Thicker than Water is the final ally quest in Beckett’s questline in Fallout 76: Wastelanders. In this quest, you must find and save your brother from the Blood Eagles by traveling to Watoga.
It will become available once you complete Beckett’s penultimate quest, Eye for an Eye. Simply talk to him at your C.A.M.P. to start this mission.
Go to Watoga Underground

Once you’ve talked to Beckett, follow the marker in Fallout 76. It will take you to Watoga Underground, which is located in downtown Watoga. You must climb up a couple of steps and open the gate. Inside, you will come across Beckett and Ronny.
After talking to Beckett, speak with Ronny and select the first dialogue option; “You are mysterious “Ronny.” I almost thought Beckett was making you up.”

You will get the key to the Watoga Underground joint. After that, you will select the first option again. Beckett will explain the plan to you. Ask him about the control room, and he will tell you how to use it.
Open the Garage Door

Once you have the key, interact with the terminal by following the quest marker. When you reach the corridor there will be a sliding door to the right, go through it and turn left. Go to all the rooms you can go to and get as much loot as possible.
There will be Blood Eagles around; take them out. At the end, there will be a door on the left. Turn right after going through it, and then go down the stairs.
On the right side of these stairs is a door that leads to a big hall. Go down, face some droids, and then turn left.

You will come across some tracks here, which are the Garage. Your first objective is to open its door. After some stairs, you will find a console. Use that console to unlock the Garage door.
Take out the remaining Blood Eagles and Confront the Claw

Then follow the tracks on the left, and you will get to a very big hall. Climb down and take out all the enemies here. On the right, there would be a control room on the ground level, go through it take the stairs, and take out the enemies there as well.
There is only one path open on the left. On the left side of this corridor is a narrow, elevated walkway with a door at the end. On the other side is another terminal. You will activate the turret using this.
Get out of that room and go straight ahead again, taking out all the enemies there. Going straight will take you to another terminal on the right. The next door to it has stairs that will take you down to a circular hall with a large pillar in the middle. There is only one way in and another way out.
Go out and kill all the enemies. Then, turn left and go through the corridors to a junk yard-like place. There will be enemies there as well; kill them.
Go up the stairs and look for the terminal on the left. There is a door next to it, and a slope goes up through it.
Go straight forward and open the sliding door on the right. There is an activated turret with several enemies. This area looks like the center of the mall, with the hub of escalators.

There would be a door near the escalators, and The Claw on the other side. It turns out Frankie, Beckett’s brother, is the claw. He is being possessed or mind-controlled by something, and you and Beckett will try to snap him out of it. When it’s done, fast-travel to your C.A.M.P. and talk to Beckett to complete the ally quest Thicker Than Water.