Fallout 76 features a plethora of magazines to find and use and like the bobbleheads, they’re scattered throughout Appalachia. Magazines like Grognak the Barbarian, Robco Fun, and The Unstoppables all make a return, although they work slightly differently in this game. unlike previous Fallout games, magazines do not provide a permanent buff after you read them, instead their effects last for a limited amount of time; 30 minutes.
Every magazine can be picked up several times and can either be traded or sold if you so please. Furthermore, you can also display your collected magazines at your camp using magazine stands. The spawn locations for magazines in Fallout 76 are completely randomized and what you pick up boils down to your luck and the game’s RNG system.
In this guide, we’ll be looking at all the possible spawn locations for magazines in Fallout 76, including new locations introduced after the Wastelanders and Steel Dawn updates. It is important to note that magazines may not spawn in some of the locations we’ve described below, if this happens, simply connect to a new server and try again.
Fallout 76 The Forest Magazine Locations

Vault 76
A magazine can be found beside the computer terminal table.
Alpine River Cabins
Two magazines can spawn here. The first one can be found on top of a round metallic table in the treehouse. The second is found in the south cabin, particularly on the bottom bunk of the room with the bear rug.
Aaronholt Homestead
Two magazines can spawn here in Fallout 76. One can be found near the Weapons Workbench inside the silo. The second one is found on top of a bookcase in the second-floor bedroom of the house with the red star.
Arktos Pharma
The first magazine in Arktos Pharma is located towards the left of the main terminal in the Cargobot control room. The second one is found on a wooden crate in the loading bay. The third magazine is found near the biome lab’s men’s room. it is on a bench
AVR Medical Center
Three magazines can spawn in the AVR Medical Center. The first one can spawn on the ground floor’s ruined office. It can be found on the coffee table. The second magazine can spawn in the office on the second floor, particularly, on the desk near the door.
The final magazine can also be found on the second floor. It is located on the broken terminal outside the farthest office in the eastern direction.
Big Al’s Tattoo Parlor
One magazine spawns here. It can be found on a magazine stand right by the entrance
Bolton Greens
In Bolton Greens, there are three possible magazine spawn locations. The first magazine can be found at the entrance near the double doors and the bicycle.
The second one is located near the bottom bunk bed on the second floor. The third and final magazine is on a shelf near the reception.
Camp Adams
Three magazines can be found here in Fallout 76. The first one is located on the bench near the main fireplace. The second magazine can be found on the floor of the shower area, while the third and final magazine can be found on the floor right behind the knowledge cabin.
Camp McClintock
The singular magazine hear is found inside the main building. It is located under the “Support Our Troops” poster.
Charleston Capitol Building
There is one magazine spawn location in the Capitol building. It is found in the basement, on the desk near the door adjacent to the food court.
Charleston Railyard
The magazine in Charleston Railyard is found inside a locker in the main yard’s building.
Clancy Manor
The singular magazine can be found in the room with a patched-up wall. It spawns on a shelf.
The Crosshair
The first magazine spawns near the Workbench, while the second magazine is found atop a wooden plank right near the entrance to the camp.
Darling Sister’s Lab
The magazine can be found in the cabin with the weathervane on its roof. It’s hidden behind a picture on the wall.
Deathclaw Island
The singular magazine can spawn near the Deathclaw’s lair which lies next to a Caps stash.
Eta Psi House
The single magazine can be found in the basement. It’ll be on a shelf near the shower in the bathroom.
Mama Dolce’s Food Processing
Mama Dolce’s Food Processing has four possible magazine spawn locations. All four magazines are found in the underground Fujiniya Intelligence Base.
The first one can be found on a table in the kitchen. The second magazine can be found in the dorm southwest of the area.
The third magazine can spawn on a trolley inside the laboratory area, and the fourth and final magazine is found towards the south of the laboratory on top of a metal shelf.
Gauley Mine
Two magazines can spawn in Gauley Mine. The first one can be found near the entrance and the second magazine can be found inside a locker in the generator room.
The Giant Teapot
The Giant Teapot has two possible magazine spawn locations. The first one can be found near the Nuka-Cola fridge, the second one is on the bottom shelf in the main area.
Greg’s Mine Supply
The singular magazine here can spawn inside the house that lies on the northwest of the supply store. It’s located in the living room on top of the coffee table.
Groves Family Cabin
The singular magazine can be found in one of the northwestern cabins. It is located underneath a bunk bed.
Horizon’s Rest
There are three magazine spawn locations in Horizon’s Rest. The first one can be found on the TV cabinet in the cockpit of the airplane. The second one is located atop an airplane seat near the electric pylon platforms.
The last magazine is found in the cabinet in the detached kitchen attached to an electric platform.
Hornwright Industrial Headquarters
To find the first of the three magazines, go to the fifth floor. It is located on a desk with a red bucket near it. The second magazine is found inside the CEO’s office on the executive floor. It can be picked up from the desk in the office.
The third and final magazine is found on the sub-level. It is located on one of the seats right by the mainframe.
