If you have played the first few hours of Hogwarts Legacy, you already know that your character has the ability to tap into some ancient magic to basically become a super wizard and deal devastating damage to enemies. This magic relies on an ancient magic meter which can be upgraded by finding all the Hogwarts Legacy Ancient Magic hotspots locations.
What are Ancient Magic Hotspots in Hogwarts Legacy?
Ancient Magic Hotspots are basically hidden places that contain spheres that players can collect. Collecting these magical spheres is an important aspect, as it will help you to secure the hotspot on the map. However, don’t think that these will be easier to secure, you face some puzzles and defeat some enemies on the way.
What do Ancient Magic Hotspots do?
Ancient Magic Hotspots basically contain spheres that players can collect to upgrade the ancient magic meter and increase the number of times they can cast this magic in combat without waiting for it to replenish.
Collecting these magical spheres is an important aspect, as it will help you to secure the hotspot on the map. However, don’t think that these will be easier to secure, you face some puzzles and defeat some enemies on the way.
It will be a long task because of 20 locations and each has an average of three spheres per location. Just follow the location and method to solve these puzzles, and it will take much less time.
- North Ford Bog
- Forbidden Forest
- East Hogsmeade
- Collector’s Cave
- Hogwarts Valley
- Feldcroft
- Poidesear Coast
- Marunweem Lake
- Manor cape
- Cragcroftshire
North Ford Bog Ancient Magic Hotspot

Travel to the old building near the North Ford Bog Location. Investigate the building to locate all three spheres. Use Incendio spell to destroy any slugs or spider webs on the way. Grab one sphere on the right, and another sphere will be up on the wooden boxes.
After collecting the second sphere, jump through the window straight ahead. Crawl through the broken wall and collect the third sphere.
Forbidden Forest Ancient Magic Hotspot

Travel to an abandoned building in the forbidden forest. Use Revelio to reveal the location of all three spheres. Enter through the rightmost frog from the entrance. Grab the sphere and return to the entrance.
Use the second frog from the right, and it will send you to the top of the building. Where you will be able to collect spheres in no time.
East Hogsmeade Ancient Magic Hotspot

Due to the east, you will find a ladder right by the steel gate, climb it. Use Incendio to destroy vines on the way and grab the first sphere. Another sphere will be up the two wooden stages. Use the spell to break the pulley and jump down the hole to grab the third sphere.
Collector’s Cave Ancient Magic Hotspot

Travel to the Collector’s cave, north of Hogwarts. Use Incendio to pass through the vines at the entrance. Collect the first sphere and jump down the hole after breaking the wooden beams on the floor and nab the second sphere.
For the third sphere, use Accio to pull the concrete block open to a secret location. To climb back up, use Accio on the skeletons to form a ladder.
Hogwarts Valley Ancient Magic Hotspots
There are a total of 6 hotspots within the Hogwarts Valley region of The Highlands. It is best if you explore this area while flying on a broom as you can complete other challenges as well.
Ancient magic hotspot #1

Travel north of Hogwarts valley into a cave and investigate the location of all three spheres. One Spere will be found in the backside of the ruin. For the other two spheres, use Bombarda to destroy wooden slabs to locate a wooden box. Use the following spells (Levioso and Depulso) to float the wooden box and drop it near the walls, where you located the other two spheres.
Use the box to climb up the ruin and collect the two spheres. Use Incendio to destroy the vines along the way to the third sphere.
Ancient magic hotspot #2

Travel to the west of Hogwarts Valley and investigate the location of all three spheres. Travel using the broom, to grab all three spheres.
Ancient magic hotspot #3

Travel northwest of Hogwarts valley to a mountain. As you reach a ruin, investigate locating all three spheres. One will be in a room blocked by vines, and the other two spheres will be at the top. Use Incendio to pass through the vines.
Climb the first ladder to get to the other sphere and then climb another ladder to nab the final one.
Ancient magic hotspot #4

Near Hogwarts valley, investigate the ruin to locate all three spheres. To get the first sphere, use Incendio to destroy the vines. Then use a broom to the top and collect the other two spheres along the way.
Ancient magic hotspot #5

