the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga at Lake Paonga. You’ll see a challenge marker sitting on a tree stump. The challenge for you is to finish a race within 23 seconds, where you must grapple through a set of trees. You’ll be rewarded with a Kyber Brick if you do so successfully.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #5 – Swamp Camp Siege

After getting Kyber Brick #4, go into the swamp, and you’ll see it’s been invaded by a group of droids.
Fight your way through the droids and then summon a villain character. Interact with the terminal and enter the code shown to you to open up the box next to it, which contains a Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #6 – Temple Treasure

This Kyber Brick is located in the Gungan Sacred Place. Shoot the wall covered in vines and then summon a character with a lightsaber.
Cut the wall open and then summon a character with explosives. Throw the explosive on the box, and it’ll open up, revealing a Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #7 – Sacred Place Face

Go to the western edge of Gungan Sacred Place, and you’ll see a statue representing a face. Talk to Gungan, and he’ll tell you to find four teeth for the statue.
The locations of all four teeth are shown on your map. After finding each tooth, place it in the mouth of the statue. Once you’ve placed all four of them there, the statue will spit out a Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #8 – You Tink You So Smarty

This Kyber Brick is located in the Lower Gungan City. Go to the city’s western side, and you’ll see a crate with a blue object in it. Drop down next to the crate, and you’ll find the Kyber Brick lodged in the sewer vent.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #9 – Rugor’s Reward

From Kyber Brick #8, simply turn around and smash open the yellow container in front of you, and you’ll get another Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #10 – How Wude

Go to the south-eastern side of the city and look out to the platform in front of you. You’ll see a Kyber Brick stuck under the platform. Grapple or fly towards the platform to reach the brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #11 – Bubble Burst

Go to the north-eastern side of the city and look into the bubble room there. You’ll see a Kyber Brick sitting inside.
To open up the bubble room, you have to press the buttons in a specific order. The order is visible under the platform. Press the buttons according to that order, and the room will open up, granting you access to the Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #12 – Gunning in Gunga

Go to the bubble room located in the northwest. You’ll see four targets underneath it. Shoot all four targets, and the room will open up, revealing a Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #13 – Mesa Like Dis

Go to the city’s southern edge and look for a blue checkpoint. It will lead you to some crates, which you can destroy to get a Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #14 – Mooie-Mooie

Go to the south-eastern edge of the city, and you’ll find a grapple point on the structure there. But to access it, you’ll need to get a character to stand on the switch next to it.
Once the grapple point is opened, use it to grapple up, and you’ll be able to reach the Kyber Brick floating above.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #15 – Welcome to Otoh Gunga

Go back to the city’s southern edge and follow the path to the left. You’ll find a locked crate sitting behind a bench. Blow up the crate using an explosive, and it’ll open up, revealing a Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #16 – Wesa Home

After getting Kyber Brick #15, go into the area below and start heading east while hugging the wall to the left.
You’ll find a blue checkpoint leading you to a Kyber Brick stuck in the ceiling. Use the crates to create a scaffolding for yourself to reach the Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #17 – Tarpal’s Treasure

After getting Kyber Brick #16, continue down this path until you see an open corridor to your right. It will lead you into a room with many switches and crates.
Use the crates to activate the switches, and it’ll open up the cage, revealing a Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #18 – The Mostest Safest Place

Head back to the city’s southern edge while staying in this underground area. There, you’ll find a blue checkpoint outside a corridor.
Before following the checkpoint, use the Force to pick up the battery sitting by the crate outside. Go into the room and place the battery inside the power station.
Exit the room, head left, and grab the second battery from behind the crates. Place it into the second power station, and it’ll unlock the cage in the middle of the room, revealing another Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #19 – Hidden City Heights

Go to the eastern edge of the city and face towards the center of the city. Go into the bubble room to your left and climb the ladder inside. You’ll now need a glider to glide towards the rope dangling ahead.
Grab onto the rope and climb it up. Glide towards the Kyber Brick ahead and grab it mid-air.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #20 – Bogwing Blunder

Go to the bubble room located to the southwest and talk to Gourmet Gungan. He’ll give you a mission to find and capture three Bogwings.
Talk to the Gungan Warrior standing outside, and the Bogwing sill subsequently show up. Shoot at it until it falls, and then collect it.
After that, talk to the second Gungan Warrior, and the next Bogwing will appear similarly. Once you’ve collected it, the final Bogwing will appear outside the bubble room.
After collecting all three Bogwings, return to the Gourmet Gungan, and he’ll reward you a Kyber Brick.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #21 – Big Bubble Bounty

Go to the city’s center and enter the bubble room, the second one to the left. Go up the ladder and glide to the rooftop ahead. Drop into the room and then use an Astromech Droid to open the lock.
Now, switch to a Bounty Hunter and pick up the object to the left of the lock. Place it into the terminal behind you and exit the room.
Go up to the room to your right and flip the switch from outside using a character with the power of the Force.
Go inside the room and use a character with Jedi mind tricks to move the Gungan out of the way. You can then use a droid on the lock to unlock it.
After that, exit the room and follow the path to your left to the bubble room. Go up to the room behind this one and unlock the lock-in there.
Exit the room and follow the path to the right. Go into the second room to your right (the one below) and use Jedi mind tricks to move the Gungan out of the way. Finally, unlock the lock using a droid, and the massive room in the middle of the city will open up. This room will have a Kyber Brick sitting in the center.
Kyber Brick Puzzle #22 – Side Quest Gungans Gone

Go into the room up north and talk to Boss Nass. He’ll give you a mission to find three Gungan ambassadors.
Travel to Mos Espa in Tatooine. Go into the city and follow the path to the right. Talk to the NPC and then run to the marker up ahead. Pay off the Gungan’s debt to free the first ambassador.
After that, travel to Stalgasin Hive and go to the marker inside a cave. Talk to the Geonosian Guard and then use a droid to unlock the door.
You’ll find the second ambassador trapped in the room behind this door. Reconstruct the switch and have a character stand on it to free the second ambassador.
Finally, travel to the Federal District in Coruscant. Go to the marker and talk to the civilian. He will point you to the third ambassador stuck below the surface.
Use the Force to move the trampoline next to him, and then use Jedi mind tricks to make him jump up to the surface using the trampoline. Now, return to Boss Nass, and you’ll be rewarded with a Kyber Brick for finding the ambassadors.