There are many character disguises and vehicles to be found in LEGO City Undercover. Each of these disguises or vehicles carries a significant advantage. In this guide, we will tell you how to locate, find and unlock each one of these disguises and vehicles.
For more help on Lego City Undercover, read our Vehicles Locations, Blocks Location and Super Stars Locations Guide.
Lego City Undercover All Disguises
There are 290 Lego City Undercover character disguises for you to unlock. There are three ways in which you can unlock these disguises – Some are unlocked as you progress through the story. Some are unlocked when you find character tokens in the special assignments while others are unlocked when you find character tokens in the LEGO city.
There are 8 character disguise that you can earn through the story mode:
- Chase McCain (Civilian)
- Chase McCain (Police)
- Chase McCain (Robber)
- Chase McCain (Miner)
- Chase McCain (Astronaut)
- Chase McCain (Farmer)
- Chase McCain (Fireman)
- Chase McCain (Construction)
You can switch between disguises through the ‘Disguise Wheel.’ For the rest you need to spend the character tokens you find in the police store to unlock them. All of the 290 disguises are divided into 8 different categories.
There are certain abilities that are akin to the type of disguise.
- Police Officers: Can use grapple gun, audio scan, criminal scan, data scan and the detective scan.
- Criminals & Robbers: Can use crowbar, stethoscope and the color gun.
- Miners: Can use pickaxe and dynamite.
- Astronauts: Can use beam in support, jetpack jump, teleport and raise the flag.
- Farmers: Can use chicken glide and watering can.
- Firefighters: Can use the fire extinguisher and fire axe.
- Construction Workers: Can use the coffee break, hammer and the pneumatic drill.
- Civilians/Specials: These characters disguises have no special abilities.
- Now let’s talk about how to unlock each one of these disguises.
We will start with the police disguises:
Police Disguises Unlock

Chase McCain
Inside the police station, it can be acquired via story mode progression.
Chase Undercover
Inside the police station, it can be acquired via story mode progression.
Chase Suit
Unlocked during the special assignment 7: Scrapyard Scrap. Hack the safe and unlock the trailer to acquire this get-up.
Bea Heckerson
In the Fort Meadows, destroy 3 hay bales around farmer Hayes’s fields then build a scarecrow to acquire this disguise.
In the Paradise Sands, it can be found in a silver rock under the grotto.
In the bluebell national park, it can be acquired after completing the free run of the zone.
Butch Patterson
In Cherry Tree hills, it can be acquired from the police booth near the ferry.
In downtown, you will find it near the top of the bank.
Chuck Morrison
You can unlock it by completing all ‘vehicle robbers arrested’ in LEGO city.
In the Pogada, it can be acquired from the pigeon coop on the roof of Hank’s garage.
In the Auburn Bay Bridge, on top of the drainpipe above the bridge.
In the Cherry Top Hills, it can be acquired if you use the scan spot near the huge billboard by the radio tower.
Doorlock Homes
In the Kings Court, it can be acquired If you paint 4 phone boxes red.
Dr. Whatsit
In the Kings Court, it can be acquired after painting the LEGO brick statue.
Duke Huckleberry
Inside the national bluebell park, it can be acquired after building the stunt ramp super build.
Ellie Philips
On the Lady Liberty Island, it can be acquired after breaking into the information hut.
Frank Honey
On the Heritage bridge, it can be acquired after you construct the model citizen super build.
Frank Poolside
In the Paradise Sands, it can be acquired after you complete the zone’s free run.
Horace Cone
In the Kings Court, it can be acquired from near the train station.
In the Pogada, it can be acquired from the north part of the canal.
Marion Dunby
It can be acquired after you complete ‘Gangs Arrested’ in LEGO city.
Mayor Gleeson
In the Kings Court, make bullet bill blow up the cage for you to acquire this disguise.
Officer Park
In uptown, it can be acquired from an awning outside of Herbert hotel.
Pat Patterson
In the Bright Lights plaza, it can be acquired if you paint the ‘L’ of the ‘Hotel’ sign yellow.
Prison Guard
In the Albatross Island, it can be acquired after you build the disguise booth.
Quentin Spencer
In the Pagoda, it can be acquired from the tv store rooftop.
Ranger Barber
In the bluebell national park, it can be acquired if you build a disguise booth.
Ranger Lewis
In the bluebell national park, it can be acquired if you pry open the skylight on top of the Sherriff Hukleberry’s police station.
Rodney Baxter
In the Paradise Sands, it can be acquired from an awning on top of a hotel in the bazar.
Security Guard
In the Cherry Tree Hills, it can be acquired from the police booth behind the police station.
Security Supervisor
In the Lady Liberty Island, it can be acquired after you build the disguise booth.
Shaky Hills
In the Cherry Tree Hills, it can be acquired from inside the Red Café
In the special assignment ‘Scrapyard Scrap’, look for it behind the boarded door in the scrap yard.
Ted Baxter
On the Heritage Bridge, it can be acquired from the top of the first tower of the bridge.
Traffic Cop
In downtown, it can be acquired if you paint the three silver traffic post tops near the back yellow.
Criminals & Robbers Disguises Unlock

