This article covers all the details about each class, their weapons, and subclasses. The four classes in Chivalry 2 are Knight, Vanguard, Footman, and Archer. Each of these four classes is further divided into three subclasses. In this Chivalry 2 Best Classes Guide, we’ll be discussing all the classes in terms of their abilities, weapons, and attacks. Archer is the most agile and least armored class, while Knight is the most armored and least agile class.
Chivalry 2 Best Class
Before we jump into the tier list for Chivalry 2 and generally discuss all classes and their subclasses, here’s our pick for the best class in the game and why you should choose it while starting out your Chivalry 2 journey.
If we have to pick one out of the variety of class options in the game, we’ll definitely pick Devastator from Vanguard. We have also listed it in the S category in our Chivalry 2 Class Tier List.
Devastator, hands down, has one of the best sets of melee weapons than any other class in the game and will be our first pick without any hesitation. It gives you a heavy two-handed weapon that does not impact your mobility when equipped. An absolute dream!
Moreover, you also have a Battle-axe, which is an optimal option and will help you kill enemies in a much more vast radius. This weapon is ideal when you want to maintain a distance from the powerful opponents while attacking them consistently to get their health pool low.
Weapons play a crucial role, especially when you will be facing enemies every other minute while playing the game, and with a powerful set of weapons, no one can stop you or your progression in the game.
Apart from some good melee weapons, the Devastator class also has throwable Mallets and an Oil Pot, which, when used, puts some parts of the ground around you on fire. It’s great to have them on hand when you have mobs approaching you and you need some extra help to take care of the threat.
Class Tier List
We will divide our tier list into 5 tiers, ranging from S to D, S being the best and D being worse compared to the others. Furthermore, we will also explain why each of these classes deserves its spot on the tier list so you have an idea as to why you should pick this certain class when diving into this multiplayer medieval warfare.
S Tier – Longbowman, Devastator
A Tier – Crusader, Poleman, Guardian
B Tier – Raider, Officer, Man at Arms
C Tier – Crossbowman, Skirmisher
D Tier – Field Engineer, Ambusher
Archer Class

The first class of the game is archer. This class is the most polarizing of all four classes, having less health and stamina than others, but are as fast as Footman. The longbowman has access to a bow, the crossbowman has access to a crossbow, and a skirmisher has access to either throwing javelins or the throwing axes.
The best weapon here to use is a bow, as it allows one to hit the enemies from a distance keeping the archer safe. Keep in mind that your accuracy and stamina will be destroyed if you hold the arrow for too long, so release it quickly. Brazier allows you to set your arrows to fire and hit the enemies, thus causing more damage.
The secondary weapons like knives and cudgels allow you to hit the enemies faster. Other secondary weapons like short swords and hatchet man can help you improve your defense against the enemies.
Here crossbow helps you inflict more damage to the enemies as compared to a bow. Also, a crossbowman can use a shield to stop the attacks coming from enemies while he is attacking. One can also make use of a banner that allows his allies to heal while staying away from the enemies.
Here Javelins can be helpful; as they help your allies finish the opponents while you distract them with the Javelin attacks. Javelins offer a good range and cause a lot of damage as well.
On the other hand, throwing axes are faster and hits the enemies more effectively as well. Knives and falchions can also be damaging with some speedy attacks on the enemy.
Vanguard Class

