Dragon Age 2 Items Guide

This guide will focus on each and every item found in Dragon Age 2 so you know where to look if you ever need anything to progress in the game

Being an RPG, Dragon Age 2 has a massive list of items that players will find throughout the world, either as drops or purchased from numerous vendors. In this guide, we have compiled a list of all the items you can find in Dragon Age 2, whether they are upgrades, consumables, gifts or ammunition.

Dragon Age 2 Items

If you want to get your hands on some unique equipment, we have separate guides for Unique Armor and Unique Weapons.


Backpack is a consumable item in Dragon Age 2. A total of 5 Backpack upgrades are available in the game, each upgrade is with a single merchant. Be sure to buy the item during the act because you can’t buy a Backpack again if you missed it in the previous act.

You’ll find the 5 Backpack upgrades in:


Lowtown, Apparel Shop

You’ll see the merchant/ tailor in the north-western side of the Bazaar.

Hightown, Robes by Jean Luc

Jean Luc can be found at the Hightown Market near the southern wall.


Gallows, Mage Goods

You can find the merchant near the Herbalist in the southern-western side of Gallows Courtyard.

Hightown, Robes by Jean Luc

Jean Luc can be found at the Hightown Market near the southern wall.


Hightown, Robes by Jean Luc

Jean Luc can be found at the Hightown Market near the southern wall.


There are 4 grenades in Dragon Age II. They explode and stun the opponent when thrown, and can deal with fire damage on a diameter of 6 meters.

Combustion Grenade

A Combustion Grenade is an explosive item in Dragon Age II. This item can be purchased at: Emporium’s Crafting Materials, Martin’s Contraband in the Hanged Man. It can also be Crafted by using Formula: Combustion Grenade.

Fell Grenade

Fell Grenade is an explosive item in Dragon Age II. This item can be found in: A box during the Act 3, at the Wounded Coast. It can also be Crafted by using Formula: Combustion Grenade.

Mythal’s Favor

Mythal’s Favor is an explosive item in Dragon Age II. It can be thrown in a diameter of 6 meter, and can be purchased during Act 3 at: Martin’s Contraband in the Hanged Man, Emporium’s Crafting Materials. Found in: A box during Act 2, at Wounded coast. And can also be Crafted by using Formula: Mythal’s Favor.

Tar Bomb

Tar Bomb is an explosive item in Dragon Age II. It can lower the speed and attack of the adversary to 0%, when thrown. It can be purchased during Act 3 at: Shady Merchandise at the Docks, Martin’s Contraband in the Hanged Man (sold at Act 2 also), Emporium’s Crafting Materials. It can also be Crafted by using Formula: Tar Bomb.


These are poisonous items in Dragon Age II that are used against the adversary to lower their attack, speed or magic resistance.

Arcane Poison

It’s a poisonous item in Dragon Age II that lowers the magic resistance of the adversary by 15% upon hit. It can be Crafted by using Formula: Arcane Poison.

Crow Venom

It’s a poisonous item in Dragon Age II that lowers the attack and movement speed of the adversary by 25% upon hit. It can be Crafted by using Formula: Crow Venom, and can be purchased at: Martin’s Contraband in the Hanged Man, Emporium’s Crafting Materials.

Deathroot Toxin

It’s a poisonous item in Dragon Age II that deals further nature damage upon hit. It can be Crafted by using Formula: Deathroot Toxin, and can be purchased at: Martin’s Contraband in the Hanged Man (Act 1-3), Emporium’s Crafting Materials during (Act 3).

Debilitating Poison

It’s a poisonous item in Dragon Age II that causes the adversary to deal 15% less damage. It can be Crafted by using Formula: Debilitating Poison, and can be purchased at: Martin’s Contraband in the Hanged Man (Act 1-3), Emporium’s Crafting Materials during (Act 2-3).

Fell Poison

It’s a poisonous item in Dragon Age II that (adds user’s health by 0.01) physical damage, (and adds users max health by 0.01) health regeneration rate. It can be Crafted by using Formula: Fell Poison, and can be purchased at: Martin’s Contraband in the Hanged Man (Act 3), Emporium’s Crafting Materials during (Act 1-3).


Arcane Elixir of the Mortal Vessel

It is a type of potion in Dragon Age II, it provides the user with three attributes points. Upon using it you can have control over body’s potential. This item is can’t be acquired through normal means.

