Diablo 4 Genbar, the Shrine-Keeper, is the boss you encounter in Act 3 while progressing through the main quest Whittling Sanity. This boss is a strict follower of Elias and tries to keep his location secret from you. You’ll need to defeat him to progress the story and find Elias.
You can bring down the boss by knowing his exact attack pattern and making a strategy against him. But before you can do that, you need to know the location where to find Genbar in Diablo 4.
Where to find Genbar, the Shrine Keeper, in Diablo 4
Make your way toward the Tusmaa Rift area located North side of Khargai Crags in Diablo 4. You need to reach the Carver’s House and head North to the Rift of a Thousand Eyes.

You will find Genbar inside that area and interact with him to start the boss battle.
How to defeat Genbar in Diablo 4
The key to defeating Genbar is to memorize his move set and then avoid it in Diablo 4. During the initial stages, the boss will summon different small minions. These will go down easily since they are mostly to distract you and are not much of a threat.
Take them out quickly and then get to the boss. The boss itself will become an easy target after summoning the demons, so this is the perfect time to get some damage in.
Once the boss gets to half health, he will summon another creature, Mahnmon, to attack you during the battle.
Genbar will also cast demonic markings that will explode over a large area of the arena. You need to wait for the red circles and avoid them to stay safe during the battle.
That’s all for the attacks that Genbar can perform. Take the mobs down quickly, defeat Mahnmon, and avoid the explosive markings. Get as much damage in as you can between attacks but don’t get greedy. Rinse and repeat and you will eventually win the fight against the boss in Diablo 4 swiftly.
Genbar rewards and loot
With the defeat of Genbar, the Shrine-Kepper you get a good amount of gold along with Rare and Magic gear items in Diablo 4. Moreover, you will move ahead with the story as the quest will conclude after the defeat of Genbar in Diablo 4.