Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations Guide

In this guide, we'll show you all of Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations that you can find scattered across the open-world map

Halo Infinite has one of the biggest explorable open-world spaces of the franchise. So, it’s safe to say that there is a lot to do and find out in the open world.  In this guide, we’ll be showing you all the Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations.

Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations

You can find seven Forerunner Artifacts in total. Collecting each of these gives you Audio Logs that reveal more lore about Forerunners and Zeta Halo.

Finding them can be difficult since the map is really huge, and they can be easily missed during your playthrough. Fortunate for you, we have managed to track down each one of them.

Unlike other collectibles, Forerunner Artifacts don’t get marked on the map when you liberate FOBs but because of the open-world design, you can easily spot these giant rings from far away.

A quick tip, however, if you have FOBs unlocked, it becomes very easy to grab a few of these. Just navigate through the map using these fast travel points, and you should be able to collect all of these in no time!

In each of the pictures attached below, look for the green player symbol, that’s where the Artifact can be found.

Forerunner Artifact I

This one is located due east of FOB Charlie.

Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations

Forerunner Artifact II

This Artifact can be found just below the Spartan Core north of Armory of Reckoning. You should also see a Mjolnir Locker nearby so it is hard to miss.

Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations

Forerunner Artifact III

This Artifact is located due South of FOB Foxtrot and West of FOB Golf.

Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations

Forerunner Artifact IV

This one is near the 3rd Artifact, it’s on the hill on the opposite side of FOB Golf and just a little North of the Cayman squad.

Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations

Forerunner Artifact V

This one is located just North East of FOB Juliet and right next to the Propaganda Tower.

Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations

Forerunner Artifact VI

This artifact is located just above FOB Hotel.

Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations

Forerunner Artifact VII

This artifact is located just right on top of FOB November.

Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations

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