You will come across a lot of good-looking armor sets in Elden Ring and the Hoslow’s Set definitely falls in the top section of that category. This armor set is beautiful and deadly at the same time. It gives you the advantage of high robustness along with good damage negation stats in Elden Ring.
The Hoslow’s Set is not an armor set that you can acquire easily in the beginning, rather you will have to complete some missions. These will come as a part of the quest line for the Volcano Manor to get this set later on in the game.
After that, you be tasked with killing Juno Hoslow once you receive the red letter. For that, you will have to face him at the Mountaintop of the Giants and once you finish him off the Hoslow’s set will be yours for the taking in Elden Ring.
Where to find the Hoslow’s armor set in Elden Ring

Before you can head out to get the Hoslow’s armor set in Elden Ring, you need to complete some quests at Volcano Manor.
At the Volcano Manor, you will find the letters assigning you the missions on the table. At some point after completing the missions from those letters, you will finally come across the third letter (Red Letter).
This particular letter will contain information about the location of the Hoslow’s Set in Elden Ring. However, to obtain it you will have to complete the mission of defeating Juno Harlow the Knight of Blood.
So once you accept this mission you will have to venture to the Mountaintops of the Giants. So to reach your target at that location you can travel to the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins and from there on travel to the northwestern end.
Along the way you will encounter a lot of enemies so you can simply avoid them and move on towards your appointed location.
Finally, you will come across a bridge and after crossing it you will come across the location on your right. There you will find some red stones and once you interact with them you will be presented with the option to invade your target Juno Hoslow.
After you select yes you will be teleported to his area at the Mountaintop of the Giants. There you will find Juno Hoslow and if you don’t attack him in the beginning then you will receive the gesture known as Hoslow’s Oath in Elden Ring.
How to defeat Juno Hoslow
So then you can fight Juno Hoslow but be vary of his moves as this opponent is very agile and can dodge your attacks by switching places as well. Moreover, he uses a strong whip attack at medium range which can be deadly as well and he can also heal himself as well.
So in order to defeat him you should avoid his attacks and not allow him to heal himself. Other than that your attacks will be enough to take Juno Hoslow down in Elden Ring. So once you defeat him you will receive the Rune Arc (x1) and the Furlcalling Finger Remedy (x1) as well.
Other than these you will get the Hoslow’s Set which will include the weapon Hoslow’s Petal Whip (x1). In terms of headgear, you will obtain Hoslow’s Helm (x1). As for the armor, you will get Hoslow’s Armor (x1). Lastly, you will also receive the Hoslow’s Gauntlets(x1) and the Hoslow Greaves (x1) as well in Elden Ring.
If you want to get your hands on the altered version of the Hoslow’s Armor then you need to go through Boc’s Questline first in the game. That way you will come across the chest armor containing this altered version of the Hoslow Armor which you can acquire in Elden Ring.

Hoslow’s Set stats
The Hoslow’s set offers balanced stats in terms of both damage negation and resistance in Elden Ring. However, the areas it excels at the most is by boosting your resistance in the form of Robustness. This defensive stat will come in handy for you during your fights in the game.
The Hoslow’s Set carries some weight as well since its weight amounts to (28.5) in Elden Ring. Looking at the Damage negation stats for the Hoslow’s set, you will get (27.6) in terms of physical damage negation.
Furthermore, the damage negated against enemy Strikes is (26.6) and the same amount goes for the damage negated against the Slash damage your receive from your enemy attacks in the game.
Lastly, this armor set prevents you from taking serious damage from your enemy’s Pierce attack which is (24.9) in Elden Ring.
Likewise, the Hoslow set offers good protection against Magic attacks from your enemies which results in (21.9). Moreover, the damage nullified against Fire attacks is (23.7). As for the rest of these stats, both the Holy attacks and Light attacks are negated by (20.6) each in Elden Ring.
Moving onto the main highlight for the Hoslow set, this comes in the form of its resistance stats. This includes an increased Robustness which amounts to (144) compared to other armor sets in the Elden Ring. The rest of the resistance stats for the Hoslow Set consist of an Immunity (93), Poise resistance of (48), and a Focus resistance of (58) in Elden Ring.
You also have the option to alter the Hoslow’s set for a certain amount of runes, especially in the case of the Hoslow Armor in Elden Ring. By doing so you can decrease some of the weight of the armor in addition to having the cape removed as well.
As for the build stats on the Hoslow’s set, you can have the Hoslow’s petal whip at (+24) paired with blood affinity and bloodhound step in Elden Ring.
The talisman you can use with the Hoslow’s set build includes the Radagon’s Soreseal, Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, Pearldrake Talisman (+2), and the Lord of Blood’s Exultation. This Hoslow’s Build will help you eradicate your opponent easily in those PvP fights in Elden Ring.