Teardrop Scarab are beetles in Elden Ring that will drop items like FP charges or extra health for your flask. They can also drop rare items like Ashes of War, rare spells, and Smithing stones. This guide will list all of the Elden Ring Teardrop Scarab Locations in detail.
Where to Find Teardrop Scarabs in Elden Ring
Below we have listed the locations of Teardrop Scarab beetles according to the different regions in the game.
There are two types of Teardrop Scarabs in the game; Crimson and Cerulean Teardrop Scarabs. As the names suggest, each of these scarab types replenish their corresponding flask.
Crimson Teardrop Scarab restores Flask of Crimson Tears i.e. the HP flask while Cerulean Teardrop Scarab recharges Flask of Cerulean Tears to restore your FP in Elden Ring.

Limgrave Teardrop Scarab Locations
There are 12 Teadrop Scarabs for you to find in the Limgrave region, and the locations for all of them are given below.

Agheel Lake Bridge Scarab
This Teardrop Scarab is located on the bridge, north of Agheel Lake. It will be on the path that goes south of Gatefront ruins. Killing this Scarab will award you with ‘Ash of War – Determination.’
Agheel Lake South Scarab
To find this Scarab, head to the southern part of the Agheel Lake in Limgrave. The Scarab will be in a small water pool there. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Unsheathe.’
Limgrave Beach Scarab
This Teardrop Scarab is located in the western part of Limgrave Beach, northwest of the Church of Elleh. However, it won’t be easy to find, as this Scarab will be invisible. Follow the glowing trail it leaves to find and kill it to track it. The reward this time will be ‘Ash of War – Stamp(Sweep).
Church of Dragon Communion Scarab
For this Scarab, head to the small island present off the coast of Limgrave using the Coastal cave dungeon. On the small island, go to the church to find the Scarab on the lower platforms at the Island Edge. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Somber Smithing Stone 1’.
Stormveil Castle Main Gate Scarab
This Scarab can be easily spotted on the road from Stormgate to the Stormhill Shack. The reward will be ‘Ash of War – Wild Strikes.’
Northeast Ruin Scarab
To find this, first head north from the Warmaster’s Shack, located east of Stormveil Castle. Then head east until you reach Divine Tower of Limgrave. The Teardrop scarab here is present on the top of the square ruin. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Somber Smithing Stone.’
Third Church of Marika Scarab
As the name suggests, this Scarab is located near the Third Church of Marika, located in eastern Limgrave. From the church, cross the shallow river to reach some cliffs. Follow the path there to find the Scarab near the church ruins. The reward will be ‘Ash of War – Sacred Blade.’
East Limgrave Minor Erdtree Scarab
It is located in Large Minor Erdtree, East of Limgrave. The reward will be ‘Ash of War – Ground Slam.’
Ruined Caravan Scarab
This Scarab is located in Weeping Peninsula near the bridge, south of Limgrave. Take the road which leads to Castle Morne Ramparts to find this Teardrop Scarab. The reward will be ‘Ash of War – Mighty Shot.’
Tombsward Ruins Scarab
In the northern part of Weepins Peninsula, the Tombsward Ruins is located, where you will find the Scarab on the large, ruined walls. The reward will be ‘Divine Fortification Spell.’
Weeping Peninsula Poison Field Scarab
The Scarab is present in the northern part of the Poison Field, located northeast of Castle Morne. The reward will be ‘Poison Mist Spell.’
Stormveil Castle Scarab
This Scarab is located inside the Stormveil Castle Legacy Dungeon. Keep dropping down to the lower parts of the dungeon to find a path taking you to the lift. The Scarab will be on this path. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Ash of War – Storm Assault.’
Liurnia of the Lakes Teardrop Scarab Locations

