Final Fantasy 16 Getting To Work Walkthrough

Getting To Work in Final Fantasy 16 is one of the 50 main quests full of adventure you must take part in as you explore the world of ...

Getting To Work in Final Fantasy 16 is one of the 50 main quests full of adventure you must take part in as you explore the world of Valisthea. As the story progresses, you will take part in this quest after Bolts from the Blue main quest.

Completing Getting To Work is one of the objectives of Bolts from the Blue. Therefore, this quest begins right after you speak to Mid during Bolts from the Blue in FF16. After completing the “Capital Punishment” quest, return to The Hideaway using Fast Travel. Once there, follow the marker that will take you to Mid downstairs. Speak to Mid, and Getting To Work will begin.

Final Fantasy 16 Getting To Work quest walkthrough

Before getting into the detailed walkthrough, here is a quick overview of things you’ll be doing once you have spoken to Mid to initiate the Getting To Work quest in FFXVI:

  • Speak To Mid
  • Interact with Blackthorne and Charon.
  • Interact with Bardolph.
  • Head Towards Martha’s Rest and speak with Martha.
  • Find a Carpenter, Bernard.
  • Kill the enemies.
  • Go back and interact with Mid again.

Speak To Mid

To begin the quest, you must first speak with Mid in Final Fantasy 16. To find her, take the stairs right behind the Otto, and as you go up, you will find Mid there.

As you interact with Mid, she will show her deep interest in converting a room downstairs into a Workshop. As she explains, the Getting To Work quest in FF16 will begin, and now you must help Mid set up her Workshop.

Blackthorne and Charon

Mid will first ask you to speak to Blackthorne and Charon to convince them to help her with items required for her Workshop. In the story, Mid has been doing some great deeds; therefore, Charon will quickly offer his help as you visit his stall in the Central Hub area.

After that, speak with Blackthorne. Give him the list of required items, and he will agree on a free supply of instruments for the Workshop as soon as possible.


To find Bardolph, head down to the Docks taking the elevator. As you go down, look towards your right. Right beyond the pier, you will see Bardolph in FFXVI. Unfortunately, he will not offer help but refer you to Martha’s Rest.

Martha’s Rest

Unfortunately, our grind for carpenters is not yet over. Therefore, after speaking to Bardolph, head to Martha’s Rest. As you speak to Martha, she too will tell you that Carpenter isn’t available. However, he will do your work if you find him.

Find Bernard

To find Bernard in FFXVI, head out of the town after speaking to Martha. To do so, take a bridge that takes you out of the town straight into the swampland. Crossing the Fallen Debris, you’ll see a man standing on the opposite end of the Bridge.

Run to the other end and speak to him. Bernard offers his help, but only if you clear all the enemies in the area. Therefore, you must first kill enemies and speak with Bernard in Final Fantasy 16.

Kill enemies

The town of Cressida, the hometown of Bernard, is full of Vultures and Crawls you need to clear. First, clear these creatures, and then look for Vampire Thorns. They will come out of the Shruberry; therefore, kill them as soon as they spawn.

In the end, you will encounter Wivre Swoops. Take them down, and speak to Bernard, who will appreciate your effort and tell you he will visit Hideaway after an event in his hometown. The enemies you kill here offer you 170 EXP, 390 Gil, and 90 Ability Points in Final Fantasy 16.

Speak To Mid

Once you have sorted everything, head back to The Hideaway and speak to Mid. As you do it, your “Getting To Work” quest in FF16 will be complete, and Mid will reward you for all your efforts.

Rewards for completing the Getting to Work quest

Rewards for the Getting To Work quest include 300 EXP, almost 35 Renowns, and The Breath of Earth.