Kingdoms of Amalur Alchemy Guide

Learn how to create different potions by mixing reagents with the help of recipes in Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning alchemy guide.

In Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning, you can mix different Reagents with the assistance of Recipes to form different kinds of potions. This is carried out on Workbenches. We have prepared a full Kingdoms of Amalur Alchemy Guide to help you make this stuff.

Alchemy can be separately leveled up and like all other classes, has 3 types of levels: Basic, Advanced and Master. Basic is divided into 4 ranks while the other two are divided into 3.

For more help on Kingdom of Amalur, read our Destiny Builds, Side Quests and Tasks Guide.

Kingdoms of Amalur Alchemy

Reagents are chemical ingredients which when mixed with specific other reagents create various potions. Reagents can be categorized into three main types: common, uncommon and rare reagents.

Alchemy, unlike forging, isn’t very intuitive, and just mixing stuff randomly can result in loss of vital reagents and recipes without gaining anything useful. That is why it is best to start with some sort of knowledge of what works best with what.

Common Reagents
The term ‘common’ in Common Reagents is actually quite relative. This is because it depends on place to place; you might encounter a ‘common’ reagent in some places very commonly while encountering an ‘uncommon’ reagent very commonly in another place. However, on average bases, the following are some common reagents:

Black Cohosh – A common reagent used to make healing potions. Found in forests and grass.

Cripplespore Caps – Reagents used to affect Finesse related stats.

Eel Petal – Used for lightning based potions.

Embereyes – Reagents used for restoration.

Leechwood Bark – A common Reagent in Daletarth, but very uncommon once you exit the place.

Scarwood Bark – A reagent often used to attack.

Less Common Reagents
These reagents are less common in the starting few hours of the game. However, some of them become more common in certain areas. A few uncommon reagents are:

Bloodroot –A reagent used to increase the effect of an attribute.

Edelwiess – An uncommon reagent used to attack enemies with elemental attacks.

Sativa Fibers – These are reagents that increase the amount of damage dealt or received.

Scarab Salts – These reagents enhance the critical hits and precision attributes.

Scarlet Flowerstone – Reagents that deal with regeneration and bleeding.

Seaflax – Similar to Bloodroot.

Rare Reagents
These are special reagents that are available in the form of special treasure or rewards. These should be kept safe and only used in the utmost important situations. Currently, we only know of two rare reagents:

Essence of Fate – This is a powerful and very rare reagent and is vital to creating the best potions in the game. It is usually acquired through quests, hence rarely ever found in the open or naturally.

Prismere Dust – Another extremely rare reagent, it deals with giving immense experience boost properties when used to make potions.

Alchemy Recipes

There are multiple methods of discovering useful recipes – the most obvious is just to guess. However, this is not the recommended way, as it can result in wastage of precious reagents, and time of course.

The other alternative is to purchase recipe formulae from merchants and learn them. However, that takes up money, so be careful about the quality of recipes you buy.

Minor Potions – As the name would suggest, these are the most basic potions with average effects. Some minor potions, along with their recipes, are given below:

