Dead Space 4 Could Be Open World With A Female Lead If It Happened

Fans have been asking for a fourth installment to the Dead Space franchise for years now. Even though an announcement...

Fans have been asking for a fourth installment to the Dead Space franchise for years now. Even though an announcement is not made, there are a few indications leading us to believe that Dead Space 4 might be happening. Or that’s what we want to believe. Ben Wanat, creative director of Dead Space has revealed his thoughts on what a sequel could feature if it happened.

According to Wanat, during an interview with IGN, Dead Space 4 would be much more different than its predecessors. Space travel, scavenging, and a possible open world could be the game’s main features. He stated:

“The notion was you were trying to survive day to day against infested ships, searching for a glimmer of life, scavenging supplies to keep your own little ship going, trying to find survivors”

“I figured you’d start in a section of space, maybe following a trail of ship carcasses to an orbital station you think might have the parts and fuel needed to get your ship Shock-capable.”

To top that, Wanat revealed that a possible Dead Space 4 would see a new character on the protagonists’ role. After the apocalypse, the franchise could shift to a totally different direction and could even see Ellie Langford as the lead for this title:

“With the apocalypse, there was the opportunity for a clean break. It wouldn’t be necessary for the story going forward to include any of them.”

The developer studio of Dead Space, Visceral has been shut down nine months now, after EA announced they’d be moving employees to another company departments but cancel their ongoing projects. Wanat is now the creative director at Crystal Dynamics, however, the future of the Dead Space franchise is not yet optimistic.

Would you want to see Dead Space 4 happening or do you believe that the franchise has concluded with the ending of its third installment? How would you feel about a female character taking the lead in this project?

Always looking for a deep story, empathetic characters, and a great soundtrack in video games. Hardcore game hoarder and a strong believer that one day Xbox will win the console war.