How To Use Pressure Plate In ARK Genesis

The Pressure Plate's purpose is to trigger different devices to activate or de-activate in Ark Genesis, such as doors or traps.

Pressure Plate is one of the new structures you can build in Ark Genesis. As you can imagine, the Pressure Plate’s purpose is to trigger different devices to activate or de-activate, such as opening the gates once you stand on them.

The Pressure Plates can be programmed to be activated in response to any creature when in range. Ark has put the code on the Pressure Plates so other players cannot mess with your structures.

You can only put two Pressure Plates in any certain region of Ark Genesis. The pressure plate can be used to detect survivors and creatures; this is done by simply activating pin-coded structures within a radius. You can set it up as a trap.

How to Craft Pressure Plate?

Head to the engrams menu to unlock the Pressure Plate for Cementing Paste x5, Fiber x68, Metal x32, Thatch x170, and Wood x130.

Once you have unlocked the Pressure Plate, place it on a foundation or the ground. After setting the plate, open its radial menu and enable the show pin broadcast range option. You will see a green glowing area representing the range where the Pressure Plate can activate or deactivate if something stands on it.

Setting up PIN Code

You first need to set up a pin code on an object; for this, head to that object’s radial wheel and choose the select pin code option. The next thing to do is go to the plate’s menu, choose a pin code, and you will be able to set a requisite PIN for different options.

If you step on the Pressure Plate, by default, it toggles anything with the correct pin code. You can unlink the plate by clearing the pin code from its radial wheel.

How to Activate an Object?

To activate an object, you must toggle the OnTrap Activated setting. This setting has five different settings, which are explained below.

  • Broadcast Deactivate Structures: In this menu, standing on the Pressure Plate will ensure that the object remains closed/deactivated if you have an object with the same pin code.
  • Broadcast Activate Structures: This option ensures that the object opens/activates after standing on the Pressure Plate.
  • Broadcast Toggle Structures: If the toggle structure option is enabled, stand on the plate once to open/activate the object and close/deactivate it again.
  • Activate for Time (Delay by 1 second): This option opens/activates the object for one second and immediately closes/deactivates it. The activation time can be increased by 3 and 5 seconds, for this head to the OnTrap setting and click the Activate for Time option once or twice more.
  • Do Nothing: This option does nothing while standing on the plate.

Using Pressure Plate as Trap

The most obvious use of a pressure plate is its ability to create a trap by having wild animals step on it. For this, create a room-like foundation, place the Pressure Plate near the front gateway, and place a small exit door on the other side for you to leave. However, note that very large creatures like Megatherium will not trigger the Pressure Plate but break it.


You can build a hidden trap by placing a stone foundation underneath, placing the Pressure Plate above it, and putting another foundation layer on top to hide it. Once the structure is made, set up the OnTrap Activation menu and trap enemy players.

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.