Dead Island 2 Family’s Garage Safe Key Location

One of the containers in the game is Dead Island 2 Family’s Garage Safe, which needs a Key to unlock. Inside this safe, you will find a ...

Dead Island 2 locations like Bel-Air and Monarch Studios are home to containers or lockboxes with powerful weapons and equipment. One of these containers is Dead Island 2 Family’s Garage Safe, which needs a Key to unlock. Inside this safe, you will find a promising weapon as a reward. You must find the Dead Island 2 Family Garage Safe key to open the safe and collect your prize.

How to get the Dead Island 2 Family’s Garage Safe Key

Similar to many other locker keys in Dead Island 2, the Family Garage key is not found in the same room as the locker. You need to search for a specific zombie and eliminate it to get the key.

The Garage Safe is located at the back of the House in the uppermost right corner of Beverly Hills Region. You can access this house just across the street near Farouk’s mansion. While at the starting area of Bel-Air, you need to enter the place opposite the big red house.

The Garage will be on the right side of the said house in Dead Island 2. For the key part, approach the last place you are spawned at the start of the Beverly Hills region. You can see a road on the left side, which you must tread past to reach the key.

Ignore the zombies and other distractions on the way. When the road gets to a dead end, a labeled zombie, aka Nosy Neighbor in Dead Island 2, will be seen wandering near the bus.

Engage with the zombie and eliminate them using your weapons. This is not a threat, as this female-looking monster possesses no special abilities. Having done with the killing, grab the Garage Safe key in Dead Island 2 from the corpse and return from the same passage to where the Safe is located.

Finally, use the key to open the Safe and receive the reward for your hard work in the shape of a Bloodthirsty Bowie Knife.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...