The first chapter in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey essentially focuses on the Eagle Bearer running errands and you getting used to the game’s many systems and mechanics. The chapter opens with the Battle of 300 and ends with the Eagle Bearer acquiring their ship.
Our Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Chapter 1 Walkthrough Guide will help you complete all the main missions associated with the game’s first chapter. We have detailed a complete walkthrough of everything you need to do, important choices, enemy encounters, and more.
While you’ll have plenty of side content to explore during the first chapter, the guide below describes the best quest order to complete this section of the game.
Chapter 1 Quests

The Prologue depicts the battle of Thermopylae as King Leonidas of Sparta goes into battle with the Achaemenid Persian Empire. This section is all about getting used to the game’s combat. Make use of the on-screen prompts to finish the battle.
Once you do, you’ll thrown into the modern-day story where you meet Layla Hassan. Here you can select the game’s difficulty and your desired Eagle Bearer (Alexios or Kassandra) to begin your Odyssey.
So it Begins

The game begins with Ikaros (your eagle) hovering over the lands of Greece. After this brief cutscene, you will be given control of your chosen Eagle Bearer; Alexios or Kassandra
Your character will be prompted to fight two thugs who were sent by Cyclops. Following their defeat, another cutscene will come up and in this cutscene, a girl named Phoibe will come to you to tell you that Markos is looking for you in his vineyard.
Your character will indicate that Markos has to repay his debt to you. After this brief cutscene, you will approach the thugs you defeated before with two options:
- Get Out of Here
- You Are Dead
You can choose either of the options but beware that all choices in the golden text in the game have in-game consequences. And sometimes they are permanent.
Afterward, your character will want to get dressed up. Climb up the building and loot the crate in the shades. You will receive some pieces of equipment.
Once equipped, drop down the building, towards the bridge. Dash forward and follow this road. Take the first left you can see and follow this road towards Zeus’ statue.
Beware though, if you had chosen to spare the thugs, you would be fighting some more thugs on the road here. You can either slip past them through the bushes or stay and fight.
Whatever you choose, when you are in the clear, the game will prompt you to use Ikaros to locate your target. Follow the road and the tag you set to reach your destination.
When you meet Markus, he’ll be arguing with a farmer. The argument in question is about winemaking. You will be left with two choices:
- You Do Not Know How to Make Wine
- You Are Going to Fail
Both options seem familiar so it is safe to choose any of them. Markos will then redirect you to collect your money from a merchant named Duris in Sami. You can find Duris ‘In a shop in Sami overlooking the docks.
The game will then prompt you to choose your horse. There are three options available. The three horses are different only in their appearance, so do not fret over what Markos might be saying about these horses.
Choose any of the three and you will be given a new quest called Debt Collector.
Debt Collector

While you were busy choosing a horse, Phoibe, the little girl, was taken away to a Bandit Camp on Ktimene beach by Cyclops’ men.
Mount your horse and follow the objective marker to the location. You can either hide in the bushes and assassinate the different enemies here or fight them head-on. The first enemy will be right in front of you.
If you are going for stealth gameplay, after defeating the first bandit, follow the bushes towards the left, and towards the tree in the middle of the bushes.

You will be given the option to ‘whistle’. Whistling lures the enemy to your location. Use this to your benefit and while hiding in the bushes, lure him close to you and then kill him
The third enemy is near the building, facing the other way sometimes. You can either sneak up on him or wait in the bushes and lure him using whistles.
The fourth bandit is straight ahead if you follow the road. She is sitting on a seat allowing you to assassinate her fairly easily.
After killing all the bandits, you can enter the hut to free Phoibe. After freeing her, you will enter a dramatic cutscene where you remember your past – with your pappy, mammy, and your younger sibling.
When you return to the present, Phoibe will tell you that the Cyclops has put a bounty on your head and that Talos the Stone-Fist (a mercenary) is after you. Beware though, Talos is a level 5 mercenary and it will be a very tough battle.
From Kitmene Beach, head back toward the vineyard while following the objective marker. You will enter a city by the river shore. You can find Duris in his shop. Interact with him to trigger another cutscene. You will be given two options:
- Then You Should Not Have Borrowed the Money
- You Are Right. Double Is Too Much
Choosing either of the options will not have any dire consequences. You will be hinted that apparently, Markos borrowed money from the Cyclops There are three options here:
- I Will Not Leave Without the Drachmae
- Which Will Involve Either Breaking His Merchandise to Get Him to Pay Up, or Kill Him
- I Will Leave You Alone for Now
Make your way back to the entrance you came from. Follow the statue of Zeus, into Markos’ vineyard. A brute is warning Markos here to cough up the money or be killed. Markos will face you afterward and you will be given three options:
- It Is Impossible
- We Can Try
- We Will Get the Drachmae
Choose any of the three options. You will be shortly given a glimpse of a younger version of yourself, sailing on unknown waters and getting washed up ashore where Markos picks you up and takes you in.