In special assignment 2 ‘Trouble in Stir’, it can be acquired via story mode progression.
Bucky Butler
In the uptown, it can be acquired if you paint the knight statues outside the museum.
Carlo Clone
In the Crescent Park, it can be acquired after you paint the balloons on the gazebo with correct colors.
Carlo Jerome
In Fresco, it can be acquired after you built the ice cream statue.
Chan Chuang
In the Pogada, it can be acquired after you build the Bob-omb and throw it at the cage.
Chao Hui
In the Pogada, it can be acquired after you paint the sliver lanterns red.
Clown Robber Lou
In the Cherry Tree Hills, it can be acquired from the rooftop of the LEGO City back.
Clown Robber Max
In Auburn, it can be acquired after you open one of the metal doors at the base of one the cranes, north of the dock.
Clown Robber Wes
In the LEGO city airport, it can be acquired if you paint the flowers the correct color.
Dougy Dungarees
In Fort Meadows, it can be acquired from the cabin. You can go in through the cabin door.
Eddie JoJo
In the Bright Lights Plaza, it can be acquired after you paint the 3 ice cream dispensers pink.
In the Pogada, it can be acquired after you paint the lampposts around the Pogada yellow.
Forrest Blackwell Casual
You will get it in special assignment 14 ‘Breaking and Reentering.’
Forrest Blackwell Suit
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 10 ‘Smash n grab.’
Forrest Blackwell Tuxedo
In the Fresco, in a corner room of a building in the western part of Fresco. It is behind a block only Rex Fury can destroy.
FU – In Pagoda, located on the top of the south arch of tranquillity.
In Fresco, it is located in between little Venice and Pppalardo’s.
Grubby Grubster
In Cherry Tree Hills, upon the police station’s exterior stairs, you need to pry open the exterior jail cell.
Hai Chen
In Pagoda, close to the big dragon statue in the east section of the Pagoda.
Hot Tub Harry
Hot Tub McCreedy
In Auburn, paint the five buoys red in the water by the beach.
James Curry
In the Bright Light Plaza, it is on the ceiling of the lower level of the shopping mall.
Jimmy Grossman
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 11 ‘They all scream for ice cream.’
In Pagoda, on the top of the north arc of tranquillity.
Lucky Pete
In Fresco, on the roof of the garage on the docks. It is behind a locked door.
Maximilian Jarvik
In Crescent Park, you need to teleport on to the top of the gazebo.
Mikey Spoilers
In fresco, it is at the north end of the canal.
Moe Deluca
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 10 ‘Smash n Grab.’ You need to fix the fuse box and then pull the lever.
Old Quiang
It can be acquired if you complete all the ‘Vehicles Robberies’ in LEGO City.
Paulie Blindfolds
In fresco, it is placed on the highest points of south apartments A.
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 2 ‘Trouble in Stir’. It is hidden in the warden’s desk.
Rex Fury
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 15 ‘Fly me to the moon.’ Pass through the first stud ring you see during the exit.
Rex Fury Bare Chest
In bluebell national park, rip open the crate near the north tunnel.
Slavatore Calzone
In fresco, it is behind the boarded door on the roof of south apartments A.
Sentinel Channard
In fresco, on the balcony of the south apartments.
Sentinel Decker
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 14 ‘Breaking and Re-entering.’ Go across the tightrope on the roof to reach a transporter pad. Now, go to the small and wreck the sand castle
Shui Xue
In Pagoda, to acquire this ring the 3 bells at the red Pagodas.
Snakes Squealer
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 1 ’Some Assaults.’ In the safe after you rest the second robber.
Spikey Don
It can be unlocked during the Special Assignment 3 ‘Miner Altercation.’ Fix the mobile drill fuse box then open up the manhole cover.
Tim Welch
In Fresco, it is hidden in a rock near the helipad.
Tony One –Time
In Fresco, it is a past the greenhouse in a fenced area.
In Albatross Island, on the guard tower go up the stairs from the helicopter super build.
Vinnie Clown
In Festival Square, it is inside the clock tower.
Vinnie Pappalardo
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 11 ‘They all scream for ice cream.’ Just complete it to get it.
Vinnie Tracksuit
In fresco, you can acquire this by completing the ice cream statue puzzle.
Vitus Tinkleman
In Blackwell Bridge, this is under the bridge.
Warden Stonewall
In Albatross Island, just complete this zone’s free run event.
Miners Disguises Unlock