Hornwright Summer Villa
There are two magazine spawn locations inside the Hornwright Summer Villa. The first magazine spawns in the room above the garage beside a fridge. While the second magazine spawns in the basement under a few barrels of wine.
Hunter’s Ridge
One magazine spawns here and it can be found under the sofa in the northeast treehouse shack.
Kanawha County Cemetery
The magazine can be found inside the church. It is located on the third seat from the left side of the building.
Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant
The Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant also has three possible magazine spawn locations. The first one can be found near a toolbox near a large doorway. The second one can be found in the security room, behind the mainframe bank.
The third and final one can be near a Weapons Workbench in the generator room.
Burdette Manor / The Kill Box
The first magazine can spawn underneath the wooden crate in the kitchen of the manor while the second magazine can be found in the attic area, behind a cardboard box.
Lady Janet’s Soft Serve
A single magazine can be picked up after you open the safe in the ice cream trailer. The safe is located right across the bathtub in the trailer.
Landview Lighthouse
You can potentially find two magazines here. The first one spawns on the picnic table outside the Lighthouse Keeper’s house, while the second one can be found on the dining table in the house.
Lewis and Sons Farming Supply
This place also has three magazine spawn locations. The first one is near the counter in the greenhouse. The second one can be found near the counter in the red barn, while the last one is found on the second floor of the tractor barn.
Marigold Pavilion
The singular magazine can be found in the attic behind a toy truck.
Morgantown Airport
This area also has four possible magazine spawn locations. The first one can be in the airport control tower, near the control panel. The second one can be found in the damaged airplane, particularly on a small table.
The third and fourth magazines are found in the airport terminals second floor. One can be found in the cubicle office while the second one is near the exit doorway nestled between two airplane seats.
Morgantown High School
Three magazines can spawn inside Morgantown High School. The first one is found between two destroyed terminals in the library. The second one is inside the office with the “Happy Halloween” sign outside it. The third and final magazine is found inside a locker near the girl’s restroom.
Morgantown Trainyard
Two magazines can spawn here in Fallout 76. The first one can be found near the warehouse, it is located on a wooden box above it. The second one can be found at the main warehouse entrance.
New River Gorge Bridge
A single magazine can be picked up in the support shack. The shack can be reached by using a support beam near it.
The Nukashine
A single magazine can be found in the Nukashine brewing room. it is on a barrel near the first brewing station in the room with Biv.
Ohio River Adventures
The magazine can be picked up near the Weapons Workbench, particularly below the blue counter.
Overlook Cabin
Overlook Cabin also has two possible magazine spawn locations. The first one is located behind a radiator on the stairs leading up to the second floor, near the door with the exit sign.
The second magazine is in the basement, it can be picked up near a yellow trolley filled with junk.
Pi House
There is a total of two magazines here. The first one can be found on the kitchen counter while the second one can be found in the basement, on a shelf by the stairs that lead you down.
The Pigsty
The singular magazine is on the fourth floor of the structure. It is on a cabinet near the workbench.
Portside Pub
A magazine can be found behind a wooden board, on the upper balcony eating area.
Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06
There is a total of eight magazine spawn locations in Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06. The first one is located inside the maintenance hut towards the northeastern part of the area. It is found atop a filing cabinet. The second one is found near the “Teddy Bears’ Picnic” scene towards the northwest of the smokestacks.
The third magazine is located inside the yellow cart right at the roof entrance of the main plant. The fourth one is found in the maintenance room of the first cooling tower. It is hidden behind the machinery.
The fifth magazine is located in the reactor room. it is found on the bottom shelf of the locker room. the sixth one is found on a shelf in the basement’s locker room.
The seventh magazine is located atop the highest gantry in the reactor room while the eighth magazine is found on the desk in the manager’s office.
Putnam Residence
A total of two magazines can spawn on the upper floor of the house. The first one is found near the bed in the bedroom while the second one is found on a counter on the balcony.
Red Rocket
The magazine can be found inside a box that’s resting on the shelving unit near the Red Rocket.
Relay Tower HN-B1-12
The singular magazine in Relay Tower HN-B1-12 can be found on top of the main terminal in the concrete hut.
Riverside Manor
Four magazines can spawn inside and near the Riverside Manor. The first one is located in a corner of the library while the second one is found hidden between the washing machine and a suitcase in the laundry room.
Magazines 3 and 4 are found on the second floor. The former is found inside the footlocker of the bedroom while the latter is located on a wooden desk in the other room.
Silva Homestead
Two magazines can be found in the Silva Homestead. The first one is found on a shelf in the barn. The second one is found on the bottom floor of the grey farmhouse. It is hidden in a sideboard near the green lamp.
Summersville Docks
There are three magazine spawn locations in the Summersville Docks. The first one is near the southeast boathouse and has an overturned boat near it.
The magazine is located right at the entrance of the boat. The second magazine is on a bookshelf in the red shed near the parking lot.
The third and final magazine is found near the dried-up lake. Particularly on a wooden shelf near the southeastern dock.