Minor Alchemist’s Art 1x Embereyes,1x Sky Blossom

Minor Assassin’s Evasion 1x Cripplespore Caps,1x Sky Blossom

Minor Blacksmith’s Craft 1x Tindertwig,1x Sky Blossom

Minor Blazing Salve 2x Tindertwig,1x Scarwood Bark

Minor Bleeding Resistance 2x Scarlet Flowstone,1x Ysa’s Breath

Minor Burning Sentinel 2x Tindertwig,1x Edelweiss

Minor Current Stopper 2x Eel Petal,1x Ysa’s Breath

Minor Damage Boost 3x Sativa Fibers,3x Star Thistle,2x Scarwood Bark

Minor Damage Deflection 2x Sativa Fibers, 2x Star Thistle, 1x Ysa’s Breath

Minor Dispelling Boost 1x Star Thistle, 1x Sky Blossom

Minor Experience Boost 2x Prismere Dust,1x Leechwood Bark

Minor Flameguard 1x Tindertwig,1x Ysa’s Breath

Minor Flesh Eater 2x Black Cohosh,2x Leechwood Bark

Minor Force Potion 2x Sativa Fibers,1x Scarwood Bark

Minor Freezing Sentinel 2x White Flake,1x Edelweiss

Minor Frostbite 2x White Flake,1x Scarwood Bark

Minor Frostguard 1x White Flake,1x Ysa’s Breath

Minor Hardened Shell 2x Sativa Fibers,2x Ysa’s Breath

Minor Healing Potion 2x Black Cohosh,1x Embereyes

Minor Healing Rege 2x Black Cohosh,1x Scarlet Flowstone

Minor Jeweled Shilelagh 1x White Flake,1x Sky Blossom

Minor Lightning Sentinel 2x Eel Petal,1x Edelweiss

Minor Lightning Storm 2x Eel Petal,1x Scarwood Bark

Minor Magebane 2x Star Thistle,2x Ysa’s Breath

Minor Magic Amplification 2x Star Thistle,2x Scarwood Bark

Minor Magic Precision 2x Scarab Salts,1x Star Thistle

Minor Mana Potion 2x Softscrabble Powder,1x Embereyes

Minor Mana Regen 2x Softscrabble Powder,1x Scarlet Flowstone

Minor Mana Sap 2x Softscrabble Powder,2x Leechwood Bark

Minor Merchant’s Command 1x Sativa Fibers,1x Sky Blossom

Minor Phasewalk 2x Star Thistle,1x Cripplespore Caps,2x Sky Blossom

Minor Piercing Serum 2x Scarwood Bark,1x Scarlet Flowstone

Minor Precision 2x Scarab Salts,1x Sativa Fibers

Minor Social Grace 1x Leechwood Bark,1x Sky Blossom

Minor Sorcerer’s Intelligence 2x Softscrabble Powder,2x Star Thistle

Minor Serpent’s Venom 2x Cripplespore Caps,1x Scarwood Bark

Minor Slashing Fury 2x Scarlet Flowstone,1x Scarwood Bark

Minor Steeled Curtain 2x Seaflax,1x Ysa’s Breath

Minor Thief’s Cunning 1x Eel Petal,1x Sky Blossom

Minor Tracker’s Draught 1x Scarab Salts,1x Sky Blossom

Minor Venomguard 2x Cripplespore Caps,1x Ysa’s Breath

Minor Warrior’s Strength 2x Black Cohosh,2x Sativa Fibers

Great Potions – These are relatively more advanced potions with better effects, but also requiring more uncommon reagents in larger quantities. Some greater potions, along with their recipes, are given below:

Greater Alchemist’s Art 2x Embereyes,2x Sky Blossom,1x Bloodroot

Greater Assassin’s Evasion 2x Cripplespore Caps,2x Sky Blossom,1x Bloodroot

Greater Blacksmith’s Craft 2x Tindertwig,2x Sky Blossom,1x Bloodroot

Greater Blazing Salve 3x Tindertwig,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot

Greater Bleeding Resistance 2x Scarlet Flowstone,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax

Greater Burning Sentinel 3x Tindertwig, 2x Edelweiss,1x Seaflax

Greater Current Stopper 2x Eel Petal,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax

Greater Damage Boost 4x Sativa Fibers,4x Star Thistle,3x Scarwood Bark,1x Essence of Fate

Greater Damage Deflection 3x Sativa Fibers,3x Star Thistle,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Essence of Fate

Greater Dispelling Boost 2x Star Thistle,2x Sky Blossom,1x Bloodroot

Greater Experience Boost 3x Prismere Dust,2x Leechwood Bark,1x Bloodroot

Greater Flameguard 2x Tindertwig,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax

