The Tideripper is a powerful aquatic machine in Horizon Forbidden West that can make the game challenging if you don’t know how to defeat it. Knowing where to find Tiderippers is important because encountering them unprepared can be tough.
Tiderippers have various dangerous attacks, including water cannons and strong physical moves. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses is crucial for defeating them. Knowing their locations lets you gather the right resources and plan your strategy. This makes overcoming these tough enemies easier and helps you progress in the game.
Tiderippers are spawned at multiple locations throughout the world of Horizon Forbidden West. You also face them in various questlines, but you can defeat them easily if you have the knowledge and a good strategy to imply. You need to be at least level 25 to defeat it.
Horizon Forbidden West Tideripper #1 Location

We will look into the first Tidripper’s location, The Apex Tideripper. It will be higher than the other Tiderippers, so we will explain later in this guide if you do not know how to defeat it.
This Tideripper can be found West of Tilda’s Mansion near the beach. It’ll be a 44 Apex Tideripper.
Tideripper #2 Location

The Second Tideripper can be located Southeast of the Stone’s Echo. It will be somewhere on the edge of the marshes. We recommend you use a Stormbird for this one.
Tideripper #3 Location

After finding the second tideripper, the third one will be in deep water. It will be swimming, so you will dive in and make it follow you to a clean surface where you can battle it.
Tideripper #4 Location

The fourth Tideripper will be northwest of the third Tideripper you found. It will also be in deep water, so you have to do the same diving process to make it follow you onto the land.
Tideripper #5 Location

The final Tideripper’s exact location is given in the picture below. It will not be swimming in deep water, so bringing it somewhere close to the surface can be easy.
How to Defeat Tiderippers?

Tideripper is a heavy-hitting machine and can prove formidable if you fight it at a close range, but it will be much easier for you to deal with if you try to fight it from a distance. Tideripper is weak against Frost and Shock, so stack up on those before engaging.

The machine has a sparker on its back, and when you target it with shock damage, it will cause the Tideripper to collapse. While it’s on the ground, you can do finisher attacks to damage it massively. You can also target the area under its neck, on its tail, and back. Anything glowing yellow is a weak point of the machine that you can target while maintaining a distance and repeat the attacks to stagger it.
You need to know that they have strong Purgewater and Fire, so they can charge at you if you are within their range, so be careful. Once you have defeated one, it will drop all the loot for crafting and upgrading higher-tier weapons, so good luck.
Tideripper Loot and Drops
Defeating a Tideripper has a chance to drop the following items.
- Purgewater (100%)
- Metal Shards (100%)
- Large Machine Core (70%)
- Tideripper Circulator (69%)
- Tideripper Primary Nerve (62%)
- Volatile Sludge (50%)
- Machine Muscle (46%)
- Braided Wire (90% from processing capsule)
- Crystal Braiding (51% from Purgewater Canon)
- Luminous Brainstem (28%)
- Metal Bone (28%)
- Sturdy Hardplate (56%)
- Blastpaste (26% from Processing Capsule)
- Chillwater (100% from Chillwater Canister)
- Tideripper Tail Fin (100% from the tail)
- Glowblast (100% from Glowblast Canister)