How To Get The Carian Knight Set in Elden Ring

The Carian Knight Set is a relatively easy armor set to find in Elden Ring. You just need to reach a specific point in Raya Lucaria Academy.

The Carian Knight Set is a medium-weight armor set that can provide you some defense against the physical and magical attacks in Elden Ring.

In Elden Ring, the Royal guards of the Carian family used to wear this set, making all pieces very pleasing to the eyes. However, defensively it falls behind most of the other armor sets in the game.

You can get some good resistance against the ailments like frostbite and hemorrhage. But, this armor set provides below-par resistance against other infections.

You might find the Carian Knight Armor to be the superior version of the Faraam Armor set found in Dark Souls III. Lukicky, you can get this armor set without going through much trouble.

Carian Knight Armor Set Location

You can get all four pieces of Carian Knight Set by moving toward a specific spot in Elden Ring. You need to move toward the Raya Lucaria Academy, and from there, you must make your way toward the small platform that contains all the pieces.

The best path is to move straight toward the graveyard section of the Academy from the Church of Cuckoo Grace. Keep moving close to the wall and cross the wooden bridge to reach the site that contains huge rotating life.

Carian Knight Set map location in Elden Ring

Cross the bridge and kill those dogs along with the undead. Continue the approved path, ascending to an elevated spot where a massive gravestone may be seen on the right-hand side, directly beneath a spooky tree. Proceed to the back of the gravestone, where you will see a group of mobs praying around a monument. An item is prominently displayed directly in front of the monument. Descend from above, eliminate the undead enemies, and loot the items.

The Carian Armor Set can also be altered to remove the cape, making the set much more viable in Elden Ring. And if you are looking for details stats of each piece of Carian Knight Armor Set, they are as following:

Phys. Absorb5.210.646.7
Vs. Strike5.210.646.7
Vs. Slash4.
Vs. Pierce4.9103.76.4
Vs. Magic38.71.54.1
Vs. Fire3.
Vs. Lightning2.4712.8
Vs. Holy38.71.54.1

Faizan Saif is a senior guides writer at He started gaming after playing Call of Duty 2 and became obsessed. He is actively taken part in Call of Duty eSports scene and have won ...