You can find two magazines in Sutton. The first one is found in the basement of the Overseer’s home. It’s hidden in the baseboard between the toilet and sink.
The second one is located inside a tree trunk towards the east of the rail tracks. The tree in question is surrounded by a couple of cardboard boxes and a toilet plunger.
Torrance House
The first magazine can be found under a yellow trolley full of junk on the south side of Torrance House while the second magazine is hidden behind three paintings in the octagonal-shaped room.
Transmission Station 1AT-U03
One magazine spawns here. It is found on a metal shelving unit right of the red trunk.
Twin Pine Cabins
Only one magazine spawns here. It can be found toward the entrance of the cabin between two metallic barrels.
Tygart Water Treatment
The magazine can be found around the square metal table, towards the upper part of the treatment defense area in Fallout 76.
Tyler County Fairgrounds
A total of three magazines can spawn here. The first one is found towards the east of the main grounds on two wooden barrels. The second magazine is found inside an outhouse near the Hotdogs stall. The third and final magazine in the shop with the toy rocket ships, particularly on the bottom section of a metal shelving unit.
Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center
There is a total of five magazine spawn locations at the research center. The first one can be found in the basement. It is in a room with metal shelving units, and the magazine is found on a table in the corner. The rest of the magazines can be found on the second floor. One will be in the room with MacFadden’s terminal, the magazine will be on a cardboard box.
The third magazine can be found in a room along the left side of the wall. It will be on one of the shelves present there. The fourth magazine can be found in the office, it will be near a blue painting that is leaning against a wall.
The fifth and final magazine is the storage room, which has a blue wallpaper. It’ll be present on the bottom level of a metal shelving unit.
Vault-Tec University
A total of three magazines can spawn inside Vault-Tec University. The first two magazines can be found in the simulation vault. One can spawn on top of a table in the cafeteria. The second magazine can be found atop the teacher’s desk in the classroom.
The third magazine spawns on top of a table in room 204 in the main campus building.
Wixon Homestead
The singular magazine can be found on a table in the second-floor bedroom of the farmhouse.
WV Lumber Co.
Two magazines can spawn here. The first can be found on a metallic desk that has bones around it in the yard. The second one is located on a wooden dining table inside the lumber mill.
Fallout 76 Toxic Valley Magazine Locations

Becker Farm
A single magazine may spawn on the ground floor of the white farmhouse that has a missing roof. The magazine will be located on a desk.
Black Bear Lodge
The single magazine in the lodge can be found in the lodge. It is located in the attic next to a sleeping bag.
Cobbleton Farm
To locate the magazine in Cobbleton Farm, make your way to the room towards the right of the wooden staircase. The magazine will spawn on a cabinet.
Eastern Regional Penitentiary
There are seven possible magazine locations in the Eastern Regional Penitentiary. The first one spawns on the counter in the patient intake room, while the second spawns on a desk in the security office of Cell Block B.
The third location where a magazine may spawn is between a dryer and a pillar across the washing machines inside the penitentiary. The fourth magazine may spawn near the warden’s bed in the warden’s bedroom while the fifth may spawn near a shelf with a broken lamp.
The sixth magazine can be found inside the chapel. It is located on a lectern shelf. The seventh possible location is the outhouse with the door.
Grafton Dam
To locate the magazine in Grafton Dam, head to the hidey-hole camp near the gantry maintenance huts in Fallout 76. The magazine spawns just outside its entrance on a large metal pipe.
Kiddie Corner Cabins
A magazine can be found on a shelf in the bedroom inside the cabin with the green door. The second magazine can be found inside the outhouse near the cabins.
Knife Edge
A magazine can spawn inside the central tower. It will be located on top of a green table on the highest platform.
Makeshift Vault
One magazine can be found right after you enter the vault. It’ll be toward the left of the door on a nightstand next to a bed.
Philippi Battlefield Cemetery
One magazine can be found in the cemetery. It will be located near the Civil War Museum on the first floor.
Pioneer Scout Camp
One magazine may spawn in the A-02 cabin the Pioneer Scout Camp. It will be in a footlocker beneath a bunk bed. The second magazine can be found next to the outhouse, it will be right next to the archery target range.
Wavy Willard’s Water Park
In Wavy Willard’s Water Park, you can find two magazines. The first one can be found in the flooded basement chamber. The magazine will be located on a table here. The second magazine can be found near the Crocolossus ride. The magazine will be underneath a metal table.
Willard Corporate Housing
The single magazine can be found on a burnt-down golf cart in the middle of the trailer park area.
Fallout 76 Savage Divide Magazine Locations

98 NAR Regional
A magazine can be found inside the upside-down carriage. It’ll be hidden below a couch.
Autumn Acre Cabin
A single magazine can be picked up in the cabin. It’ll be on the sideboard near the globe and the pile of logs.
Bailey Family Cabin
One magazine spawns in the Bailey Family Cabin. It’ll be located on the coffee table near the sofa.
Bastion Park
Two magazines spawn in Bastion Park. The first one is located in the eastern part of the park, it can be found in the backseat of the car here which is right next to a yellow school bus.