This region has a whopping 15 Teardrop Scarabs to find, which we have explained below.
Liurnia Highway North Scarab
This Scarab can be found hiding near some rocks close to the cliff walls in Liurnia Highway’s North pass. Beware of enemies in this area. The reward for this Scarab is ‘2x Somber Smithing Stone 2’.
Rose Church Scarab
In the southwestern part of the lake under Raya Lucaria Academy, the Scarab can be found on the north side of the ruined Rose Church. This Scarab drops ‘Bloodflame Blade Spell.’
Temple Quarter Hill Scarab
To find this Scarab, make your way to the Temple Quarter ruins located in the center of Liurnia Lake. From there, go northwest to a small island to find the Scarab. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Ash of War –Thop’s Barrier.’
Village of the Albinaurics Scarab
Head far west of Liurnia to find poison swamps and a darkened village. The Scarab can be found south of the swamp. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Ash of War – Vow of the Indomitable.’
Converted Tower Scarab
This one is also located near the Poison Swamps. There are ledges and platforms in the northern part of the swamp where the Scarab is present. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Somber Smithing Stone 2’.
Raya Lucaria Gate Scarab
This Scarab is located on the underside of a bridge in the western part of South Raya Lucaria gate. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Ash of War – Charge Forth.’
Carian Study Hall Scarab
This Scarab is present in the study hall located in the basement of the Divine Tower of Liurnia. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Somber Smithing Stone 2’.
East Gate Bridge Trestle Scarab
This Scarab is located near a giant broken bridge that goes from Raya Lucaria to Bellum Highway. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Ash of War – Shield Bash.’
Road’s End Catacombs Scarab
This Scarab is present on a path leading to a mini-dungeon near Minor Erdtree. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Ash of War – Sword Dance.’
Liurnia Ravine Scarab
To find this, make your way to the north part of the Flooded lake located under Bellum Highway. The Scarab will be present at the end of this falls area. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Ash of War – Barbaric Roar.’
Grand Lift of Dectus Scarab
To find this Scarab, head to the Altus Plateau. Jump down the stairway to find a small area with the Scarab. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Smithing Stone 3’.
Frenzied Village Scarab
This Scarab is located in the Frenzied Village, present east of Grand Lift of Dectus. The reward for this is ‘Frenzied Burst Spell.’
Three Sisters Scarab
To find this, head to the northeast exit of Carla Manor to find towers known as Three Sisters. The Scarab is located there. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Chilling Mist Spell.’
Carian Cemetery Scarab
From the previous scarab location, i.e., Three Sisters, take the long path to take you to a big cemetery. The Scarab will be there. The reward for this is ‘Frozen Armament Spell.’
Academy of Raya Lucaria Scarab
This Scarab is present in the legacy dungeon ‘Academy of Raya Lucaria.’ The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Spectral Lance.’
Caelid Teardrop Scarab Locations

This region has 13 Teardrop Scarabs to find, which we have explained below.
Ruined Campsite Scarab
This Scarab is next to a caravan on the main road from where you enter the Caelid region. The reward for this is ‘Whirl, O Flame Spell.’
Forsaken Ruins Scarab
This Scarab is also present near Caelid’s entrance, and it will be in a ruin which large vultures guard. The reward for this is ‘Somber Smithing Stone 4’.
Fort Gael Scarab
This Scarab is present in Fort Scarab, located in the western part of the Caelid region. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War –Flame of the Redmanes.’
Caelid Highway Scarab
This Scarab is present on the main Caelid path along the smoldering wall. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Lifesteal Fist.’
Sellia Crystal Tunnel Scarab
This Scarab is located inside Sellia Crystal Tunnel, which is present north of the Swamp of Aeonia in Caelid. The reward for this is ‘Poison Armanent Spell.’
Swamp of Aeonia Scarab
This Scarab is present in the Swamp of Aeonia, located in the central part of Caelid. The Scarab can be found in the southwestern part of the swamp. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Poisonous Mist.’
Heart of Aeonia Scarab
Another Scarab is located in the Swamp of Aeonia in Caelid. This one is present in the Heart of Aeonia, where you also fight Commander O’ Neil boss. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Sacred Ring of Light.’
Sellia Town Scarab
This Scarab is located in Sellia Town, which is present northeast of the Swamp of Aeonia. The Scarab will be on the raised roots above a building. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Double Slash.’
Caelid Catacombs Scarab
This Scarab is found in Caelid Catacombs, a dungeon that can be entered from near Redmane Castle in southern Caelid. The reward for this is ‘Somber Smithing Stone 4’.
Redmane Castle Swordgrave Scarab
This Scarab is present in the graveyard of Redmane Castle, located in southern Caelid. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Cragblade.’
Redmane Castle Back Door Scarab
Outside the Redmane Castle area is a small graveyard, and the Scarab is present there. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Flaming Strike.’
Dragonbarrow Isolated Shack Scarab
This Scarab is located in the Dragonbarrow area, located in northern Caelid. The Scarab will be near a merchant shack. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Sky Shot.’
Farum Greatbridge Scarab
In the northeastern part of Dragonbarrow in Caelid, the Bestial Sanctum is located. There is a greatbridge there, and in the northern part of the bridge, you can find the Scarab. The reward for this is ‘Somber Smithing Stone [9]’.
Altus Plateau Teardrop Scarab Locations

