It’s time to head into the Panessa Movie Studios and clean out the Riddler trophies hidden there. Do note that you will gain access to the location shortly after Harley takes over the studios in the main Batman: Arkham Knight storyline. You can use this opportunity to pick up as many collectibles as you can.
Remember you do need to collect them all if you are planning on taking down the Riddler in the end and completing his Most Wanted side quest.
Where to find all Riddler Trophies in Panessa Studios?

Riddler Trophy #1
Climb the stairs on the top-left side of Stage B and grapple through a grate in the ceiling to enter the puzzle room. Now, Use the Line Launcher to get across the electrified floor and use Freeze Grenades to block 2 steam vents. Grapple up top and drop down in the next room to acquire the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #2
Head over to the southeast of Stage B and make your way through a wall vent to reach a small room containing the collectible inside a pipe. Now throw a Freeze Grenade to block the steam.
This will cause the ball to start moving. Keep using Freeze Grenades to guide the ball to the very bottom and pick up the Riddler trophy.
Riddler Trophy #3
While you are in Stage B, head over to the middle right to come across a large fan where you need to hack a terminal to acquire a collectible – use ‘Impeller’ as the password.
Riddler Trophy #4
You need to head over to the top-left side of Stage B and drop down into a grate at the bottom of the staircase. Now use the Disruptor to disable the mines and slide through the gap to find the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #5
Once you reach the Main Area of Stage C where you had to diffuse 5 bombs in the main story, Use the Remote hacking Device to start slot machine 4 identical shapes of alternating red and black hearts on the Slot Machine to score the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #6
Once you reach the Main Area of Stage C, activate a Riddler Puzzle and hit the following switches:
First Set: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow
Second Set: Yellow, Green, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Red
Third Set: Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green
Riddler Trophy #7
You need to head towards the Backstage Area from the main entrance and open up a sealed area near the stairs, you need to throw a Remote Batarang towards the upper area, charge it, and hit a switch.
Once you head inside the locked room, hit the switches in Bottom-Middle, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right, and Middle-Left to find the Riddler trophy.
Riddler Trophy #8
After entering Stage C, you will find the collectible sitting inside a cage in a corner. To access it, use the grate below the switch to head inside the next room and use a Remote Batarang to activate a switch.
Riddler Trophy #9
Head over to the corridor leading to Stage A and head right before the door. Use the REC Gun to open up the blocked path and use the Line Launcher and Pressure Pads to acquire the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #10
While you are on Stage A, grapple beyond the backdrop wall to a large robot. Once you get there, look down to find the area with a couple of turrets. You simply need to blind one of the turrets and drop behind the other to destroy it before doing the same for the other one to pick up the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #11
In the Quarantine Cells, head inside the room on the right side with a bunch of question marks forming a matrix and activate the lights in the correct order. Start from the bottom left and move counterclockwise to unlock the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #12
After entering Stage C, you will find the collectible sitting inside a cage in a corner. To access it, use the grate below the switch to head inside the next room and use a Remote Batarang to activate a switch.
Riddler Trophy #13
Had to Stage-A, grapple beyond the backdrop wall to a large robot, and use the Batclaw to open up its chest and hit it with the REC Gun to find the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #14
After entering Stage C of the Panessa Movie Studios in Batman: Arkham Knight, you will find the collectible sitting inside a cage in a corner.
To access it, use the grate below the switch to head inside the next room. Stand on the pressure pad and use a Remote Batarang to activate a Riddler switch in the next room to claim the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #15
You need to head from the center of the Backstage Area to Stage C and head left after the first corridor. Block an overhead steam vent and grapple to find a Riddler Bot above – use the bot to open up the chest containing the collectible
Riddler Trophy #16
In the very center of the backstage area, interact with the statue of Poseidon and complete the puzzle by stopping the statue first at Stage B, then at Stage A, and finally at Stage C.
Riddler Trophy #17
After entering Stage A, head inside the door on the right side and use the Remote Electrical Charge to activate the lights in the correct order, which can be found in the opposite room, to find the trophy. The correct color of the lights is Blue > Green > Red > Yellow.
Riddler Trophy #18
In the Backstage Area (enter from the main entrance), head inside the door on the left side and destroy all 5 Riddler Bots with a single Fear Multi-Takedown or as quickly as possible to acquire the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #19
Near the entrance to Stage C, you will come across several generators behind a closed door. You need to activate the generator in ‘1, 5, 7, 3, 2, 4, 8, 6’ order from left to right to find the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #20
While you are on Stage B, head over to the southern edge to come across an alcove. Once you get to the area, Use REC to bring the counterweight down and spray the Explosive Gel on it. Detonate when the counterweight reaches the top to acquire the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #21
Head to Stage A, grapple beyond the backdrop wall to a large robot, and use the Batclaw to open up its chest and hit it with the REC Gun to find the collectible.