Hajime Tabata Reveals There Will Be Over 200 Final Fantasy 15 Sidequests

Producer Hajime Tabata has unveiled that there will be over 200 Final Fantasy 15 sidequests to do when the game releases on September 30.

Hope you guys won’t have any real plans at the end of September: the 200+ Final Fantasy 15 sidequests that the game comes with in addition to its story mode will most likely be able to keep you very busy for the next few months.

Final Fantasy 15 finally got a release date at the Uncovered: Final Fantasy 15 event in Los Angeles on March 30, after nine years of sporadic updates and even a rumor in 2012 that the game had been cancelled. While it’s no The Last Guardian, that’s a pretty big dearth of info for a Final Fantasy game.

Final Fantasy 15 has already been said to be a make-or-break moment for the series, being made with the highest possible graphics and the best technology available at the time.

If the stories we’ve heard from the Uncovered event are true, Square Enix doesn’t have to worry. It’s said that of the 30,000 Ultimate Collector’s Editions that became available for the event, that none were left, on Playstation 4 or Xbox One, within just two hours.

The 200 Final Fantasy 15 sidequests that you’ll be doing will be divided into four different categories, according to Hajima Tabata, the producer for the game.

There will be a “for fun” category that is things like fishing and chocobo-racing, sidequests related to the main story, sidequests where you hunt monsters (similar to the Behemoth hunt that you were doing to get money to pay for your car being repaired in the Episode: Duscae demo), and regional quests.

Tabata also unveiled numerous other features that would be in the game, mainly related to the main party’s sweet car, the Regalia.

In addition to being revealed as the party’s airship at the end of the “Reclaim Your Throne” trailer, the Regalia will act as the party’s storage space through its trunk, will need to be filled up with gas, and will have a radio that will play remixed versions of classic Final Fantasy games.

What else will be available, we’ll have to see for ourselves when the game releases at the end of September.

Hunter is senior news writer at SegmentNext.com. He is a long time fan of strategy, RPG, and tabletop games. When he is not playing games, he likes to write about them.