Dragon Heart is one of the rarest items that allows you to become a melee dragon character in Elden Ring. You cannot purchase or loot this item; you must earn them by slaying dragons. Over 23 consumable dragon hearts are available throughout the game, but you must collect only 20 to unlock every Dragon Communion Spell.
To get dragon hearts, you must find and kill a dragon boss. You will get one dragon heart per dragon you slay. There are a total of 19 locations you need to visit to get dragon hearts.

Head south from the Limgrave Tunnel Site of Grace and east of the Church of Elleh to find the Flying Dragon Agheel. This is the easiest and first dragon you will encounter in Elden Ring. The fight will be tricky, and you need to be at level 25 at least to fight it.

The second dragon is located in the Caelid Region between northeast of the Cathedral of Dragon Site of Grace and southeast of Caelid Highway South.

Move just a bit southeast from the Gael Tunnel, and you will find the Magma Wyrm. The location is near the borders of Caelid and Limgrave.

While in the Caelid region, find your way to the Sellia Hideaway Site of Grace and move northwest to find the Elder Dragon Greyol, which gives you x5 dragon hearts.

Go to the Farum Greatbridge Site of Grace, and you will encounter the Flying Dragon Greyll on the bridge in Caelid.

In the Liurnia, move west from the Cathedral of Manus Celes Site of Grace northeast of the Village of the Albinaurics to defeat Glintstone Dragon Adula, which drops x3 dragon hearts.

Before getting to the Ringleader’s Evergaol in the Moonlight Altar, move west to the open ground, and you will get x3 dragon hearts by defeating the glintstone dragon.

In the western region of Liurnia, from the minor erdtree, move towards the Revenger’s Shack Site of Grace and then to the northeast to get to the water region; you will find the Glintstone Dragon Smarag here.
Altus Plateau

Near the borders of Liurnia, move west of the Ruin-Strewn Precipice Overlook Site of Grace to get to Magma Wyrm Makar.

You will find two dragons in the southwestern regions of the Altus Plateau. One in the west of Temple Eiglay Site of Grace. Once you get the first dragon heart, move west toward the Guest Hall Site of Grace to defeat another Magma Wyrm.

Mountaintops of the Giants

In the Mountaintops of the Giants, you will come across two spots to get dragon hearts. In the northern region of the area, you will have to defeat Borealis, the Freezing Fog, northeast of the Spiritcaller’s Cave Site of Grace, to fight the first dragon.

The second dragon gives you x3 dragon hearts and can be found west of the previous location near the Cave of the Forlorn Site of Grace.
Where to Use Dragon Hearts in Elden Ring?
In Elden Ring, collecting Dragon Hearts can be a valuable resource for players. These items can unlock powerful incantations like Dragonfire, Dragonclaw, and Dragonmaw at the Church of Dragon Communion.

Once you have the dragon hearts, go northeast of Seaside Ruins Site of Grace and talk to the NPC Bloody Finger Hunter Yura.

Note that talking to Yura will activate two altars. But first, you must travel to the Church of Dragon Communion. But to get there, you must go through the Coastal Cave towards the island to get to the first altar.

The second altar is in the southern end region of Caelid, the Cathedral of Dragon Communion.

The difference between the two altars is that the Church of Dragon Communion only gives you Dragonclaw, Dragonmaw, and Dragonfire. However, the Cathedral of Dragon Communion gives you plenty of more options like Agheel’s Flame, Glintstone Breath, Rotten Breath, Dragonice, and Greyoll’s Roar, apart from the regulars you find at the first altar.

Can you Sell Dragon Hearts in Elden Ring?
You can only consume dragon hearts to unlock the incantations and add dragon attributes to your character. There is no way of selling the hearts.