Morgott, the Omen Kin, is one of the demigods in Elden Ring and a mandatory encounter. Players will eventually have to deal with him to progress further. Morgott is one of the toughest bosses in the game’s middle section and requires a lot of work to take down.
You will find in Leyndell that and need to be decently leveled and possess strong weapons. In addition to the regular strategy, you can also cheese him.
Elden Ring Morgott, the Omen King Location

This demigod is found in Leyndell, Royal Capital. Players should head east towards the balcony after defeating the First Elden Lord, Godfrey. There, they will find a branch that will take them to the room’s second level in Elden Ring.
Following that, players should head to Queen’s Bedchamber site of grace across the Bridge. This is the closest site of grace near the boss. From there, the players can go south and find a room where Morgott can be found.
Your boss’s fight with Morgott, the Omen King, will have two phases. We’ve divided both stages and discussed how you would attack him and take him down in the field.
Boss fight – Phase 1

Call Melina before the fight starts. This will be a great help since she is surprisingly strong. She’ll take a lot of damage before her death. That is damage that players do not have to worry about. Besides this, players can also summon spirit ashes for the fight.
The fight starts when the boss converts his stick into a long lightning blade. From the start of the fight, try to maintain distance. While the boss is busy with Melina, you must take advantage of the situation and try to stab and slash from behind.
Don’t stay too close for too long, and try to deal as much damage as possible before retreating. Also, when maintaining your distance, use your Ashes of War abilities. They can prove effective from range, such as Storm Blade.
This is the first phase of the boss fight, and if you’re good, you’ll have reduced Morgott’s health by 50 percent.
Boss fight – Phase 2

The second phase of the fight will start when Morgott suddenly crouches, leaving himself open to attacks in Elden Ring. Be warned though, he is simply readying himself to send out a huge AOE thrust that can wreck you by taking a huge chunk of your health.
This special move will set the battle arena on fire, but it should not be concerning as it barely causes any damage. Yet, you need to maintain distance to avoid the AOE thrust.
By this time, your assistant Melina is likely to die, and you should have called an Ash of War as your backup. It is now your choice to call any Ash of War, but Lone Wolf Ashes is recommended.
Now, the pattern is the same as in the first phase of the fight. Dodge and get behind the boss to stab and slash. Take him down to unlock the Shardbearer Morgott trophy.
Players will acquire 120000 Runes, Morgott’s Great Rune, and the Omen King’s Remembrance upon defeating the boss.
Attacks and Counters

Holy Blade, Rain, and Bloody Thrust are some of the deadliest attacks advanced by this boss that you need to dodge and roll well to avoid massive damage.
In his Holy Spear Throw attack, he will bring an enormous Holy Spear in this attack and throw it at you. Even if you’re at a safe distance, it will not help as this attack has a long range. We recommend you roll forward in the arena to prevent this attack.
The boss will also advance a Holy Spear Charge towards you. This time, with a spear, there will be a charge releasing that you can avoid, like before, by rolling towards any side of the boss.
As the fight gets intense, Morgott will bring out a Holy Hammer and use it to slam down on the players. You can easily avoid this by running to a distance or rolling towards the side. He will also perform a Holy Hammer Combo, which can be avoided by rolling away as the boss dashes at you.

Morgott also throws three Holy Daggers toward you that you can successfully avoid by rolling forward. Then he will also use the Holy Blade Rain attack, casting a spell and swords falling from the sky to the ground. To avoid it, look up at the sky and roll away from where swords will land while keeping a distance from the boss.
When Morgott loses 50% of his, he will release a powerful burst attack that can be avoided by stepping away from him at a safe distance. He will also perform the Bloody Slice, holding his sword and rushing towards the players to slash them. You can avoid it by rolling towards the boss.
Lastly, Morgott, the Omen King, will perform the Bloody Thrust, summing up his attacks in Elden Ring. Like Bloody Slice, he will hold his sword, charge toward you, and then thrust the sword into you. Avoid it by rolling towards him.
How to Cheese Morgott, the Omen King?

If you’re not up for a two-phase fight and just want to get rid of Morgott within a few seconds, we’ve got your back! Using a Cheese strategy is one of the best ways to save time against bosses you’re not confident fighting face to face.
To get rid of Morgott within a few minutes only requires you to use Poison Mist. It can be found in a forest southeast of the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace. Before entering the boss arena, use Margit’s Shackle three times at the fog door to freeze the boss.
Now approach him, use the Poison Mist against him two times, and wait for the damage to happen. The boss will start shaking, and his health pool will go down. And Voila! He’ll be dead within a few seconds.