Honey is a rare resource in Ark Scorched Earth and is difficult to find. Honey can be used as a substitute for food. You can also use it to make Sweet Vegetable Cake and Extraordinary Kibble cooking recipes. You can also use it to lure or tame other creatures.
One thing you must remember about Honey is that you always need to keep Honey in the refrigerator as it has a quick spoiling time. If you don’t know where to find Honey in Ark Scorched Earth, then this guide will help you locate Honey.
Beehive Location in Ark Scorched Earth

There is only one location on the Scorched Earth map where you can visit to farm honey. For this, head directly east of the Red Obelisk towards the ruin entrance at 63.5 Latitude and 43.7 Longitude. Once you fly in, you will find beehives on the walls.
Taming Giant Queen Bee

With a limited amount of beehives in Ark Scorched Earth, the best way of getting unlimited honey is by taming Giant Queen Bees. The Queen Bees are found near beehives.
Once you locate a beehive, destroy it to lure the Queen out. Keep rare flowers, meat, or simple kibble in your food slot and feed it to the Queen whenever you get a chance to get near her.
Honey Spawn Command
To spawn Honey in Ark Scorched Earth, open the game’s console command box. To do so, press the following buttons according to your gaming device:
- TAB if you’re on PC
- L1, R1, Square, and Triangle if you’re on PlayStation
- LB, RB, X, and Y if you’re playing on Xbox
Once the console opens, type: cheat gfi Honey 1 1 0 and press enter to spawn the resource without having to find it.