The Altus Plateau region has many Teardrop Scarabs to find, which we have explained below.
Perfumer’s Ruins Road Scarab
This Scarab is found on the road to Perfumer’s Ruins. It will be out in the open and easy to spot and kill. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Sacred Blade.’
Lux Ruins Scarab
To find this, head south from Erdtree Grazing hill to find Lux Ruins in the southern Atlus Plateau. The Scarab will be in these ruins. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Shield Crash.’
Altus Ravine Scarab
This Scarab is present in the Ravine in the southern Altus Plateau. The Scarab will be in the Shaded Castle in some shallow water. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Blood Blade.’
Altus Woodfolk Scarab
This Scarab is located in the Altus Woodfolk area, present in the central part of the Altus Plateau. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Golden Slam.’
Road of Bridge of Iniquity Scarab
This Scarab is found in the area you come across after crossing the Forest Spanning Greatbridge in the north Altus Plateau. On the road leading to Mt. Gelmir will be the Scarab. The reward for this is ‘Protection of the Erdtree Incantation.’
Altus Northern Gate Camp Scarab
This Scarab is present in a deserted soldier camp that you will find outside Capital Outskirts. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Lightning Slash.’
Stormcaller Church Scarab
This Scarab is present in a giant sword graveyard, where lightning will be striking continuously. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Lightning Ram.’
Volcano Manor Prison Church Scarab
Inside the Volcano Manor, there is a Prison Church where you can find the Scarab. The reward for this is ‘Somber Smithing Stone 5’.
Volcano Manor Lava Scarab
In Volcano Manor, there is a lava pool, and the Scarab is present on the edge of the lava pool under the bridge. The reward for this is ‘Somber Smithing Stone 5’.
Capital Outskirts Moat Scarab
On the path going from Capital Outskirts to Leyndell, there is a shallow ditch where you can find the invisible Scarab. The reward for this is ‘Ash of War – Prayerful Strike.’
Sealed Capital Gate Scarab
North of Phantom Tree Site of grace, some stairs lead to the capital sealed gate. The Scarab is located along these stairs.
Siofra River Well Teardrop Scarab Locations
This region has 6 Teardrop Scarabs, which we have listed below.

River Well Entrance Scarab
This Scarab can be found when entering Siofra River Well through the Mistwood entrance. The Scarab will be in a small room having a half statue. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Oracle Bubbles Spell.’
Siofra North Falls Scarab
To find this Scarab, you need to head north along the Siofra River Well until you reach the edge near the waterfall. The Scarab will be present near the edge. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Ash of War – Square Off.’
Siofra Upper-Level Scarab
This Scarab is located in the middle region of the river, in the upper level of the well. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Greater Oracle Bubbles Spell.’
Ancestral Wood Bridge Scarab
To access this Scarab, you will first need to defeat Starscourge Radahn and then use the large hole created in East Limgrave to enter Nokron, the Eternal City. Here, you can find the Scarab along a bridge leading to a wooded area. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Somber Smithing Stone 5’.
North Ancestral Woods Scarab
This Scarab is located on the northwest side of Ancestral Woods in Nokron, the Eternal City. The Scarab will be near some large rocks. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Ash of War – Enchanted Shot.’
Siofra Aqueduct Entrance Scarab
On the north side of Ancestral Woods, a path leads to an aqueduct with few platforms. The Scarab is located among these platforms. The reward for this Scarab is ‘Order Healing Spell.’
Ainsel River Teardrop Scarab Locations

The Ainsel River region has only 2 Teardrop Scarabs to find, which we have explained below.
Nokstella Eternal City Scarab
To find this Scarab, take the high road path to the Nokstella Eternal City. On this path, you will come across a Cathedral with a long stairway. The Scarab will be on the stairway. The reward for this is ‘Somber Smithing Stone [6]’.
Lake of Rot Scarab
This Teardrop Scarab is located near the Lake of Rot in Nokstella, Eternal City. The reward for this is ‘Somber Smithing Stone [6]’.