The second magazine is found between the playground and the fountain. It will be located right on the floor.
Big Bend Tunnel West
A magazine can spawn here in the main maintenance tunnel. It’ll be located on a desk adjacent to an orange tool case.
Blackwater Mine
Another four magazines spawn in the Blackwater Mine. The first one is found next to a metal shelf near a couple of radioactive barrels in Dr. Cotton’s Lab. The second magazine is found where the mine connects to the waterlogged cavern. The magazine will be found inside a security office.
The third magazine is found near a workbench by the drilling machines while the last magazine spawns under the mattress in the machine room opposite the Chemistry room.
The Bounty
A single magazine spawns inside the base. It’ll be underneath a coffee table near the archery practice target.
One magazine spawns in the south of the camp. It’ll be near a jar of mountain honey.
Emmett Mountain Disposal Site
Three magazines can spawn in this location. The first one can be found inside the storage room. it’ll be sitting atop a yellow radioactive barrel. The second magazine can be found inside a room southeast of the large generator. The magazine will be a present on a metal desk, next to a broken terminal.
The last magazine can be found inside a work shack a little way away from the disposal site. It’ll be next to a forklift.
Fort Atlas
You’ll be able to pick up this magazine during the “The Best Defense” quest. It is found near the top part of the conveyor belt, on top of a shelf near the office.
Two magazines spawn at the Foundation. One can be picked up from a desk near the east gate of the complex, while the second one can be acquired eastern side of the area, on a chair near the power armor stations.
Hopewell Cave
A single magazine can spawn near a blue container by the campfire in the area.
Two magazines can spawn in Huntersville. The first one is inside the Hardware Store. It’ll be present towards the left of the cash register.
The second one can be found on the second floor of the house with the red roof. It’ll be hidden underneath a hanging bed.
Ingram Mansion
The first magazine in Ingram Mansion can be found near the coffee table in the living room, while the second magazine can be found near a dresser in the hallway on the second floor.
Johnson’s Acre
You can find two magazines here. The first one spawns in the fireplace within the main cabin while the second one is can found atop a picnic table south of the main cabin.
Lake Eloise
A magazine can spawn inside the Gaming Enthusiasts’ Camp in Fallout 76. It’ll be hidden behind the wooden blocks spelling “Cheater”.
Lucky Hole Mine
A single magazine spawns at the end of the tunnel. It’ll be on a lectern near the cultish altar.
Middle Mountain Cabins
The first magazine can spawn in the tool shed east of the main cabins while the second magazine can be found in the outhouse towards the southeast of the cabins.
In Monongah, a magazine can spawn behind a grey cottage near the town limits. A second magazine can be found on a wooden Nuka-Cola crate in town.
Mountainside Bed and Breakfast
There are four magazines present in the Mountainside Bed and Breakfast. The first one is found near the kitchen of the main house. It’ll be sitting on a metal table near a cabinet. The second magazine is found on a coffee table across from the reception desk.
The third magazine is found near the reception terminal, next to a metal fan while the fourth magazine can be found on the coffee table in the second-floor living room.
National Isolated Radio Array
Three magazines can spawn in the national Isolated Radio Array. The first one can be found in the northwest office on the second floor of the main building. It’ll be present atop a metal desk.
The second magazine spawns in the same office, across the desk on a decorated bureau. The final magazine can be found in the dish array control cottage. It is on a metal desk in the east corner.
National Radio Astronomy Research Center
A total of two magazines spawn here. The first one can be found on the top floor of the communications tower. It’ll be present near a large hole.
The second one is found in the basement. It’ll be in the room adjacent to the generator room with an armor workbench.
New Appalachian Central Trainyard
Three magazines can spawn here. The first one will be near a terminal in the signal tower, while the second one can be picked from a table in the bank vault.
The last magazine is on a metal desk towards the east end of the warehouse.
Cutthroat Camp
Four magazines can spawn at this camp. The first one can be found towards the west of the camp. It’ll be on a concrete block right next to a chair. The second magazine is inside a cabinet towards the south of the main store.
The third magazine can be found near the billboard lookout. It’ll be below a tea party table. The fourth magazine is found near the Highway 63 sign, which is present in the north of the camp.
Palace of the Winding Path
One Magazine spawns in the Palace of the Winding Path. It is hidden underneath a red couch on the top floor.
Pleasant Valley Cabins
Two magazines can spawn in the Pleasant Valley Cabins. The first one is found in the cabin nearest to the bus stop. It’ll be on the headboard of a double bed.
The second magazine can be found near a lectern located on a patio at the south end of the cabins.
Pleasant Valley Ski Resort
Three magazines can spawn here. The first one will be on the deck of a cabin right next to the Trading Post lodge. The second magazine can be picked up from the deck of the lodge next to where you found the first magazine. It’ll be on top of a barrel.
The third magazine can spawn on the deck of the eastern lodge. It will be present on a white table.
R and G Processing Services
The first magazine can be found inside a yellow trolley towards the west of the building’s interior.