Avernus’s Experimental Draught

A potion in Dragon Age II that provides the user with two attributes points. Upon buying it, you can have control over body’s potential. This item can be found during Act 1 on the Wounded Coast on a Dead Messenger.

Elfroot Potion

A potion in Dragon Age II that can restore your health up to 80% and can heal your injuries as well. This item is purchased from: Formari Herbalist in the Gallows Courtyard (Act 1-3), Emporium’s Crafting Materials during (Act 3) and can also be Crafted by using Recipe:Elfroot Potion.

Elixir of Arcane Technique

A potion in Dragon Age II that provides the user with one point to distribute in spells to a mage character. Upon consuming it you’ll receive the knowledge of advance combat techniques. This item can be purchased at: Emporium’s Crafting Materials.

Elixir of Heroism

This potion adds a level to each member of the party. When used it gives you wisdom and can be Crafted by using Recipe: Elixir of Heroism.

Elixir of Physical Technique

A potion in Dragon Age II that provides the user with one point to distribute in talents to a warrior or rogue character. Upon using it, you can have control over body’s potential. It can be purchased at: Emporium’s Crafting Materials.

Elixir of Purity

A potion only available for use by Hawke. By consuming this potion, you can become a hunter of evil and it adds damage vs darkspawn by 10%. It is purchased during Act 3 at: Emporium’s Crafting Materials and can be Crafted by using Recipe: Elixir of Purity.

Elixir of the Ages

A potion that provides you with 2,000 experience points. This item is can’t be acquired through normal means. Upon consuming this potion you’ll get the memories of your unfought battles.

Elixir of the Mortal Vessel

It is a type of potion in Dragon Age II, it provides the user with one attribute point. This item is can’t be acquired through normal means, upon using it you can have control over body’s potential.

Greater Elixir of the Mortal Vessel

It is a type of potion in Dragon Age II, it provides the user with two attribute points. This item is purchased at: Emporium’s Crafting Materials., upon using it you can have control over body’s potential.

Health Potion

This potion regenerates your health up to 60%. It is purchased at: Lirene’s Fereldan Imports in Lowtown (Act 1), Trinkets Emporium in Lowtown, Hubert’s Fine Goods in Hightown, Master Ilen’s Shop on Sundermount, Emporium’s Crafting Materials. It can also be sold by  Formari Herbalist in the Gallows Courtyard.

Injury Kit

This potion helps cure your wounds. It is purchased at: Hubert’s Fine Goods in Hightown, Master Ilen’s Shop on Sundermount, Emporium’s Crafting Materials. It can also be sold by Formari Herbalist in the Gallows Courtyard.

Life Ward Potion

This potion helps you regenerate your health up to 40%. Whenever your health decreases in a combat, this potion heals you by triggering the life ward. It can be crafted by using recipe: Life Ward Potion, and can be purchased from: the Formari Herbalist in the Gallows Courtyard during Act 3.

Lyrium Potion

This potion effects a mage character’s mana regeneration by 40%. It can be purchased from: Trinkets Emporium in Lowtown, the Formari Herbalist in the Gallows Courtyard, Hubert’s Fine Goods in Hightown, Emporium’s Crafting Materials, Master Ilen’s Shop on Sundermount.

Maker’s Breath

This potion can add one level to Hawke and companions, upon consuming. This potion also provides the consumer with wisdom. This item is can’t be acquired through normal means.

Maker’s Sigh

This potion permits the user to re-distribute the points that have been used on attributes, specializations, spells, and talents. It is purchased from: Emporium’s Crafting Materials, Emporium’s Relics and Antiques.

Mighty Offense Potion

This potion may help you cause +10 additional damage to the adversary by gushing through the mind and muscles. However, it doesn’t occur with a Rock Armor Potion. Its crafted by using recipe: Mighty Offense Potion, and can be purchased from: Formari Herbalist in the Gallows Courtyard during Act 3.

Restoration Potion

This potion helps you regenerates 80% of your health along with 40% of your mana/stamina, it can even revive flagging bodies. It can be Crafted by using Recipe: Restoration Potion, and can be purchased from: Formari Herbalist in the Gallows Courtyard.

Rock Armor Potion

It can help you gain damage resistance up to 10% in a combat but, it doesn’t occur with a Mighty Offense Potion. It can be Crafted by using Recipe: Rock Armor Potion, and purchased from: Formari Herbalist in the Gallows Courtyard during (Act 2 –3), Emporium’s Crafting Materials.

