In Call of Duty: Black Ops, you can find 42 pieces of Intel scattered throughout the game’s fifteen missions. These Intels help flesh out the world of Black Ops, often containing information that adds context to the characters and the story’s events.
However, they can be very difficult to find as they’re always off the beaten path. In this guide, we’ll go over the locations of all the Intels in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Apart from the third mission, U.S.D.D., you’ll find a total of three Intels in all missions.
Mission 1: Operation 40
Intel Location #1

The Intel is in the shed that Woods and Bowman breach; just look behind RPG in the weapon cache in the garage.
Intel Location #2

When you are in the burning building, go to the right room on the second floor where Bowman comes out of shooting a guy in the chest, and you will find the Intel on the table lying there in the back.
Intel Location #3

You will find a plane hangar at the bottom when you rappel down a hill. Just go up the boarding stairs to locate the Intel on top of the metal construction.
Mission 2: Vorkuta
Intel Location #4

When you are told to go to the roof, Sergei tries to break into the armory. An Intel is lying on top of some comms equipment left to Reznov.
Intel Location #5

When you dive in with Sergei under Sergei to hit the door switch, don’t go upstairs straightaway. Instead, first go to the room on your right. The Intel will be on top of a table on the left.
Intel Location #6

Just before the mission ends, you’ll have to get on a bike with Reznov. Before you do that, go to the back of where you are to find the Intel on the bottom of a shelf.
Mission 4: Executive Order
Intel Location #7

You will find an Intel on the third floor. Look to the right side on one of the desks. Be sure to grab it before you get the ladder to the roof.
Intel Location #8

Just after you breach the control with C4, turn around to find the Intel lying in the back on the launch console.
Intel Location #9

The Intel is on the left on a desk by the window of the small command center in the bigger control room.
Mission 5: S.O.G.
Intel Location #10

You’ll find a tent near the start of the mission where you have to pick up rocket launchers to take down the ranks. Walk along the left side of the tent to find the Intel on a couple of cases.
Intel Location #11

After throwing the barrels on the trenches to light them up, go down the hill, and you will come across an underground bunker on the far left. You’ll find the Intel on the left, facing downward, on the window.
Intel Location #12

Just as you go inside the burning building, before exiting it, go to the right side, and you will find an Intel just before the room with the American flag on the wall.
Mission 6: The Defector
Intel Location #13

After you have retrieved the defector and are leaving the site with Reznov through the now unblocked exit, you will find a small room on the right side just before the projector with Intel inside.
Intel Location #14

When you are following the APC, you will take a right turn. Just before the turn, go straight through the gap between the two buildings. There is a building on the left. Get the intel inside it, sitting on a table by the TV.
Intel Location #15

When you are to hold a building till transport arrives, final stages of the mission. The Intel is in the building to your right with a white car parked outside while entering the area. Go there, take a right, and you will come across a broken wall. Go past this wall to retrieve the Intel sitting on the table.
Mission 7: Numbers
Intel Location #16

Right as you gain control of your character, turn back and go through the broken wall to find the first Intel on a desk.
Intel Location #17

When you are sliding down a metal roof, you can see the Intel on the ground in the fenced area in front of you. After eliminating the enemies, simply go and grab the Intel.
Intel Location #18

When you are to retrieve the lost package, and you are moving from roof to roof. Starting where you lost the package, go down two levels, and you will find the Intel lying on the metal roof just before going through the tunnel leading down.
Mission 8: Project Nova
Intel Location #19

After coming down the hill and not allowing anyone to surrender, you will find the Intel in the first building. Go upstairs, eliminate all enemies, and go to the next room. The Intel is on the right on one of the desks near the map of North America.
Intel Location #20

You can retrieve the Intel lying on the desk at the back of the white hanger.
Intel Location #21

When the countdown starts, you will have to go right. When you reach the icy stairs, you will see the Intel on the ground just before you reach the ship.
Mission 9: Victor Charlie
Intel Location #22

When you are in the hut and in the main room, you will find the Intel on the left side of the main room. You will enter the main room by taking a left from the hut.
Intel Location #23

The Intel is lying on the hut’s floor at the village’s end. For the mission, you will have to go right towards the river, but instead, go straight towards the hut with the roof to get the Intel. You will come across this village right after you plant explosives.
Intel Location #24

When you reach the rat tunnels, go left towards another tunnel leading to Reznov. The Intel is lying on the ground at your right.
Mission 10: Crash Site
Intel Location #25

At the start of the level, instead of going to the boat go to your left towards the burning barrels. The Intel is lying on the crates near the barrels.
Intel Location #26

In the small path to your right just after getting off the boat. Go towards a big rock and search the area around it to find the Intel lying on the ground.
Intel Location #27

When you drop off the wings of the crashed plane, instead of going inside the plane to continue the mission, search the ground, and you will find the Intel lying there.
Mission 11: WMD
Intel Location #28

Before blowing up the generator using C4, go to the second room in the barracks. To your left is the Intel lying on one of the desks near the phone.
Intel Location #29

An Intel is lying on a small table where enemies come to attack you, the second floor of the comms station.
Intel Location #30

In the warehouse covered with bombs, instead of going right towards the control room, go straight, and you will find the Intel lying on a desk near a blue barrel.
Mission 12: Payback
Intel Location #31

After going through the tunnel, go towards the area to your right, and you will come across a large ammo room. The Intel is lying on the shelf/drawer inside.
Intel Location #32

Before you enter the HIND helicopter, go to the right side of the camp, and you will find a table with a radio and an Intel lying near it.
Intel Location #33

Before entering the building with Kravchenko inside, take a left. You will reach a place with dull light; just look around to spot the Intel lying on some crates.
Mission 13: Rebirth
Intel Location #34

After killing the first guard you will see the Intel lying on the ground next to the crate to your left while moving out of the shipping container you used for hiding.
Intel Location #35

After you reach the laboratory, go to the containment cell, which is the central room, knife the enemy, and get the Intel lying in the cage with a monkey inside.
Intel Location #36

When you reach your destination building, it will catch fire. From there to the right of the destination building is a home, go inside towards the kitchen to spot the Intel on the shelves to the right.
Mission 14: Revelations
Intel Location #37

When you come across a crossway with a wall with 4 written over it, take left, and you will find the Intel on the machine selling cigarettes.
Intel Location #38

After seeing the Vision, enter a hallmarked 132-3 and take a right to a dead end. There is a waste bin nearby; you can grab the Intel inside it.
Intel Location #39

From the hallmarked 2, enter the office area and grab the Intel lying on the desk to your left.
Mission 15: Redemption
Intel Location #40

When you are told to take the rockets to destroy the helicopters, you will find the Intel to the left of the rockets on the ground after going through the large blue container.
Intel Location #41

When the enemies are using explosives on the bottom deck, you will enter a control room with a large table. The Intel you seek is under the table on the far side of the floor.
Intel Location #42

From the room with a large World map, head up some stairs to an overlooked room. After eliminating the enemies, check for the Intel on the floor under the desk to your right.