Greater Flesh Eater 3x Black Cohosh,3x Leechwood Bark,1x Scarwood Bark

Greater Force Potion 3x Sativa Fibers,3x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot

Greater Freezing Sentinel 3x White Flake,2x Edelweiss,1x Seaflax

Greater Frostbite 3x White Flake,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot

Greater Frostguard 2x White Flake,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax

Greater Hardened Shell 3x Sativa Fibers,3x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax

Greater Healing Potion 3x Black Cohosh,2x Embereyes,1x Bloodroot

Greater Healing Rege 3x Black Cohosh,2x Scarlet Flowstone,1x Bloodroot

Go to next page for the rest of the potion recipes and alchemy leveling guide.

Greater Jeweled Shilelagh 2x White Flake,2x Sky Blossom,1x Bloodroot

Greater Lightning Sentinel 3x Eel Petal,2x Edelweiss,1x Seaflax

Greater Lightning Storm 3x Eel Petal,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot

Greater Magebane 3x Star Thistle,3x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax

Greater Magic Amplification 3x Star Thistle,3x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot

Greater Magic Precision 3x Scarab Salts,2x Star Thistle,1x Scarwood Bark

Greater Mana Potion 3x Softscrabble Powder,2x Embereyes,1x Bloodroot

Greater Mana Regen 3x Softscrabble Powder,2x Scarlet Flowstone,1x Bloodroot

Greater Mana Sap 3x Softscrabble Powder,3x Leechwood Bark,1x Scarwood Bark

Greater Merchant’s Command 2x Sativa Fibers,2x Sky Blossom,1x Bloodroot

Greater Phasewalk 2x Star Thistle ,1x Cripplespore Caps ,2x Sky Blossom ,1x Essence of Fate

Greater Piercing Serum 3x Scarwood Bark,3x Scarlet Flowstone,1x Sativa Fibers

Greater Precision 3x Scarab Salts,2x Sativa Fibers,1x Scarwood Bark

Greater Social Grace 2x Leechwood Bark,2x Sky Blossom,1x Bloodroot

Greater Sorcerer’s Intelligence 3x Softscrabble Powder,3x Star Thistle,1x Bloodroot

Greater Serpent’s Venom 3x Cripplespore Caps,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot

Greater Slashing Fury 3x Scarlet Flowstone,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot

Greater Steeled Curtain 2x Seaflax,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Bloodroot

Greater Thief’s Cunning 2x Eel Petal,2x Sky Blossom,1x Bloodroot

Greater Tracker’s Draught 2x Scarab Salts,2x Sky Blossom1x Bloodroot

Greater Venomguard 2x Cripplespore Caps,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax

Greater Warrior’s Strength 3x Black Cohosh,3x Sativa Fibers,1x Bloodroot

Stand-Alone Potions – These are one-of-a-kind potions that give an exclusive effect, which cannot be reduced or enhanced in any other way.

A few of Stand-Alone Potions, along with their recipes are:

Fate Potion: 4x Essence of Fate

Liquid Seduction: 1x Scarwood Bark, 1x Tindertwig, 1x Sky Blossom

Purification Potion: 2x Embereyes, 2x Ysa’s Breath

Master Potions – The ultimate potions in the game, these use the rarest recipes (mainly Essence of Fate) to create very effective potions with various attributes. Use these with great care, as you’re unlikely to have plenty of EoFs. A few Master Potions are listed below:

Master Alchemist’s Art 2x Embereyes,2x Sky Blossom,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Assassin’s Evasion 2x Cripplespore Caps,2x Sky Blossom,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Blacksmith’s Craft 2x Tindertwig,2x Sky Blossom,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Blazing Salve 3x Tindertwig,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Bleeding Resistance 2x Scarlet Flowstone,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Burning Sentinel 3x Tindertwig,2x Edelweiss,1x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Current Stopper 2x Eel Petal,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Dispelling Boost 2x Star Thistle,2x Sky Blossom,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Experience Boost,3x Prismere Dust,2x Leechwood Bark,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Force Potion,3x Sativa Fibers,3x Scarwood Bark,2x Bloodroot1x Essence of Fate