Stamina Draught

This potion regenerates the stamina of warrior or rogue character’s up to 40%, and can be purchased from Trinkets Emporium in Lowtown, Formari Herbalist in the Gallows Courtyard, Hubert’s Fine Goods in Hightown, Master Ilen’s Shop on Sundermount, Emporium’s Crafting Materials.


The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall

This item can be found in inside a chest in Gamlen’s house and you’ll get 5g when read.

Tome of Technique

It can be bought from Hubert’s Fine Goods in Hightown, and gives you an additional spell when read.

Tome of Technique

It can be bought from Master Ilen’s Shop at Sundermount and gives an additional spell when read.

Lothering’s Lament

This item can be found in inside a chest in Gamlen’s house and you’ll receive XP when read.

Of Things Not Lost

This item can be found in inside a chest in Gamlen’s house and gives you 3 Runes: fire, impact, protection.

Greater Tome of the Mortal Vessel

It can be bought from Trinkets Emporium, Lowtown Bazaar and gives you 2 additional attribute points.

Arcane Tome of the Mortal Vessel

It can be bought from Korval’s Blades and gives you 3 additional attribute points.

Armor Runes

Armors having a rune slot can apply Armor runes, which provide lasting rewards to the effect of the armor. These runes can’t be detached but, can only be replaced with another one which demolishes the one prior. They are included to the armor by Sandal who is at the Merchant’s Guild in Hightown in Act 1 and in the Hawke Estate in Acts 2 and 3.

Celestial Rune

This armor rune completely ignores the attribute requirements from the armor put in to. This item can’t be acquired through normal means.

Rune of Defense

It is an armor rune that maximizes your defense, and can be Crafted by using Design: Rune of Defense.

Rune of Fire Warding

It is an armor rune that maximizes your Fire resistance. It can be purchased from: Trinkets Emporium in Lowtown during Act 1, and can be Crafted, using Design: Rune of Fire Warding

Rune of Fortune

This armor maximizes the coin quantity dropped by the adversaries. It can be Crafted by using Design: Rune of Fortune, and purchased from: Emporium’s Crafting Materials.

Rune of Frost Warding

It is an armor rune that maximizes your Cold resistance. It can be purchased from: Hubert’s Fine Goods in Hightown during Act 1, Emporium’s Crafting Materials. It can also be Crafted by using Design: Rune of Frost Warding.

Rune of Lightning Warding

An armor rune that maximizes your Electric resistance. It can be purchased from: Mage Goods in the Gallows Courtyard (Act 1), Armor Shop in the Gallows Courtyard (Act 2), Emporium’s Crafting Materials during (Act 3).

Rune of Nature Warding

An armor rune that maximizes your Nature resistance. It can be purchased from: Master Ilen’s Shop on Sundermount (Act 3), Emporium’s Crafting Materials (Act 3).

Rune of Spirit Warding

An armor rune that maximizes your Spirit resistance. It can be Crafted, using Design: Rune of Spirit Warding, and purchased at: Mage Goods in the Gallows Courtyard (Act 2-3).

Rune of Protection

This armor rune increases the base armor by 10% and can be acquired at: the tome Of Things Not Lost, and can also be purchased from: Armor Shop in the Gallows Courtyard (Act 1-3), Emporium’s Crafting Materials (Act 2).

Torpor’s Barrier Rune

An armor rune that maximizes your Magic resistance. In the Night Terrors quest (Act 2), the Sloth Demon Torpor proposes two pieces of the ruin, if Hawke agrees and picks the Magic as a reward.

Rune of Valiance

This armor ruin levels up all attributes by +2. A piece of armor supports a single Rune of Valiance. It can be Crafted by using Design: Rune of Valiance.

Weapon Runes

Weapons having a rune slot can apply Weapon runes, which provide lasting rewards to the effect of the weapon. These runes can’t be detached but, can only be replaced with another one which demolishes the one prior. They are included to the armor by Sandal who is at the Merchant’s Guild in Hightown in Act 1 and in the Hawke Estate in Acts 2 and 3.

Rune of Devastation

It is a weapon rune that heal all the damage. One weapon only supports a single Rune of Devastation. It can be Crafted by using Design: Rune of Devastation.

