Icarus, the latest survival game from Dean Hall, allows players to invest skill and talent points in different talent trees. Respec allows you to alter your character’s talent tree, giving it a boost or introducing new abilities.
If you have made the wrong choice in your talent investment and are wondering how to reset your talents, we will explain how to respec in Icarus.
Icarus Talents and Skills

Icarus is the newly released 8-player COOP game where players are dropped on an unknown planet where they have to loot, hunt, and build for survival. Players can grind and unlock new skills and talents via the game Talent Tree.
Talents in Icarus are categorized into different types in the Talent Tree. You can focus on skills like cooking, crafting, or hunting based on your playstyle.
You need to perform the activity or task whose talents you want to unlock, and in some cases, you will need to complete a few prerequisites to gain access to a specific talent.
One such example is the crafting bench, which is needed to unlock other wood blueprints. We suggest focusing on one talent at a time so you can grind it efficiently.
Which Characters Can You Respec?

You can only respect characters that are currently in the space station. You cannot respect characters that are in a drop.
How to Respec?

Select a character you want to respec, and choose the Talents option from the bottom-left corner of your screen.
If you’re a new player, you will have 30 respec points available, but if you’re an existing player, you will earn 30 points added to your current total. Now, you’ll right-click on the talent you want to respec and spend one respec point to reset it.
You will receive one talent point in return, which you can allocate to a different talent.
It is important to note that if you spend three respec points on a talent, you need to spend three additional respect points to reset the talent completely. Also, you cannot respect prerequisite talents.
Respec Solo Tree Talents In Icarus

You can also respec your solo tree talents using free spec points. This allows you to reset your solo tree talents and allocate them differently.