God Of War: Ragnarok Missable Trophies

God of War Ragnarok has 32 trophies, which will keep completionists occupied until they have them all.  Players get these...

God of War Ragnarok has 32 trophies, which will keep completionists occupied until they have them all. 

Players get these trophies as a reward for completing missions. The ultimate trophy is the platinum trophy, “the Bear and the Wolf,” that players will get after achieving all others.

However, the fear of missable trophies can be vexing. Players are always stressed out regarding the trophies. Therefore, this guide will cover all the missable trophies in God of War

Is anything missable in God of War: Ragnarok?

Fortunately, Ragnarok has no missable items. This must be a sigh of relief for trophy hunters who are always worried about missing out on any trophy.

Since its release, God of War Ragnarok has been going flawlessly and seems to do nothing wrong. Everything is on point, as it should be from a gamer’s perspective. The game won’t let you down when it comes to the trophies.

You can complete the trophies in a single playthrough with no problems. Some trophies will be unlocked automatically as you progress through the game; others are linked to specific collectibles. The game has no missable sidequests and missable collectibles; thus, all the trophies are non-missable.

Furthermore, you’ll be able to obtain the majority of the trophies as you complete the Favors or Sidequests. Even if you miss a trophy, which is unlikely, you can return later to claim it.

Once you have completed the game, you can revisit any area to unlock/claim collectibles and trophies you could not obtain previously.

Even better, trophies in GoW Ragnarok are not associated with any difficulty level. Therefore, you will be able to play the game at your preferred difficulty while still acquiring all trophies.

In a nutshell, there are no missable trophies in God of War Ragnarok, so you can play as you want and still get away with the trophies. It’s a win-win scenario.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...