As the name suggests the General Radahn Armor Set is worn by none other than the infamous General Radahn in Elden Ring. In addition to matching Radahn’s appearance, this armor set boosts great defensive and resistive capabilities.
Being a great heavy-weight armor set, it works best for Melee builds of Warrior, Bandit, and Vagabond classes. This armor set does not come easy as you need to unlock it first through a boss fight before buying it from an NPC.
This Legend Boss is Starscourge Radahn whose boss fight can be initiated anytime meaning this set can be acquired early as well as late in the game.
So, here is a guide on where to find General Radahn Set in Elden Ring that walks you through all the important steps on how to grab this awesome armor set.
Where to find General Radahn Set in Elden Ring
To get this Armor Set, you first need to take part in a boss fight against Starscourge Radahn. To do so, you need to head towards Chamber Outside Plaza which is to the east of Redmane Castle. The following map image marks the stated location clearly.

Once you have successfully dealt with the Starscourge Radahn, it will then be unlocked, and you are free to purchase it anytime you want.
To purchase the set, make your way toward the merchant Enia, the Finger Reader, who can be found at the Roundtable Hold. You can purchase it for 36000 runes.
General Radahn Set comprises four pieces in total that include Radahn’s Lion Armor, Radahn’s Redmane Helm, Radahn’s Gauntlets, and Radahn’s Greaves all of which are purchased from Enia the Finger Reader.
General Radahn Set stats
General Radahn’s Set is one of the heaviest Armor sets in Elden Ring weighing 41.6 units. Due to its heavy weight, it provides impressive Damage negation.
In terms of Physical Damage, it increases the damage negation capacity by 35.5. Similarly, it also increases the protection against Strike, Slash, and Pierce Attacks by 34.9, 29.2, and 33.5 respectively.
All 4 items in this set provide an overall increase of 235 in Robustness and 143 in Immunity.
Radahn’s Lion Armor
Radahn’s Lion Armor is a chest armor weighing 17.5 units. It costs 12000 runes and has the golden lion pattern on it.
In terms of Damage Negation, this chest armor does well. It provides a boost of 18.7 to protection against Physical Damage and 18.3 against Slash Attacks. For the elemental attacks, it provides an increase of 14.1 against Fire-based attacks.
It has 99 Robustness and 60 Immunity making it a viable armor in terms of Resistance as well.
Radahn’s Lion Armor cannot be upgraded however it can be altered to remove the cape from the armor. This does not change any Damage Negation or Resistance Stats but it slightly reduces the weight of the armor from 17.5 to 16.4 units.
Radahn’s Redmane Helm
The Radahn’s Helm is acquired in the same way as the Radahns Lion Armor meaning it can be purchased from Enia. It costs 8000 Runes and imparts defensive properties.
It has a Physical Damage negation of 6.8 and a Fire Damage Negation of 5. It also protects against Strike, Slash, and Pierce attacks to the head due to their stats of 5.4, 6.7, and 6.3 respectively.
It weighs 7.5 units and provides an increase of 42 in Robustness.
Radahn’s Gauntlets
Just like the helm, the Radahn’s Gauntlets also cost 8000 Runes. These gauntlets are worn on both arms and have the same pattern as the Radahn’s Lion Armor.
They negate Physical Damage by 4.7 and Slash attacks by 4.6. For the Robustness and Immunity in Resistance stats, it provides an increase of 33 and 20 respectively.
Radahn’s Greaves
The last item to complete the General Radahn Set is the Radahn’s Greaves. These Greaves also cost 8000 Runes like other items of this set. They are worn on the feet and reach to the player’s knees providing them with protective properties.
They weigh 10.8 units and also have 10.8 Physical Damage Negation value. They also provide an increase of 61 to the Robustness stat.