Rune of Fire

A weapon rune found from the tome Of Things Not Lost that maximizes damage resistance by 20%, and can be Crafted by using Design: Rune of Fire.  It can be purchased from: Weapon Shop in the Gallows Courtyard during (Act 1), Hubert’s Fine Goods in Hightown (Act 2-3), Emporium’s Crafting Materials (Act 2).

Rune of Frost

A weapon rune that maximizes your cold resistance by 20%. Upon interacting with Sandal in Act 1, he gives one rune when he’s lost during the Deep Roads Expedition. This item can be acquired from: Trinkets Emporium in Lowtown (Act 3), and Crafted by using Design: Rune of Frost.

Rune of Impact

A weapon rune that maximizes your Physical Damage by 20%. It can be acquired from: the tome Of Things Not Lost, purchased from: Weapon Shop in the Gallows Courtyard (Act 2) and Crafted by using Design: Rune of Impact.

Rune of Lightning

A weapon rune that maximizes your Electrical Damage by 20%. It is Crafted by using Design: Rune of Lightning and purchased from: Emporium’s Crafting Materials (Act 3).

Rune of Nature

A weapon rune that maximizes your Nature Damage by 20%. It can be Crafted by using Design: Rune of Nature and sold by: Master Ilen’s Shop on Sundermount (Act 1-2), Emporium’s Crafting Materials (Act 3).

Primeval Lyrium Rune

A weapon rune that maximizes your Attack Speed. This item is accessible by handing over the Lyrium idol shard to Sandal in Act 3 during the quest Haunted.

Sandal’s Special Rune

This weapon rune provides you a possibility of knocking back the adversary. This item is acquired initially in the Hawke Estate after the Deep Roads Expedition, when Sandal gives this rune to Hawke when they interact with him.

Rune of Spirit

A weapon rune that maximizes your Spirit Damage by 20%. It can be Crafted by using Design: Rune of Spirit, and sold at: Trinkets Emporium in Lowtown (Act 2).

Rune of Striking

A weapon rune that maximizes you’re the critical chance. It can be Crafted by using Design: Rune of Striking, and purchased at: Weapon Shop in the Gallows Courtyard (Act 3).

Plot Items

A Letter to Gerav

This plot item is located in Carta Hideout, and it unlocks Codex entry: A Letter to Gerav upon acquiring.

Alrik’s Papers

A plot item which is situated in Gallows Dungeon and can be acquired after looting from Ser Alrik’s corpse during Anders’ companion quest Dissent.


An ancient elven tool plot item that is been kept with Sabrae prior to the fall of the Dales, and is used for woodcarving.

Blade of Mercy
A plot item found during the main quest “Best Served Cold” of Act 3 in a Secret Meeting Place in a crate.

Chandan’s Amulet

This plot item can be found in Varterral Hunting Grounds during the quest Mirror Image.

Conspirator’s Notes

It is found during the quest “Best Served Cold” of Act 3 on Templar Lieutenant.

Crown of Dumat

You can find this plot item in the east side of Corypheus’s Prison – Farele’s Floor in a side room.

Dragon’s Fang

You’ll find this item after it is dropped by the mature dragon during the quest “Bone Pit” in the Bone Pit Ledge. Since you can’t enter Bone Pit Ledge again therefore, it’s only acquired in this quest.


To find this item you’ll have to travel to The Bone Pit where you’ll find five Drakestone after entering the Drakestone Mines, in the quest “Justice”.

Dumat’s Sacrificial Dagger

This plot item is located north to Farele’s Floor, in the side room. This item is one of the four Tevinter artifacts required for Hawke to finish the ritual for Altar of Dumat.

Evil Tome

These are books having the Forbidden Knowledge which have been written by maleficar Tarohne, these books are related to blood magic and can be talked to in Act 2.

Harlot’s Blush Flower

A plot item found during Act 2 in The Wounded Coast in the top left side of the map, besides the Bounty Hunter Getaway cave and close to Magnus’s Wares.

Harshal’s Amulet

This plot item is used to complete Honoring the Fallen, and can be acquired in the quest” Mirror image” in Varterral Hunting Grounds.

Incriminating Documents

A plot item found during No Rest for the Wicked in Castillon’s Landing in Act 3.

Isabela’s Letter

A plot item found in Lowtown on the body of Wall-Eyed Sam during quest “To Catch a Thief”, outside the Lost-End Foundry.

A Note for Gamlen

This item is found Smetty’s Fish Guttery, Docks (night), which is acquired when looted from from a Mercenary Commander during Gamlen’s Greatest Treasure.

