In Zelda Breath of the Wild, Ex: Treasure Fairy Clothes is a DLC-specific quest. This quest requires you to find fairy armor pieces for a man. Three parts of that armor outfit are hidden in three different locations of the Hyrule Field.
In this guide, we will help you to complete the Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Ex Treasure Fairy Clothes quest.
Zelda Breath of the Wild EX Treasure: Fairy Clothes walkthrough
First, you will need to go to the Great Plateau Tower to start the EX Treasure: Fairy Clothes quest in Zelda BOTW. Go in the opposite direction of the abbey and jump towards the Outpost Ruins.
Go inside the ruins to find Misko’s Ex Journal and read it to obtain the location of each fairy clothes piece in Zelda Breath of the Wild.
After you have all three locations of the garments, you can now embark on the mission to collect them. But first, make sure you activate your Magnesis and Chicest Sensor, as it will help you retrieve the chests.
Tingle’s hood location

Tingle’s Hood is in the Exchange Ruins, where the trade flourished. Go to the south side of the Exchange Ruins and find the pile of rubble in the middle. The chest containing the Fairy Tingle’s Hood in Zelda BOTW is hidden within the rubble. Now to take out the chest, you need to use both the Chicest Sensor and Magnesis.
Tingle’s shirt location

To find the shirt, you need to follow the location on the map to get to the Hyrule Castle Town prison in Zelda Breath of the Wild. Here again, Checest Sensor and Magnesis will help you locate and pull out the chest with the Fairy Clothes piece in Zelda BOTW.
Tingle’s tights location
The fairy tights are next to Ranch Ruins, as shown on the map below.

Enter the Mabe Village Ruins, and you will find the chest under the Decayed Guardian. Use your Chicest Sensor to find the chest and use the Magnesis to pull the chest out of the decayed Guardian. Open the chest to obtain the fairy Tingle’s tights in Zelda BOTW.