The second one is found near the elevator in the main storage room. It’ll be hidden to the left of the Overseer’s cache.
Relay Tower EL-B1-02
A single magazine can spawn in the concrete tower hut. It’ll be on top of the mainframe computer.
Relay Tower LW-B1-22
One magazine spawns on top of the mainframe computer.
Ripper Alley
A single magazine can spawn near the cinder block in the alley.
Safe ‘n Clean Disposal
One magazine can spawn on a shelving unit inside the red barn.
Seneca Gang Camp
A single magazine spawns south of the camp in Fallout 76. It can be found on a red chair right next to a dead raider and a trunk.
Site Alpha
A total of three magazines can spawn inside Site Alpha. The first one is found on a desk with a clown doll near the main reactor area. Both the second and third magazines are found in the operations center. The former is on a desk with a damaged terminal while the latter is on a desk in the room with the fabricator pods.
Site Bravo
Sita Bravo has a total of three magazine spawns. The first and second magazines can be found near the operations center. One will be located within the main room, on a desk with a busted terminal. While the other one will be located right outside the room on a desk.
The third magazine can be found in the main reactor area, particularly near the west wall.
Site Charlie
Three magazines can spawn in Site Charlie. The first one is found in the Reactor Room. it’ll be present near the west wall.
The second and third magazines are found in the operations room. the former is in the middle of the lower area while the latter is inside the room with the fabrication pods.
Skullbone Vantage
A single magazine can spawn towards the right of the lookout tower. It’ll be located on a side table next to a sofa with a few raider corpses on it.
Solomon’s Pond
In Solomon’s Pond, a magazine spawns near the red barn. It will be present on the floor right next to the sleeping bag and wooden crates.
Sons of Dane Compound
A total of three magazines can spawn here. The first one spawns on a picnic table towards the south of Buck’s Den. The second magazine can be picked from the top of the area’s observatory tower.
The final magazine is found near the Chemistry station in the Chemistry lab basement.
Spruce Knob Lake
A single magazine is found north shore of the lake. It’ll be inside a plastic outhouse.
Spruce Knob
The magazine can spawn near the fenced entrance in the area’s southeast. It’ll be inside the security office.
Sugar Grove
In Sugar Grove, a total of five magazines can spawn. The first one is present in the office on the upper floor. It’ll be located on a cabinet to the left of the project director’s terminal.
The second magazine can be found on the upper floor of the Advanced Research Laboratory. It’ll be sitting atop some yellow machinery. Magazines 3 and 4 spawn in the Mission Control Room. The former will be found hidden between two cardboard boxes while the latter will be found on the opposite end of the room next to a lunch pail.
The fifth and final magazine is found in the Secret Facility’s basement area. In the cognitive programming room, it’ll be present on a side table.
Sunnytop Ski Lanes
Four magazines can spawn in this area. The first magazine can be found on a table with a round top, near the broken tree trunk and a hot tub. The second magazine can be found on top of a grey bus near the Raider’s corpse.
The third magazine is located in the main lodge. Here, you’ll find a stone fireplace, left of this room will be a collapsed corpse on a chair. The magazine is found near it.
The fourth magazine can be found near the Ski rental counter on the lower floor. The magazine can be found between the two workbenches present here.
Sunnytop Ski Lanes Base Lodge
Two magazines can spawn at the base lodge. The first one can be found on the upstairs balcony, under a wooden table, while the second one can be found around the eastern perimeter of the lodge on top of a few wooden crates.
Sylvie and Sons Logging Camp
At the logging camp, both magazines spawn near the green tents. One will be found inside the larger tent, while the other one can be picked from the wood crates outside the smaller tent.
Top of the World
Four magazines can spawn here. The first one will be found on the counter of a shop near the elevator. The second one can be picked up from a coffee table near the stall with three stools.
The third magazine can be found on a magazine display case in a shop with a lighthouse painting. The fourth and final magazine is on a side table in the room with Madigan’s corpse.
Toxic Larry’s Meat ‘n Go
The first magazine can be found inside the compound on a shelf above a bed while the second magazine can be picked up from the outhouse north of the compound.
Twin Lakes
A magazine spawns on the north side of the lake. It’ll be right next to a skeleton in a swimsuit.
Uncanny Caverns
There are three possible magazine spawn locations at the Uncanny Caverns. The first magazine spawns to the left of the carousel while the second one spawns in the main entrance area, under the Uncanny Caverns poster.
The third magazine spawns in the cavern with the cooking station in Fallout 76. It’ll be located near a couple of sleeping bags present in the area.
US-13C Bivouac
The first magazine spawns in the tent to the right of the telephone pole. It’ll be hidden below the bed.
The second magazine can be found near the entrance of the rightmost tent that has a couple of blue barrels outside it.
The Vantage
The single magazine in the vantage spawns at the top of the tower. It will be sitting atop a steel girder.
Vault 79
A single magazine spawns inside Vault 79. It can be picked up from one of the tables inside the barracks.
Wendigo Cave
The Wendigo Cave has three possible magazine spawn locations. The first magazine will be on a skeleton near the southwest wall that connects the cavern to a series of narrow tunnels.