Pure Ironbark

A plot item found during Act 1 Herbalist’s Tasks in Ironwood Clearing, after interacting with Master Ilen about direction in the Dalish camp in Sundermount a new location is seen on the map, visit that place and collect the item.

Qunari Sword

A plot item you can find during the quest “The Lost Swords” in Kirkwall.

Radha’s Amulet

You can find this plot item during the quest “Mirror Image” in Varterral Hunting Grounds.

Sela Petrae

A crystal powder plot item formed from concentrated manure and urine, and found during the quest “Justice” in The Sewers.

Tobrius’s Documents

This plot item is found during the Birthright quest inside a chest located in Amell Estate Cellar.

Varterral’s Heart

A plot item looted during Mirror Image Herbalist’s Tasks (Act 2) from Varterral in Varterral Hunting Ground.

The Wallop Mallet

This plot item is found during the quest “Gamlen’s Greatest Treasure” of Act 3 in Darktown (night), looted from Mekel.



Recipe Ingredients Result
Recipe: Elfroot Potion 1x Elfroot Elfroot Potion
Recipe: Restoration Potion 3x Elfroot 2x Spindleweed Restoration Potion
Recipe: Elixir of Purity 3x Elfroot 1x Spindleweed Elixir of Purity
Recipe: Life Ward Potion 4x Elfroot 3x Spindleweed Life Ward Potion
Recipe: Rock Armor Potion 2x Elfroot 3x Spindleweed 1x Embrium Rock Armor Potion
Recipe: Mighty Offense Potion 3x Elfroot 2x Spindleweed 1x Embrium Mighty Offense Potion
Recipe: Elixir of Heroism 5x Elfroot 4x Spindleweed 4x Embrium 1x Ambrosia Elixir of Heroism

Poisons and Grenades

Recipe Ingredients Result
Formula: Debilitating Poison 1x Deep Mushroom Debilitating Poison
Formula: Tar Bomb 1x Deep Mushroom 1x Deathroot Tar Bomb
Formula: Deathroot Toxin 2x Deathroot Deathroot Toxin
Formula: Crow Venom 2x Deep Mushroom 2x Deathroot Crow Venom
Formula: Combustion Grenade 2x Deep Mushroom Combustion Grenade
Formula: Mythal’s Favor 2x Glitterdust Mythal’s Favor
Formula: Arcane Poison 2x Deep Mushroom 2x Deathroot 1x Glitterdust Arcane Poison
Formula: Fell Poison 6x Deep Mushroom 5x Deathroot 1x Felandaris Fell Poison
Formula: Fell Grenade 4x Deathroot 4x Glitterdust 1x Felandaris Fell Grenade


Recipe Ingredients Result
Design: Rune of Impact 1x Lyrium Rune of Impact
Design: Rune of Fire 2x Silverite Rune of Fire
Design: Rune of Frost 1x Lyrium 2x Silverite Rune of Frost
Design: Rune of Lightning 2x Lyrium 3x Silverite Rune of Lightning
Design: Rune of Nature 3x Lyrium 3x Silverite 1x Orichalcum Rune of Nature
Design: Rune of Spirit 2x Lyrium 3x Silverite 1x Orichalcum Rune of Spirit
Design: Rune of Striking 4x Lyrium 3x Silverite 2x Orichalcum Rune of Striking
Design: Rune of Devastation 3x Lyrium 4x Silverite 4x Orichalcum 1x Dragon’s Blood Rune of Devastation
Design: Rune of Protection 1x Lyrium Rune of Protection
Design: Rune of Fire Warding 2x Lyrium Rune of Fire Warding
Design: Rune of Frost Warding 2x Lyrium 1x Silverite Rune of Frost Warding
Design: Rune of Lightning Warding 3x Lyrium 2x Silverite Rune of Lightning Warding
Design: Rune of Nature Warding 4x Lyrium 2x Silverite Rune of Nature Warding
Design: Rune of Spirit Warding 3x Lyrium 2x Silverite 1x Orichalcum Rune of Spirit Warding
Design: Rune of Defense 3x Lyrium 3x Silverite 2x Orichalcum Rune of Defense
Design: Rune of Valiance 6x Lyrium 3x Silverite 3x Orichalcum 1x Dragon’s Blood Rune of Valiance
Design: Rune of Fortune 2x Lyrium 2x Silverite Rune of Fortune
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...