Vanguard has the most agility and stamina when compared to other classes, so it offers more vigorous fights. The Devastator subclass boasts the largest weapons, the Raider takes down fleeing enemies, while the Ambusher plays with a sneak-and-kill strategy.
The first subclass is devastator. This subclass aims to inflict the most pain with the biggest of weapons in the game. Battleaxe is a top choice, as it allows you to kill enemies over a larger radius and hits the enemies quicker due to its bigger size.
Maul can also be damaging as it can kill the enemies in one shot. The throwing Mallets can be helpful as you can throw them towards the enemy from a distance, thus keeping you safe while attacking the enemy. Oil pot is also one of the important weapons in devastator, as it allows you to set the part of the battlefield to fire.
The second subclass raider offers you to make use of two primary weapons, which allows you to take down fleeing enemies. The weapons available to a raider are the messer, Dane axe, glaive, and two-handed hammer. Dane axe offers less damage but allows you to kill enemies over a large range.
Next weapon, the messer is a well-known weapon with more reach and high damage against all the opponent types.
A two-handed hammer can be helpful against single targets, especially during team fights. Due to its speed, glaive harasses the enemy constantly and is effective.
The secondary weapons knife and trumpet are also a good option. The trumpet is a rechargeable item and is a powerful healing source. Charging trumpet restores your health.
The last subclass is ambusher. Unlike its brethren, which prefer to carry two-handed weapons in the battle, it carries two sets of secondary weapons. Players need to play smart by mixing the primary and secondary weapons to cause more damage. Also, make sure to attack the enemies while staying behind them.
Quiver is also a good weapon that can be charged without an ammo box. A dagger is effective at stabbing, while a short sword helps you kill the enemies faster.
Footman Class

The Footman class are masters of ranged combat and tactical mobility. All subclasses of Footman possess different types of weapons and abilities. The first subclass of Footman is Poleman, who are experts of range. The Man at Arms offer fast attacking prowess, while the Field Engineers destroy enemies with their heavy weapons.
The first weapon to use is Halberd. This weapon offers everything you need, good range, speed, balance, and inflicts decent damage.
The next weapon is a polehammer. Polehammer is a blunt weapon and has a ridiculous amount of damage at a larger range.
Spear is also a good choice, as you can swing it at different angles. This weapon allows you to attack enemies from a distance, thus improving your defense against the enemies. A bandage kit is a rechargeable secondary weapon that players can launch towards the enemies multiple times.
Man at Arms
The second subclass is Man at Arms. He mostly carries single-handed weapons during the battle. This class also offers a shield to protect you. Sword, morning star, Falchion, and the One-handed spear are the weapons to use. Sword is a well-rounded weapon that hits the enemy hard.
Falchion is a weapon with decent range and helps you cut down enemies more easily.
A one-handed spear isn’t a fast-moving weapon but causes a great deal of damage to the enemies.
The secondary weapons are knife, axe, mace, etc. An axe is a damaging weapon with a high range. On the other hand, a short sword is a lot quicker than an axe, thus causing more damage. Mace is more aggressive and offers a ‘heavier’ alternative.
Field Engineer
A field engineer has a shovel, pickaxe, and sledgehammer. A sledgehammer offers less range but is a heavier weapon, so it can inflict more damage to the enemy. However, shovel offers everything with good range and more damage.
Lastly, a pickaxe offers a good amount of damage, but it can be less accurate than a shovel. The secondary weapons include a bear trap and a spike trap. Players should prefer a bear trap, as it can help them bring shields for the team.
Knight Class

Knight is the most efficient class in terms of close combat. They have high health as compared to the likes of Vanguard, allowing them to stay in battle for longer periods. Knight has three sub-classes; Office, Guardian and Crusader.
The first subclass is the officer that carries heavy weapons, including a longsword, war axe, poleaxe, and heavy mace to the battle. Longsword is a shorter version of a great sword, so it offers a great amount of damage.
War axe with great swings, stabs and overheads make it a good weapon.
Heavy mace is a big blunt-type weapon, thus causing heavy damage to the enemy. Poleaxe with a good range and a stab is also a good choice.
The secondary weapons include a knife, an axe, and a mace. They act as backup weapons for the players. The officer also has a trumpet to keep his allies in a frame. They can also use sprint to tackle the enemies.
Guardian is a really special class that turns the game around. Warhammer is the first choice with weapons. It is powerful and hits strong blows toward the enemies. Players can pick their targets and hit them quickly.
Axe is a well-rounded weapon but is more effective against the lighter classes.
One-handed spear allows you to harass your targets at range and interrupt their attacks so it is highly recommended. Guardian keeping its defensive theme, offers a banner for the shield against enemies while players are healing.
This subclass is a powerful foe. The weapons to use are a two-handed hammer, a battle-ax, and the executioner’s axe. Axes offer high damaging attacks; while the messer also helps you hit the enemies quickly.
This subclass also has an oil pot that you can drop and set the battlefield to fire.