It can be unlocked during the special assignment 3 ‘Miner Altercation.’ Just complete it to get it.
Barney Greenchist
It can be acquired by completing all ‘Boulders Destroyed’ in LEGO city.
Bill Mosely
In Bluebell national park, build and color the 2 tents to match their interior in the large camp site. Lure bear away with fish.
Bill Derby
In Bluebell National park, get to the small shack west of Bluebell mine. Use astronaut-boost.
Mine Foreman
Just complete all the ‘Silver Statues Destroyed’ in LEGO city.
Otto Hornfels
In Crescent park, it is close to the shark poster inside the tunnel.
Stinky fletcher
In Fort Meadows, you can acquire this by painting 3 hay bales yellow.
Todd Greywacke
In Bluebell National park, near the alien space crate just astronaut boost up there.
Astronauts Disguises Unlock

In Apollo Island, just progress through the story.
Ben Sharples
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 15 ‘Fly me to the pool’ Repair the fuse box above the lift then use the color swapper. Drop to the foreground ledge and blast the switch.
Brantford Cubbery
In Apollo Island, to acquire built the disguise booth.
Bud Hawkins
In Apollo Islands, just complete the zone’s free run event.
Cal Wainwright
In Kings Court, it is behind the boarded door on the docks.
Classic Alien
In Apollo Island, it is above the transporter pad in the research bunker.
Drew Calhoun
In Kings Court, above the sign of the docks.
Dutch Danish
In Apollo Island, just complete the ‘spinning shuttle program’ superbuild.
Forrest Blackwell
In Apollo Island, get underneath water. You will need rex fury for this one.
Henrik Kowalski
In Auburn, get to the water towers in the south east part of the map and use the jetpack to reach the mid air token.
Jenny Rathbone
In Apollo Island, it is on the roof of the runway garage.
Jolan Regnix
In Apollo Island, use the super jet pack from the roof of the garage to the tightrope above the rusty pipes. Simply slide down the tightrope.
Rex Fury
Just complete all the ‘Districts Conquered’
Space Alien
Just complete all the ‘Alien Caught.’
In Apollo Island, just build the space shuttle superbuild.
Space Scientist
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 6 ‘Astronaughty.’ Just destroy the reaming planet to acquire it.
Space Villian
It can be unlocked during the special assignment 6 ‘Astronaughty.’ You will need Rex Fury to rip apart a crate for you.
Farmers Disguises Unlock

Chase McCain (Farmer)
Progress through the Story mode to obtain this disguise.
Farmer Bales
Located just behind the T-Rex statue on the roof of city hall in King’s Court.
Farm Worker Bill
In the Fort Meadows, jetpack jump onto a cabin’s roof. You will need to then cross a tight rope to find the token in a nearby tree.
Farm Worker Bob
Again, in the Fort Meadows, you will need to water a planter near the saw mill. Climb up the sunflower to reach the token.
Jethro Hayes
Complete all “Pigs Returned”
Patty Hayes
In the Crescent Park, there is a tree house. There is a boarded door there, behind which is the token.
In the Fort Meadows, there is a blue and white LEGO patch on the wall under the train trucks. You need to Jetpack jump and climb up that wall to get it.
Squirrel McTavish
Complete all “Flowers Watered”
Troublemaker Phil – In the Cherry Tree Hills, paint the three white trees green located on the southeast road.
Troublemaker Tim
In the Lady Liberty Island, turn the four silver trees brown.
Troublemaker Tom
In Paradise Sands, paint the three palm trees brown.
Firefighters Disguises Unlock