Due to the northeast of Hogwarts valley, investigating locating all three spheres. The first sphere is the easier one to get. However, for the second one, you need to kill some spiders using the Incendio. Climb up the ruin to nab the third one.
Ancient magic hotspot #6

Travel a few meters to the northeast of Hogwarts Valley. Investigate the locations of all four spheres. Travel to the first one using a broom and then climb the ladder.
For the other two, you will come across steel gates. To open this gate, use Depulso to rotate the levers.
As for the remaining one, use a broom to go up then use Incendio to clear out some vines.
Feldcroft Ancient Magic Hotspots
There are four ancient magic hotspots within the Feldcroft area of Hogwarts Legacy.
Ancient magic hotspot #1

Travel to a castle, which will be to the northeast of Feldcroft. Investigate the locations of all three spheres. Use Broom to Collect all three spheres. Although, for the third one, you will have to climb down after getting to the location.
Ancient magic hotspot #2

Due to the north of Felcroft, you will see an old ruin. After investigation, climb up the stairs to collect the first one. Then climb up through multiple ladders, to get to the next one.
For the last one, you may want to use Incendio to dislocate the pulley to be able to jump across the nest platform.
Ancient magic hotspot #3

Travel to the east of the Feldcroft region and investigate. Use the broom to collect all three spheres. Although you will come across a couple of river trolls, avoid them, and fly over to collect the spheres.
Ancient magic hotspot #4

After investigating the southeast side ruin in the Felcroft region. Use the broom to travel to all three locations to collect all three spheres. Use Incendio for passing through the vines.
Poidesear Coast Ancient Magic Hotspots
There are only two hotspots in Poidesear Coast.
Ancient magic hotspot #1

Travel a few meters to the north of the Poidesear coast. After investigating, use the Alohomora spell to unlock the door to an old building, and collect the first sphere.
Use Levioso to place the wooden box at the far end side of the area. Climb up to get the second sphere and again climb up to get the third sphere.
You may want to use Confringo to pass through the boulders and Incendio to destroy the vines.
Ancient magic hotspot #2

Travel to the south of Poidsear coast and investigate the place. Travel to the first building after crossing the wooden bridge. Jump across the next platform to nab the first sphere.
Make your way to the next building, use Incendio to clear out the vines, and collect the second sphere.
Use Accio to pull the concrete block and get the box. Using the Accio on the box, place it before you and climb it to nab the last sphere.
Marunweem Lake Ancient Magic Hotspots
There are two hotspots in the Marunweem lake area
Ancient magic hotspot #1

As you reach the north of Marunweem lake, use investigate option to locate all the spheres. Use Reparo to repair the broken platform on your right. Upstairs you will be able to collect the first sphere. After you move up, use Accio to pull the block to open the bridge. You will encounter some Duelling feast.
Use Incendio to defeat these beasts and make your way to the locked room, where you will find the second sphere. As usual, use the Alohomora spell to unlock it and then use a broom to travel to the third sphere, which you will find on the boat in the river.
Ancient magic hotspot #2

Near Marunween lake, you will be able to locate an old ruin. Use the investigation to reveal the positions of the spheres. Use Reparo on the broken platform straight. Climb up the slab and use Depulso on the lever, to collect the first sphere.
Make your way to the repaired platform to nab the second sphere. Use Revelio, to locate another lever. Break the boxes blocking the lever using the Incendio spell. Use Depulso on the lever to open the steel gate, to collect the remaining sphere.
Manor Cape Ancient Magic Hotspot

Travel to an old building on the north of Manor cap. Use the investigation to reveal the positions of all the spheres. Use the broom to collect the first two spheres and get to the locked door.
Use the Alohomora spell to unlock the door to reveal a frog. Get to the third sphere, using the frog.
Cragcroftshire Ancient Magic Hotspot

Due to the west of Cragcroftshire, you will come across an old ruin. After using the investigation, you can locate all three spheres. Make yours to the top of the ruin.
On your way, you will be able to collect two spheres. For the remaining one, get on a broom to fly and complete the last ancient magic hotspot in Hogwarts Legacy.