Ark Valguero Salt Locations

We have provided extensive details and coordinates of the locations where players can find Salt in Ark Valguero.

Raw Salt is an important resource in Ark Valguero that increases the expiry time of inventory items. It can also be used to craft Preserved Salt with the help of Sulphur. Raw salt can be found in rock deposits, as well as bones and fossils found in different places on the Ark Valguero map.

The main use of Raw Salt is to increase the inventory time of your perishables before they go bad. Raw salt is also used to craft Preserving Salt with Sulphur, which increases the expiry time of any of the selected inventory items. Opposite to Raw Salt, Preserving Salt has an expiry time, so it’s best to craft it only when you need it.

Salt Location #1

Ark Valguero Salt

Plenty of salt deposits are easily found at the bottom of the canyon on the Southeast side of the Ark Valguero map. This canyon is situated between two White Cliffs mountains.

Once at the canyon, you can easily identify the shinier salt deposits than the normal rocks. Then use any tool like a pickaxe to harvest it. The coordinates of the location are given below:

  • 78 LAT
  • 90 LON

Salt Location #2

A cave on the Southeast side of the Ark Valguero map is close to where Deinonychus spawns and lays their eggs. This cave contains a massive amount of Raw Salt deposits.

The salt crystals look the same as they were in the canyon location. When you harvest the rocks for salt, you will receive stone as a by-product. The total amount of stone will be 50% of the total salt harvested. You can find the coordinates of the location given below:

  • 77 LAT
  • 71 LON

Salt Location #3

Ark Valguero Salt

In Ark Valguero, you can harvest Fossils and Bones for Raw Salt and Keratin. You can visit a cave near the Green Obelisk in Ark Valguero to find bone deposits. The process of harvesting is like harvesting salt from a rock. Just use any tool like a pickaxe to harvest it. The coordinates of the location are given below:

  • 49 LAT
  • 58 LON

Ali Hasan is writer at with a deep love for immersive action role-playing games and well-crafted narratives. His weapons of choice include controllers and keyboards.