Elden Ring allows you to traverse the Lands Between on a majestic horse named Torrent, a Spectral Steed who used to serve Miquella in the past. This opens up a new layer of gameplay and makes travel and discovery an amazing experience.
Elden Ring’s world is huge and while there are fast travel checkpoints around the map, you need to explore the map yourself to discover everything it offers. To ensure that your journey across the Lands Between is swift, there is a horse named Torrent in Elden Ring on which you can travel! This horse not only grants you incredible speed but also grants you unique attacks and traversal opportunities. Torrent also helps you get away from enemies.
Torrent Location in Elden Ring
To find the horse in Elden Ring, you must meet Melina at the Gatefront Ruins Site of Grace near the entrance of the Stormveil Castle. You need to rest here to trigger a cutscene with Melina.

She will offer you an accord. Accept it, and she will become your new maiden. As a reward, she will hand over Spectral Steed Whistle that you can use to summon Torrent any time in the Elden Ring.

However, if that doesn’t happen, you must rest at several more Sites of Grace, such as Stranded Graveyard, The First Step, Church of Elleh, and Groveside Cave, before returning to the Gatefront Ruins.
How to Summon Your Horse
Go to the Site of Grace near the Gatefront Ruins. Rest at that Site of Grace, and you will meet Melina in the cut-scene where she gives you Spectral Steed Whistle.

The Spectral Steed Whistle is used to summon the Torrent, but you cannot summon it everywhere. There are some areas and dungeons where Torrent just cannot be summoned.
Understanding Torrent Controls
Keep the Spectral Steed Whistle with you all the time by going into the quick items in the menu and then assigning the Spectral Steed Whistle to an empty slot.

When you use the Spectral Seed Whistle, your character immediately appears on top of the horse. However, Torrent cannot be ridden inside dungeons, castles, or any other enclosed area.
To ride faster, hold Circle or B, But be careful, as doing so may drain stamina. You can also press the B or Circle button to dash momentarily.
How to Dismount Torrent
Dismounting Torrent in Elden Ring is not rocket science. Use the Spectral Steed Whistle again, and you can dismount the horse. If you want to jump off quickly and head straight into the combat, press the L3 button or Left Stick (analog in) while moving.
How to use Spirit Spring Jump
You can also do Spirit Spring Jumps in Elden Ring. Spirit Springs are wind portals that can traverse unreachable areas while riding the Horse.

Mount Torrent and ride towards the Spirit Spring to perform the Spirit Spring Jump. Press X or A to ride the current through the air when approaching the Spirit Spring.
You will not be injured if you fall from a Spirit Spring Jump while riding your horse. This will assist you in reaching high heights.
You can also land safely on a Spirit Spring if you jump from a dangerous height. This will allow you to land without getting killed or injured.
Horse Combat Tips
If you are riding your horse, Torrent, and you want to attack your enemies without dismounting the horse, press R1 or RB to attack with your right-hand weapon and press L1 or LB to attack with the weapon in your left hand. Your stamina will deplete if you attack while riding the horse.
The triggers may also launch a charged strike from either side. While on the horse, players can utilize flasks, other objects, and magic.
How to Dodge on Your Horse
You can dodge while mounted just as you dodge on foot. Remember that you can also double-jump on your horse to dodge or evade projectiles.
Can you Upgrade Your Horse in Elden Ring?
Torrent can’t be upgraded in Elden Ring. Torrent’s Health and Stamina remain the same throughout the game, unlike weapons, shields, or characters.
The only thing you can do is resummon your horse if it dies during combat. To do so, you need to sacrifice one charge of your Flask.
Horse Damage and How to Heal Your Horse
Your horse, Torrent, can be very helpful in Elden Ring as it helps you move quickly across the map. They are not immune to damage, though. If your horse takes damage, remember to heal him when safe from enemies.
You can use a raisin called the Rowa Raisin to heal your horse. It is the most common Raisin in Elden Ring and can also be crafted using the Crafting kit.