Cities Skylines 2 Climate And Seasons Guide

Climate and Season system in Cities Skylines 2.

Every map in Cities Skylines 2 offers a different combination of climate and seasons. Depending on what map you choose, you’ll get to experience the weather or temperature your city will likely stay in. However, there is much more to the climate than just the aesthetic and background.

I will explain all about Climate and seasons in the game and how they can affect your cities.

How Climate and Weather Changes in Cities Skylines 2

Climates for all maps are determined by their position. The latitude and longitude positions differ for each map, making the climate unique. All the elements from the basic weather, temperature range, length of the day, seasons, etc, all depend on the climate and their location on a map.

There are three climates in the game on which all maps are based: Temperate, Continental, and Polar. While most maps have a single climate, some can have a combination of two for a more diverse range. The difference won’t be much from the parent climate but with a few variations which can be beneficial or not according to your city plan.

  • Temperate: The maps with temperate climates have the most diverse and equally distributed seasons. All of these seasons would also have noticeable visual differences.
  • Continental: If you prefer maps with fewer variations and constant weather, Continental is the best for you. This climate does have all four seasons, but they are not much different from one another.
  • Polar: As the name suggests, polar climate maps would have the longest winters with short summers. The days would also be a lot quicker with long nights.

Similar to climate, weather is determined by the general temperature and area of the map. Maps can have hailstorms, rains, cloudy days, hot sunny days, and fluctuations in temperature. All of these are part of the weather and can change within the range of the main climate.

How the Season System Works in Cities Skylines 2

Seasons are determined by the region, which means the longevity of a season depends on what map you are choosing. The time during which a season can stay depends on the time distribution for a day and then a month.

One hour in real time equals almost one day in the game. One day in real-time equals one month in the game, and as a season remains generally for three months, three days equals one season.

Day to night cycle is one hour, but its duration varies according to season or climate. Polar climates, which experience most of the winter and autumn, will have longer nights and short days, while for summers, in temperamental climates, the days are longer.

This can also be compared across climates in Cities Skylines 2, as each climate may experience a season differently. While continental may have harsh summers, Poles may have mild to cool summers.

For each season, different visual additions can be observed to know when the season is changing.

  • Summer: The sun is up all the time. Vegetation and crops would be at their best.
  • Spring: The greenest season with colorful scenery and moderate weather.
  • Autumn: Cool breeze paired with cloudy days. (there is no color variation to orange or yellow for unfortunate autumn)
  • Winter: Snow-covered mountains and hilltops with slippery roads.

Effect of Weather and Season on City Life

Climate, weather, and season in Cities Skylines 2 can do more than adjust the time of the day or have basic visual differences. Each season has different effects on the city’s system, citizens, and even work. Apart from this, the map’s location and landscape also play a role in determining the activities.

Summers and Spring are mainly fine, with much daytime and sunlight to soak through. After work hours, many citizens love to stroll and bask in the sunlight. The vegetation is also thriving, making production faster.

This season is also a busy one for tourists. Tourism thrives during summer, which can be pretty profitable. Unfortunately, hot weather means a lot of electricity is used with the constant use of AC, fans, and other cooling appliances. These power consumption increases can strain the usual power supply.

For cooler seasons like winter and Autumn, cool breezes, rain, and hail will become part of life. The citizens would prefer to stay indoors with little to no outside activities. The snow later covers the mountains, roads, and trees.

Whenever snow comes, Road Maintenance must look out for snow-covered roads and make sure that it is clear. Otherwise, the snow can cause more accidents and sometimes even make roads out of order due to risk.

Even though winter is not filled with tourists, if there are attractions like skiing or winter-based areas, there is a possibility that some tourists will visit the city.

Natural Disasters

Apart from the seasons and weather fluctuations in Cities Skylines 2, it is natural for some disasters to occur to make the city management much more realistic. Like other instances, natural disasters can vary from mild to highly destructive.

The milder ones can cause traffic jams, blockage of one part of the city, or a warning to stay indoors. On the heavier side, it can damage the city, cause deaths, and injure many to the point that many may need to go to shelters, which can be accessed by public transport. When a natural disaster is upcoming, you can check the info panel and give out a warning to keep your city safe from casualties.


Hailstorms can occur and last a few minutes. This can cause a lot of budget to go to improving and cause some activities to pause for a while. For roads, the hail can cause accidents due to vehicles getting out of control and crashing.

Forest Fires

Forest fires are not only the result of the hot climate in Cities Skylines 2 but can also occur due to low precipitation levels in combination with dryness. These fires are not only damaging to the vegetation but if near the city, can blow up a chunk of it.

To counter the forest fires, use Firewatch Towers and position them near large amounts of vegetation away from the water.


Tornadoes can occur anytime during any season and affect buildings, citizens, roads, and vehicles in Cities Skylines 2. There are a lot of casualties if not acted fast enough, which can damage the city population a lot.

During Tornadoes, the best way to avoid the loss of citizens is by placing Emergency Shelters. These shelters have a transport system that can start taking citizens to safety when there is a sighting of a tornado coming towards the city.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...