Schematics are required for upgrading Isaac’s weapons and suits in Dead Space. Most of these schematics can be collected at any point in the game, except for one, before your start the Alternate Solutions mission in Chapter 11, which is the point of no return.
You can either collect all the schematics as you go through the chapters or collect them all in Chapter 11 when you have complete access to USG Ishimura. We said you could collect most of the schematics at any time, but the one in Chapter 9 is missable. You cannot collect it later in the game if you fail to get it in chapter 9.
Moreover, if you want to unlock the Merchant achievement in Dead Space, you must find all the upgrade blueprints.
Where to find all Dead Space schematics
In the new Dead Space remake, you will come across 13 schematics. The location of these schematics can be found in each chapter of the game as you venture through the USG Ishimura.
- Pulse Rounds
- Stasis Pack
- Medium Med Pack
- Ripper Blade
- Flame Thrower Fuel
- Intermediate Engineer Rig
- Line Rack
- Force Energy
- Contact Energy
- Intermediate Miner Rig
- Oxygen Tank
- Large Med Pack
- Advanced Engineering Rig
Pulse Rounds
You can find the Pulse Round Schematic in Chapter 2: Intensive Care. After you enter the Coolant Pipelines, look to your left. You can find the Pulse Rounds schematic in Imaging Diagnostics.

Stasis Pack
You can find the Stasis Pack Schematic in Chapter 2: Intensive Care of Dead Space Remake. The Stasis pack blueprint is in the Emergency Room. Look inside the changing room next to Dr. N: Brennan’s office. The schematic is on one of the benches in the changing room.

Medium Med Pack
You can find the Medium Med Pack schematic in Chapter 3: Course Correction of Dead Space Remake. The location of the Medium Med Pack schematic is on the right after the Decontamination Room.
As soon as you leave the contamination room, check all the lockers. One of these contains the Medium Med Pack schematic.

The Medium Med Pack schematic is right after the Decontamination Room. As soon as you leave the contamination room, check all the lockers. One of these contains the Medium Med Pack schematic.
Ripper Blade
You will come across the Ripper Blade schematic in Chapter 3: Course Correction of Dead Space. In order to find the Ripper Blade schematic after you use the elevator to descend for the first time.
After you exit the elevator, look inside the room to your right. Open the obvious loot box to get the Ripper Blade schematic.

Flame Thrower Fuel
You will come across the Flame thrower fuel schematic during Chapter 3: Course Correction of Dead Space Remake. You can find the Flame Thrower Fuel blueprint in the Engine Room of USG Ishimura.
You have to activate one of the engines here as your main objective. The schematic is right next to the engine.

Intermediate Engineer Rig
You will come across the Intermediate Engineer Rig schematic during Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent. There is only one schematic in this chapter, and it is used to upgrade your suit.
On your way to the ADS Cannon, look inside the EVA Prep Room to find Level 3 suit, Intermediate Engineer Rig. The room is on your right when heading to the cannon.

Line Rack
You will come across the Line Rack schematic during Chapter 5: Letha Devotion. There is only one schematic in this chapter.
You can find this schematic for the Line Beam in the room next to Dr. B. Warwick’s office. After exiting from the Observation Room, ignore the elevator, and head across from Dr. B. Warwick’s office. You need level 2 Security Clearance to go in the room to get the Line Rack schematic.

Force Energy
You will come across the Force Energy schematic during Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard of Dead Space Remake. The location for this schematic is in the Chemical Lab. Look inside the Air Filtration Tower to find them. As you go through, the schematic is right after the first electricity trap and before the second.

Contact Energy
You will come across the Contact Energy schematic during Chapter 7: Into the Void of Dead Space. You will discover this schematic after you leave Deck B in a locked room.
After leaving Deck B, kill the Necromorphs that attack you and look for the locked room. Once you find it, rotate around the room, and you will spot a broken window.
From this window, shoot the lock inside the room. Then you can enter the room and get the schematic on one of the tables inside the room.

Intermediate Miner Rig
The Intermediate Miner Rig schematic (suit level 4) is found after defeating Nicole during Chapter 7: Into the Void. Once Nicole is defeated, head on into the Equipment Workshop. Look around the SOS Beacon to find the Intermediate Miner Rig schematic.

Oxygen Tank
You will come across the Oxygen Tank schematic during Chapter 8: Search and Rescue. Once you have Security Clearance level 2, you must go to the Refueling Control Station on the 4th floor. Here, you can now enter a locked room in Dead Space Remake, which contains the Oxygen Tank schematic.

Large Med Pack
You will come across the Oxygen Tank schematic during Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival. Keep in mind that you need to get this schematic in Chapter 9, or you will miss it.
Large Med Pack is found inside the Infirmary. Look around in the Infirmary on desks before the segment with spinning lasers to get the schematic.

Advanced Engineering Rig
You will come across the Advanced Engineering Rig schematic during Chapter 10: End of Days. When you come through the Crew Quarters, look inside the bathroom to find the schematics for Advanced Engineering Rig (suit level 5) in Dead Space.