The second magazine will be found atop a pile of bones in the southeast corner of the cave, the third magazine can be picked up nearby. It’ll be present adjacent to an orange toolbox.
West Tek Research Center
A single magazine spawns in West Tek Research Center. It is found on the balcony level. Specifically, in the lab on the eastern side, sitting atop a work surface with two microscopes.
The Whitespring Golf Club
A total of four magazines can spawn in the Whitespring Golf Club. The first one can be found on the upper floor of the deck, east of the security office. It’ll be present on a circular table. The second magazine is in the Employees Only closet in the main Clubhouse. It’ll be found near a couple of cardboard boxes.
The third magazine spawns on the upper floor of the Clubhouse. It’ll be present near the sink in the men’s room. The final magazine is found on the lower level of the clubhouse, in the men’s locker room. it can be picked up from the locker north of the bookshelf.
The Whitespring Resort
A single magazine can be picked up from the porch of a destroyed building north of the main resort area.
Yellow Sandy’s Still
A single magazine spawns inside a trailer with a Nuke Cola fridge. It’ll be present on a green table.
Fallout 76 Ash Heap Magazine Locations

AMS Testing Site
A single magazine spawns at the AMS testing site. It is located towards the west of the garage and maintenance warehouse. It will be found atop a cabinet counter.
Two magazines can spawn at Beckley. The first can be found in the building that has a Nuke-Cherry sign on it. it is located at the end of the tower found on top of this building. The second magazine can be found in the gas station’s bathroom.
Belching Betty
There are four possible spawn locations for magazines at the Belching Betty. The first one can be found atop a mainframe computer in one of the maintenance offices. The Second magazine can spawn below the orange tool case on the mainframe computer, opposite the Chemistry Station.
The third magazine can be found in the main cavern near a dustbin and two cabinets. The fourth one may be located somewhere around the back of the giant boiler machine. This is the room with the fusion core generator.
Big Bend Tunnel
A single magazine can be picked up from the Big Bend Tunnel in Fallout 76. It’ll be found in a room behind a set of locked doors in the main tunnel. The doors in question will be near a toolbox.
The Burning Mine
Two magazines can spawn here. The first one can be found just across the mine’s conveyor belt, in the large cavern, just below the Tinker’s Workbench. It’ll be on the passenger seat of the large yellow vehicle.
Another one can be located along the eastern rock wall, in the chamber with the stairs right down the middle. The magazine can be found in the sink to the right of the small wooden deck.
Camden Park
The magazines can spawn in Camden Park. The first one is near the Sugar Heaps trading post. It’ll be present near a fallen metal carousel.
The second and third magazines can spawn near the Widow Maker ride. One will spawn in the middle of the camp near the ride while the other one will spawn next to a seat a Mr. Fuzzy on it.
Garrahan Mining Headquarters
The magazine can spawn in the “Testing Control and Assessment” area. It’ll be located on a counter between two Power Armor Stations present in the area.
The first magazine in Lewisburg can be found in the attic of the visitor center. It is located atop a green table. The second magazine can be found on the counter inside the diner that is filled with rubble.
Mount Blair
On Mount Blair, two magazines can spawn. The first one spawn towards the north of the main excavator, inside the bathroom of the trailer. The second magazine can spawn in the basement of the bulldozer garages. You will need an ID card to access the basement.
Mount Blair Trainyard
There are three possible magazine spawn locations in Mount Blair Trainyard. The first one is located towards the west of the area behind a green cabinet. The second one can be found between two cabinets to the south of the big concrete structure.
The last magazine is found to the east of the large concrete structure, sitting atop a green chair.
Nicholson’s End
A magazine can be found around the trailer to the northwest of this location. This magazine may also be hidden away in a toilet.
Pleasant Hills Cemetery
A single magazine can spawn in the small crypt in the cemetery. It’ll be located behind a burnt safe.
Red Rocket Filling Station
The magazine can be acquired from the main garage. It’ll be hidden between two green cabinets on the raised part of the floor.
Relay Tower HG-B7-09
One magazine spawns near the ammo crate in the concrete hut in Fallout 76.
Rollins Work Camp
A single magazine spawns in the Rollins Work Camp. It can be picked up at the roof of the excavator.
The Rusty Pick
Two magazines may spawn here. The first one can spawn at the end of the tunnel in the area, hidden near a yellow machine while the second one can be found in the middle stall in the women’s restroom.
Sal’s Grinders
A single magazine may spawn on a shelf in the men’s restroom.
The Sludge Works
A single magazine can be picked up here. It’ll be inside the bar, resting on a table.
Striker Row
Two magazines can spawn in Striker Row. The first one is near the sealed mine entrance. It’ll be on the speaker that has the “Danger” sign on it. the second magazine is located on the table in the area with the tents.
Van Lowe Taxidermy
The single magazine can be picked up from a dresser in the second-floor bedroom.
Widow’s Perch
One magazine spawns at the Widow’s Perch. It can be picked up in the cavern with the conveyor belt. The magazine is located on a crate right at the end of the belt.
