Obsidian is a polymer used to craft many high-tier items and other things like scissors, magnifying glasses, cannonballs, etc. It is found near caves and mountains in Ark Valguero.
You can use either pickaxe, hatchet, or Ankylosaurus to harvest Obsidian from the smooth black rock. This may be an uncommon resource, but finding it is easy. This guide pinpoints the coordinates of places you must visit to farm Obsidian in Ark Valguero.
Location #1

The first area is at 84.8 Latitude and 40.3 Longitude at the hilltop in Redwood Forest.
Location #2

The next location is 83.0 Latitude and 19.2 Longitude in the western corner of the Redwoods biome. This area is rich in obsidian.
Location #3

The third location is at 34.1 Latitude and 28.0 Longitude in Tundra.
Location #4

Head to 29.3 Latitude and 42.3 Longitude in the Boreal Forest, and you will find many Obsidian.
Location #5

Southeast of the previous location, you will find another Obsidian farming spot at 36.0 Latitude and 50.1 Longitude in Boreal Forest.
Location #6

From the end of the Great Lake, move southeast in the Boreal Forest at 25.8 Latitude and 76.7 Longitude to farm more Obsidian in Ark Valguero.
Location #7

The next spot is in the White Cliffs area at 75.6 Latitude and 71.2 Longitude. Another location is close to this on the west side at 73.8 Latitude and 69.3 Longitude.