Master Flameguard 2x Tindertwig,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Flesh Eater,3x Black Cohosh,3x Leechwood Bark,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Essence of Fate

Master Frostbite 3x White Flake,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Frostguard 2x White Flake,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Freezing Sentinel 3x White Flake,2x Edelweiss,1x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Hardened Shell 3x Sativa Fibers,3x Ysa’s Breath,2x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Healing Potion 3x Black Cohosh,2x Emebereyes,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Health Regen 3x Black Cohsoh,2x Scarlet Flowstone,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence fo Fate

Master Jeweled Shilelagh 2x White Flake,2x Sky Blossom,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Lightning Sentinel 3x Eel Petal,2x Edelweiss,1x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Lightning Storm 3x Eel Petal,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Magebane 3x Star Thistle,3x Ysa’s Breath,2x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Magic Amplification 3x Star Thistle,3x Scarwood Bark,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Magic Precision 3x Scarab Salts,2x Star Thistle,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Essence of Fate

Master Mana Potion 3x Softscrabble Powder,2x Embereyes,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Mana Regen 3x Softscrabble Powder,2x Scarlet Flowstone,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Mana Sap 3x Softscrabble Powder,3x Leechwood Bark,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Essence of Fate

Master Merchant’s Command 2x Sativa Fibers,2x Sky Blossom,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Piercing Serum 3x Scarwood Bark,3x Scarlet Flowstone,2x Sativa Fibers,1x Essence of Fate

Master Precision 3x Scarab Salts,2x Sativa Fibers,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Essence of Fate

Master Social Grace 2x Leechwood Bark,2x Sky Blossom,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Sorcerer’s Intelligence 3x Softscrabble Powder,3x Star Thistle,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Serpent’s Venom 3x Cripplespore Caps,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Slashing Fury 3x Scarlet Flowstone,2x Scarwood Bark,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Steeled Curtain 2x Seaflax,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Thief’s Cunning 2x Eel Petal,2x Sky Blossom,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Tracker’s Draught 2x Scarab Salts,2x Sky Blossom,2x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Master Venomguard 2x Cripplespore Caps,2x Ysa’s Breath,1x Seaflax,1x Essence of Fate

Master Warrior’s Strength 3x Black Cohosh,3x Sativa Fibers,1x Bloodroot,1x Essence of Fate

Leveling Up Alchemy

The following is the way Alchemy is leveled up:


Rank 1: Milestone: A failed experiment now results in an Unstable Potion.
Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Rank 2: Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Rank 3: Milestone: You can craft potions with three reagents.
Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Rank 4: Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Advanced: (requires level Eight)

Rank 5: Milestone: You can craft potions with four reagents.
Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Rank 6: Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Rank 7: Milestone: You can craft potions using the Essence of Fate as a reagent.
Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Master: (requires level 16)

Rank 8: Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Rank 9: Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Rank 10: Milestone: All Alchemical recipes are discovered.
Increases chance to successfully harvest reagents.

Alchemy Workbenches

Workbenches are places where the player can engage in Alchemy crafting. Workbenches can be found in the following locations in the Faelands:

  • Basement of Golden Age Alchemy in Gorhart, Odarath. Golden Age Alchemy is where you meet Nanne Hanri, who gives you the Recipe for Trouble Quest.
  • Didenhil in Glendara
  • Canneroc in Webwood
  • Gossamer End in Webwood
  • Helmgard Keep
  • Rathir
  • Adessa

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Haider is a freelance contributor, who loves video games, playing guitar, and aviation. He is a competitive FPS player and also enjoys exotic RPG games like Diablo and Xenogears (his favorite game of all time) ...