Switching back to the present and after a short cutscene with Drucilla, you will have to follow Drucilla back to her workshop where she will fix your Bow for you. The quest will end once you shoot some dummies here.
An Eye for an Eye
To begin the next quest, talk to Markos. He will reveal that you need to steal the Cyclops’ most beloved possession: his obsidian eye. It will also be revealed that you have to do this quest without being seen.

You can find ‘The Obsidian Eye’ in Cyclops’ house, in the Cyclops Lair, which is west of the Cursed Valley of Pali.
Get on your horse and follow the objective marker down the mountain. You can use Ikaros to find the eye in the lair. There are several enemies here and a Bandit leader. Remember, you need to stay hidden here.
You can drop from the cliff here, and to the right of you will be an enemy. You can sneak up on him and kill him without alerting others. Hide his body in the grass and press forward.
Go north of there, enter the house in front of you and you will find a chest containing some Drachmae and a Sledgehammer. There will also be an enemy here.
You can either sneak up on him or use the whisper skill to attract him to yourself, while you are hiding and then kill him.
Once again, hide his body. Now hide in the bushes and kill the enemies one by one, while proceeding towards the location of the Obsidian Eye. The eye will be in one of the houses on the table. Take his eye and return to Markos.

After a brief conversation with Markos, he will ask us to dispose of Cyclops’ fancy friends and loot their treasures.
Fancy Guests
Follow the objective marker with your horse. Follow the path until you reach a building that seems abandoned. Your objective when you reach here will be to kill everyone. Leave no witnesses.

After killing everyone, a small cutscene will trigger where you will meet Elpenor. He is looking for his prized possession; ‘Penelope’s woven shroud’ which was brought to the island of Ithaka. He needs you to get the shroud back.
You can gather information for the shroud by asking Elpenor. He will direct you to ‘the home of Odysseus’.
Penelope’s Shroud
At the start of the mission, after the cutscene, you should be on a beach looking directly at the island of Ithaka. There is a small boat that can be taken to the island but you can also swim through the waters.

Make use of Ikaros to mark the location of the shroud. When you reach the island of Ithaka, you will have to climb up to a fort that is heavily fortified. The enemies there are at least level 4 so make sure you are too.
You can either kill all the enemies here or play it quiet. There are a ton of enemies but killing everyone will give you a huge boost in XP. Choose wisely.
The captain here is level 5. You need to kill him to acquire the shroud. Kill him in whatever fashion you choose and loot his body for the shroud.
Afterward, go back to Elpenor. He will be in the Temple of Zeus. You can find him using the map or by following the objective marker. Upon meeting him, he will say that he does not want the shroud anymore.

However, he will still pay you for your efforts. Elpenor will then order you to kill a general named “The Wolf”.
You can equip the new head item Shroud of Penelope. It gives extra assassin damage and a critical (CRIT) chance.
The Big Break
Before you can begin your quest to take down the Wolf, you must first defeat the Cyclops, for which you need a strong ship. Go to the docks and speak with the man named Telemenes: he’ll be near an under-construction ship. Telemenes will give you a task to do if you want to take the ship.

He will hint that Cyclops is back in town and his ship is docked in Kleptous Bay. Follow the marker to the location; it is about 780m from where you are when you speak to Telemenes.
When you reach the location, Cyclops is seen torturing Barnabas (a character that later on becomes the second in command for your ship) The Eagle Bearer will soon enter the screen and feed the Cyclops’ eye to a goat.
This infuriates the Cyclops and starts a battle with him and his henchmen. Cyclops relies mainly on heavy attacks so dodge and hit him as fast as possible. Kill his men first to make the fight a little easier on yourself.

Once you clear out all enemies, free Barnabas and escort him to a cliff. He will then reveal his identity and offer his and his crew’s services for your ship. After this cutscene, head to Sami Harbor and talk to Telemenes once again.
Soon after, Markos enters the scene and asks for a hug. You can give him either a handshake or a hug. Afterward, another cutscene will pop up, revealing more of your tragic past. Right after, you’ll be met with a title drop, indicating the conclusion of Chapter 1.