Chase McCain (Fireman)
Progress through the story mode to unlock this disguise.
Brad Hoggle
On the canal walkway in the Grand Canal, there is a boarded door. Behind it is the disguise.
Buddy Weingartner
In the Fort Meadows, there is a cabin with a boarded door. You can find it there.
Charlotte Hannon
During Special Assignment 9: “Hot Property”, you can find it while running on either side of the treadmill inside the station.
Cornelius Burns
Complete all “Cat Rescued”
Forest Fireman
Complete all “BBQ Fires Extinguished”
Jessie Weingartner
In the Blueball National Park, put out five camp fires.
Oliver Duffy
In Pagoda, fill up three empty fountains with water.
Ramon Lopez-Delgado
During the Special Assignment 9: “Hot Property”, you should spot a few fireman gathered around a barrel fire. Put it out to get the disguise.
Ryan Mclaughlin
Build the five watercoolers located around Bright Light Plaza.
Construction Workers Disguises Unlock

Chase McCain (Worker)
Progress through the story mode to unlock this disguise.
Albert Spindlerouter
Complete all “Coffee Breaks Completed”
Bobby Hammer
In Auburn, there is a collection of buildings in the south starting from the flower pot. Towards the end is a high crate with a token on it.
Construction Foreman
During the Special Assignment 12: “High Steal”, use the jetpack to jump and reach the small room located above the ladder that you are supposed to pull down with the grapple gun. Inside, there is a blue cabinet. Smash it to reveal the token.
Docks Crane Driver
In Auburn, climb the eastern crane to find the token at the top.
Docks Foreman
There is a free run event in Auburn. Beat it to get the disguise.
Garage Worker
Smash four objects in the beach of Auburn, and build their bricks into palm trees and other things.
Harbor Worker
In Auburn, you will need to build the disguise booth.
Lance Linberger
In the central buildings of Auburn, use the chimney updrafts to reach the token.
Maintenance Worker
Build the disguise booth in Cherry Tree Hills.
Miles Rebar
On the east end of Pagoda are a few stores. There is a ledge above them which contains the token.
Patrick Wenham
During the Special Assignment 12: “High Steal”, fix the fuse box on the right gate. Then, use the color swapper, and blast the nearby wall to climb its pile to reach a ledge above. Smash the junk there to find the token.
Rod Stanchion
Complete all “Drill Thrills Completed”
Tow Truck Driver
In Auburn (northern docks), you need to complete the timed stud run to acquire the disguise.
Civilians Special Disguises Unlock

Baseball Player
Beat the free run event in Cherry Tree Hills.
During Special Assignment 8: “The Colossal Fossil Hustle”, during Free Play use Rex Fury to break the super strength crate on the right, and then build Bone Exhibits from it.
Beat the free run event in Bright Lights Plaza.
Circus Clown
In the festival square, paint the balloons red and yellow.
Beat the free run event in Uptown.
Deep Sea Diver
Deep Sea Spin superbuild in the Festival Square
Demolition Dummy
Located in the walkway underneath the Statue of Lady Liberty in Liberty Island.
Disco Dude
Over the disco ball on top of the giant Disco Dude statue in Bright Lights Plaza
In the Blueball National Park, smash three trees and build three birdhouses from it.
Build four sets of binoculars in Lady Liberty Island.
In the Crescent Park, use the fishing rod on the pier. The caught fish reveals the token.
In the Blueball Park, build the Bluebell Tree superbuild and climb up the tree house.
Gorilla Suit Guy
In festival square, paint three basketball backboards red, and then win nine games of hoops.
Hula Dancer
In Paradise Island, paint the four flowers the correct color.
Karate Master
During Special Assignment 4: “Kung Fool”
, in the courtyard’s left foreground corner, use a torch to light up the large lantern on the ground.
Paint three lifebuoys red in the pier in Crescent Park.
There is a transporter pad inside the west shops’ gym in Bright Lights Plaza. Above it is the disguise.
Maraca Man
Build the three jukeboxes in Paradise Sands.
In Downtown, there is a ledge on the side of the bank with the disguise.
During Special Assignment 8: “The Colossal Fossil Hustle”
, fix the fuse box near the trolly car.
Beat Downtown’s free run event.
Create matching flowers on the bridge in Crescent Park with the help of a color gun.
Paint the pharaoh statue outside the museum in Uptown.
Build the Stunt Ramp superbuild in the Airport.
Pop Star
Find all five Super Stars in LEGO City.