Getting some magical items as soon as possible while playing BG3 can prove very helpful. One of those items is known as the Chest of The Mundane in Baldur’s Gate 3. This item can reduce the weight of other items and lets you carry more items, ultimately increasing the quota of your character to carry more.
Getting this item can be a hassle, but it’s all worth it. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!
Chest of the Mundane location in Baldur’s Gate 3

The chest can be found in the Arcane Tower, but to get there, you must first pass through the Underdark area and proceed Southwest. Equipping the high jump ability like Psionics Jump can help you greatly in this area as exploding shrooms and poisonous fumes surround it.
As soon as you make your way to the Arcane Tower, we suggest you equip yourself with a combination of Feather Fall and Psionics Jump spells, as it will help you a lot in the hurdles that are about to come.
Evading the Arcane Turrets
The turrets in Baldur’s Gate 3 are annoying as they laser your character’s health, and fighting them can be challenging. The best way to rid yourself of them is to avoid them and traverse around the Arcane Tower and descend below it.

To mitigate their attacks, use the giant rocks as cover and navigate the tower. However, they will inevitably attack you at some point, so you have to make your moves fast and travel as quickly as possible.

Make your way onto the large shroom-surfaced platform in Baldur’s Gate 3. Then trail to the shroom surfaced area as much as possible until you escape the radius of the Arcane Turrets. After that, head down until you see a glowing tree.
The glowing tree will give you the flower named Sussor Bloom. Acquire it and explore the area, and you will find a door. Lockpick it and head inside the Tower.
After entering the tower, you will find a Power generator. Insert the Sussur Bloom you have acquired into it. This will power up the Arcane Tower and take away the power from the Arcane Turrets, leaving the surrounding of the turrets safe to explore.

Take the staircase on the right to lead you upwards, and then take the elevator. Ascend two floors up until you find a door and enter it. You will find the Mundane Chest.
What to do with the chest of the Mundane in Baldur’s Gate 3
The chest is magical as it can store many items and transform them into common items like forks, plates, etc. To maximize its usage, you must take one party member’s character, place the chest in their backpack, and store all their items inside them.
You will find that the Chest has transformed them into the items mentioned above. Seriously, How unique is this chest?
Using the Mundane Chest like a Bag of Holding
Larian Studios has not yet added Bag of Holding in BG3, as it was a part of their previous games. In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Chest of the Mundane is the equivalent of the Bag of Holding. The chest offers the same abilities as the Bag of Holding and can replace the infamous item.
Any items that you place inside the Chest of Mundane will be converted into Mundane Items with their weights reduced to 0.5kg. Once you remove the item, it will revert to its original form. This is an excellent way of saving space and avoiding encumbrance.
The catch here is that the chest weighs heavily, and you must have a character bear the weight of it. But if you want to feel nostalgic and want the Bag of Holding, you can use the Bag of Holding Mod. Using it will have repercussions, as it might get you banned from Baldur’s Gate 3.