Fallout 76 The Mire Magazine Locations

Berkeley Springs
Two magazines can potentially spawn in Berkeley Springs. The first is present in the upstairs area of the spa. It’ll be present on a side table next to two red sofa chairs.
The second magazine is found on the upper floor of the mansion near the traffic light. It’ll be inside the office.
Big B’s Rest Stop
A single magazine spawns inside the Super-Duper Mart. It’ll be on a counter with a coffee machine.
Braxson’s Quality Medical Supplies
A single magazine spawns in the southeast of this location. It’ll be between an armor workbench and two lockers.
The Burrow’s
A single magazine can be picked up from a red barrel near the lights.
Camp Venture
Two magazines spawn at Camp Venture. The first is located by the central steel support. It’ll be near the Overseer’s cache. The second one is located in the armory area of the storage cabin. It will be sticking out of the wall near the weapons workbench.
Crevasse Dam
In the Crevasse Dam, the first magazine spawns in a dustbin, on the second floor of the main building. The dustbin is right next to a terminal.
The second magazine is found in the pump chamber. It is on a metal shelf in the south corner.
Dolly Sods Wilderness
The first magazine is in the West Lodge. It’ll be inside the restroom. The second is inside the South Lodge, particularly in the magazine holder near a red sofa.
Dyer Chemical
Three magazines can be found in this location. The first magazine spawns in the maintenance hut’s corridor. It’ll be in one of the lockers along the wall.
The second magazine is inside the yellow cart on the upper floor of the same building. The third and final magazine is also found on the upper floor. It’ll be present on a wooden crate on the far east side of the building.
Haven Church
A single magazine spawns on a desk in the northeast corner of the church’s classroom.
Three magazines can spawn in Mosstown. The first one is located on the east side of the Shanty Town. It’ll be close to a Cappy Nuka boat, below the magazine holder.
The second one is located in the Barbershop. It’ll be hidden in the corner of the bookshelf. The last magazine is on the coffee table inside the drugstore.
A single magazine can be picked up from a writing table towards the south side of the home.
The Retreat
Three magazines can spawn at the Retreat. The first one can be found inside the treehouse near the junction. It’ll be on a black seat near a toolbox. The second magazine can be picked up from the treehouse nearest to the dining platform. it’ll be on the balcony near a steel barrel and a mannequin.
The final magazine is found on the balcony connected to the living room. it can be picked up near a red couch.
Southhampton Estate
Two magazines can spawn in the Southhampton Estate. The first one is located on a metal shelf at the entrance of the red barn while the second may be picked up in the kitchen sink of the blue farmhouse.
Sunday Brothers’ Cabin
A single magazine spawns in the main cabin. It’ll be present under a bunk bed in the upstairs portion.
Tanagra Town
A total of three magazines spawn in Tanagra Town. Two magazines spawn in the tendril tower. The first one is at the top of the tower on a desk next to a steel support, while the second one can be found on a desk on the schoolhouse floor.
The third magazine is found in the town tangle, on the headboard shelf of the master bedroom in Fallout 76.
Thunder Mountain Power Plant
A total of five magazines can spawn in the Thunder Mountain Power Plant. The first is found below a conference table in the entrance lobby. The second magazine can spawn in the hall connecting to cooling tower #2. It’ll be on a shelf of a green wall cabinet.
The third magazine is also found in the same hall as the second magazine, it’ll be on a white table with a toolbox. Magazine no. 4 is located in the reactor room, particularly, on a metal shelf.
The final magazine is found in the master control room. it’ll spawn inside a dustbin near a mainframe terminal.
A single magazine spawns at the top of the treehouse platform. it’ll be on one of the sides of the dressers near the birdhouse.
Valley Galleria
Two magazines spawn at the Valley Galleria. The first one is located in the food court on the ground floor, it’ll be on the dining table. The second magazine is on the upper floor of the housewares store.
Fallout 76 Cranberry Bog Magazine Locations

AMS Corporate Headquarters
A single magazine spawns in the restroom across the CEO’s office in Fallout 76. It’ll be on the floor.
Appalachian Antiques
A singular magazine spawns in this location. It will be in the small shed, under the cash register.
Bootlegger’s Shack
Two magazines can spawn at the bootlegger’s shack. The first one is found on the north end of the shack on a table next to a chair. The second one is found in the main area of the shack along a filing cabinet.
Cranberry Glades
A magazine spawns in the southeast area of the glade. It’ll be present on a workbench.
Crimson Prospect
A single magazine can be picked up from the northeast tower. It’ll be sitting atop a metal table.
Drop Site C2
A single magazine can spawn inside the flooded hut, towards the right side of the counter.
Drop Site G3
A single magazine can spawn inside the flooded hut, towards the right side of the counter.
Firebase LT
A single magazine spawns near the gun emplacement. It’ll be on the mattress inside one of the tents.
Flooded Trainyard
One magazine is found inside a carriage labeled “USA”. It’ll be on a wooden table.
Fort Defiance
A single magazine spawns in the game room on the top floor of the fort.
Survey Camp Alpha
One magazine is located inside a green tent, particularly on a green table.
Forward Station Delta
Two magazines spawn in forward station delta. The first one is near the Brotherhood of Steel flagpole, on the crane’s balcony.
The second magazine is found right at the crane steps, near the power armor station.
The General’s Steakhouse
Two magazines can be found here. The first one will be in the basement, it’ll be below a washing machine in the laundry room. the second magazine will be hidden behind a cabinet at the north end of the restaurant.
Kerwood Mine
Three magazines spawn at Kerwood Mine. The first one is located in the junction cavern. It’ll spawn near a toolbox which is near an Eye Protection vault boy poster. The second magazine is located in the waterlogged cavern, it’ll be near a slagheap.
The final magazine is found near the fusion core generator, on top of a mainframe terminal.
Lost Home
Two magazines can be found in the Lost Home area. The first of which is located in the shack towards the northeast. It’ll be under a red sofa. The second magazine will be on the southern part of the area, on top of a green chair.
Mac’s Farm
The magazine is located inside the destroyed farmhouse. It’ll be on the table with a wooden plank.
Old Mold Quarry
A single magazine is found near the maintenance building. It’ll be on the bed of the pickup truck.
Pylon V-13
Two magazines can spawn at Pylon V-13 in Fallout 76. The first one is located at the top of the pylon steps, on top of a mattress.
The second magazine is found across the satellite dish near a skeleton sitting on a seat.
Quarry X3
The magazine spawns in the warehouse. It’ll be present on a metal shelf next to a toolbox.
Ranger District Office
One magazine can be found in the lodge office. It’ll be on the central coffee table.
RobCo Research Center
Three magazines spawn in this research center. The first is found in the filing office. It’ll be on the screen of the microfilm unit. The second one is located in the north corner of the main area. It can be picked up from the table by the withered plant.
The third magazine is in the laboratory area on the upper floor. It’ll be on a metal desk.
Sunrise Farm
A single magazine can spawn in Sunrise Farm. It’ll be in the main farmhouse on top of the dresser on the second floor.
Survey Camp Alpha
One magazine spawns inside the northernmost green tent in Fallout 76. it’ll be sitting atop a table.
The Thorn
A single magazine spawns at the defense barrier that has the Brotherhood of Steel insignia.
Two magazines spawn in the Watgoa area, the first one is found inside a coach parked near the school. It’ll be present on one of the seats right near the door.
The second magazine spawns on the suspended monorail, towards the west of the high school. It’ll be found near the driver’s control booth.
Watoga Civic Center
Three magazines spawn in the Watoga Civic Center of Fallout 76. The first one is southeast of the “A3” sign, the second can spawn north of the “B5” sign, while the third and final one can spawn on the table in front of the “B4” sign.
Watoga Emergency Services
To locate the first of the two magazines in Watoga Emergency Services, head to the Emergency Report Terminal. The magazine is on one of the left tables.
The second magazine can be found in the waiting room. It’ll be on a magazine stand.
Watoga Estates
A single magazine spawns in the lower balcony area. It’ll be on a metal table by the door that reads “condemned”.
Watoga High School
A total of five magazines can spawn in Watoga High School. The first two are found in the auditorium, one is near the Garden Gnome and Bubblegum Teddy Bear, while the other is on top of a speaker on the south side. The third magazine is found on a shelf on the lower level of the library.
The fourth magazine is located on a wooden dining table toward the northwest of the cafeteria while Magazine No. 5 is located on a desk in the history classroom.
Watoga Municipal Center
Another two magazines spawn in the Municipal Center. The first one is on the top floor of the Complaints Archive office. It is on a bookshelf under a window.
The second magazine is found behind the locked doors at the end of the corridor. It’ll be on a metal desk.
Watoga Shopping Plaza
Two magazines can spawn inside Slocum Joe’s. The first one will be on a table near the jukebox while the second one is on the coffee counter.
Watoga Transit Hub
Another three magazines spawn in the Transit Hub. The first one is near the transit hub lobby. It’ll be found on one of the backseats.
The second magazine can be picked up from the very backseat of the carriage, while the third magazine can be found among the rubble in the elevator shaft.
Fallout 76 Best Magazine Farm Locations
While magazines spawn randomly in Fallout 76, you can visit certain areas to increase your yield. This will not only allow you to complete the “read 20 magazines challenge” but it’ll also allow you to have magazines like Backwoodsman, Tesla Science, and more in your collection.
These are the best locations to farm magazines in Fallout 76:
- Pleasant Valley Cabins
- Pleasant Valley Ski Resort
- Lewis and Sons Farming Supply
- Camden Park
- Watoga
- Watoga Civic Center
- Watoga Emergency Services
- Watoga Estates
- Watoga High School
- Watoga Municipal Center
- Watoga Shopping Plaza
- Watoga Transit Hub
Alternatively, you can make your way to vendors that sell magazines. Again, their stocks are completely randomized and may differ across servers and time.